Yes I see that, so there's three cohorts here:
- people who are doing the CG exploration because it ties into the colonisation narrative goal
- people who do explo anyway and consider this to be free money for something they were doing anyway
- people doing explo for 2.0 who now have to choose one at the expense of the other
You can see how this is frustrating for that third cohort, and it comes on top of the frustration of trying to use exploration for PP 2.0 in the first place.
You could say "well, as it happens, nobody was doing exploration for PP 2.0 anyway, because it's broken" but that's two wrongs not making a right, if you assume PP 2.0 and Colonisation have something to do with each other.
They should be though, otherwise where is the DLC strategy here? What is the storytelling arc? You've posted a good summary of how they fail to relate, because of how things have landed in the release calendar.
So the idea is players create local mini-factions, thus ignoring both PP 2.0 and BGS. And we have discussed elsewhere how Colonisation
IS tied to the factions mechanic.
Yep, get that, so we're bored of PP 2.0 already are we? This is like we had one Thargoid battle and then the Guardians popped up the other edge of the bubble and we went off and had a standalone battle with them instead. Actually there was a whole Thargoid war arc, which is how these things ought to work.
Free money for doing unintelligent things is what people usually end up calling "grind" and yeah that does not sound like exploration for any kind of in-universe reason.
That's fair, but see my first para above. Any new feature or loop or CG or even major content will affect some players and others will go "well, that's not for me." But for players who bought into PP 2.0 and pivoted onto it completely you can see how this is annoying. When I wrote my original comment I was actually thinking only of the mild annoyance of the change of direction, I hadn't realised until reply to Ian above that you now have to
choose not to use explo data for PP if you want the CG.
That's directly taking players off the latest hero content, so that's just silly. And indeed it's not all players, but it's a cohort and it will specifically be the
newest players who will be most confused.