Elite Dangerous | Trailblazers Update 1 - Thursday 6th March

I built an outpost (like completed it fully and walked around in it), but the Orbital Construction Site is still there?

Is this a bug that I should report, or is it something that goes away after the server tick?
In Fdevs own words yes
I must have totally missed that, thank you :)

Yes, but not a large enough amount to care about.

For much lower effort than colonising a system and building it up to get a higher weekly income, you could complete a couple of easy Powerplay weekly tasks each week, get into "top 50%" in your power, and get 5 million credits that way.

The process of colonising and building a system - unless you somehow convince some other players to do all the hauling for you - will also earn you active income far faster than the passive income.
Yes, I'm not completely dependent on getting something passively, but it's a welcome change (as long as you colonize far enough) to be able to operate your carrier more or less for free, for example, without having to do anything about it afterwards. Of course I have more than enough left over when I play regularly. But it's a nice feature
The problem is, it's not a queue. So politely attempting, failing, waiting 10mins, trying again. It just doesn't work. You need to spam the requests until you catch a free slot. Having wasted a weekend of not being able to move my FC someone pointed this out to me so I tried it and boom, got a slot with 2mins after repeating the request half a dozen times.
There is a queue, but it's limited in size and there's no queue to join the queue. If they had an unlimited queue size, the the jump wait time during busy periods would probably be many hours. I'm not convinced that that would be better.

I'm okay with the way it currently works, the people who really want to move their carrier can spend a couple of minutes spamming the request. Those that aren't too bothered will give up. Maybe it should be made more clear, adding "please try again" to the message.
Ever played Foxhole? You'll learn to abhorr the concept of a queue system if you do...
Wouldn't want to see a FC queue of 4hours + or something of the sort, even less the thought of for some reason if you lose connection or your game crashes you lose your queue position, only to come back and have an even longer wait time. It essentially need to consider your FC jump time to be set to avoid connection loss/crashes for that inconvenience, which considering how it works as of now it would already be similar except with even longer wait times
The queue would be entirely server side. Once a move request was received you wouldn't need to be even playing the game for the FC move to complete.

Fleet Carriers are server assets, hence why they aren't as flexible as player ships who can hop in and out of client instances. Server assets have to be mapped across all server instances. Changes to those servers have an overhead, hence the delays in moving them (they are basically defending the servers from asset overload being generated by player actions).

A queue would smooth out the peaks and troughs of player activity. However, if the peaks outway the toughs you are indeed correct that the queueing system would extend to a point of unusability. Average capacity would need to meet or exceed user activity to be viable.
There is a queue, but it's limited in size and there's no queue to join the queue. If they had an unlimited queue size, the the jump wait time during busy periods would probably be many hours. I'm not convinced that that would be better.

I'm okay with the way it currently works, the people who really want to move their carrier can spend a couple of minutes spamming the request. Those that aren't too bothered will give up. Maybe it should be made more clear, adding "please try again" to the message.
As a player I agree with you, but as a software developer what we're having to do makes my brain itch.

If any part of a system needs to be spammed to work, it's likely to fail at some point.
How about now?

EDSM says "Good" 😊

Greetings Commanders,

We are extending the Elite Dangerous maintenance as we work to address an issue. We anticipate this will be resolved around approximately 12:30PM UTC.

Thank you for your patience.
Couldn't you post such weekly maintenance notices in a separate thread?
Otherwise it would be difficult to obtain the information.
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