I think it was around 450Mb for Steam. Must be similar for Fdev. Epic was 1.2Gb.Can anyone tell me how big the update is please, I've lost home internet and Mobile data is limited, if the update is small enough I may be able to play.
I think it was around 450Mb for Steam. Must be similar for Fdev. Epic was 1.2Gb.Can anyone tell me how big the update is please, I've lost home internet and Mobile data is limited, if the update is small enough I may be able to play.
That's what I'm implying, volumetric effects are in game, it's not a technical limitation. Lack of volumetric clouds on atmospheric landable planets is more of a design choice, as clouds in these tenuous dry atmospheres would be a rare occasion only occurring under very specific conditions.
Thanks for that, was expecting something like 15Gb so 1.5Gb will be greatI think it was around 450Mb for Steam. Must be similar for Fdev. Epic was 1.2Gb.
I absolutely agree about the superfluous amounts of material grades, especially as in many cases it's just 5 copies of the same thing (focus crystals, anyone?) that were blatantly put in to pad out perceived 'variety'. They genuinely could remove everything but G5 materials, adjust costs of blueprints to just be 1-2-3-4-5 according to the grade, and there would be nothing different about the system, just a lot simpler.Certainly - and especially now that missions grant a full range of G5s - to the point where it would be simpler to remove the lower-grade materials from the game entirely because they no longer serve any real purpose.
In the hypothetical I was talking about where G5 acquisition actually involves any sort of challenge and a player wants to avoid all sorts of challenge, then getting lower grades and trading up would be a highly inefficient but much less challenging alternative for them to get a few non-combat modules engineered.
It wouldn't have been anywhere near as bad if they'd stuck with the Elite/FE2/FFE model where any ship with even moderate equipment capacity (Cobra III and up, say) can do multiple different things well at the same time, and therefore you only needed to engineer one or two ships. The ever-increasing tendency to encourage everyone to have fifty ultra-specialised ships which are utterly incapable outside their one niche is one I really wish they hadn't started on.
(Obviously ten years in this has largely filtered the player base to people who want fleets of ultra-specialists, so making the build process quick makes a lot of sense)
I like them, making the lines a little thicker seems the obvious solution to the AA issue & I always have them on so none of the pre-existing bugs affected me anyway (apart from disappearing exclusion lines around neutron stars & White Dwarfs where I'm not sure it's actually a bug anyway).Is there any feedback on the thicker orbit lines?
Uglier than the Keelback or T6? I think not.I really love this update. I spent a little over 2 hours last night collecting materials and today, engineering my Python ... oo err.
The Type 8's pretty cool but is easily the ugliest thing in game.
Wait. So none of the other sources of mats are improved? Only farming at HGEs? Normal sources are now not even worth looking at?
Been to Dav's yesterday, and it seems unchanged material wise. Jameson Crash Site has been buffed, you know get 12-20 G4/G5 mats from those. And HGE's of course has also been buffed.
Also I am sure they added new light posts to Dav's, which should block bots from completing dav runs automatically.
So the materials for manufactured have obviously been increased, and raw wasn't exactly difficult to begin with. BUt when it comes to data still..
The material "drops" per scan/pickup are not changed, as far as I know, just the quantities spawned for certain sites like Jameson's Cobra, or the HGEs.Has anyone else noticed if there's an increase with Encoded/Data materials? My spouse and I usually head to Plucker Relay (BD+10 5022 A 1 b) for G4/G5 encoded mats but we are getting the exact same amount as before (3 a pop).
I've been to Jameson's Cobra but I wasn't actually paying attention to how much it was giving me. I assume it's supplying extra since that's where many CMDRs are suggesting to go for the CG. I figured that Fdev just increased a 'loot table' rather than altering individual sites. But this doesn't seem to be the case.
I'm in the top 10% for the encoded mats CG but I burnt through all of my G4/G5 mats because I assumed that encoded drops were increased so I would have no problem replacing them.
We were going to go try wake scanning but hoping someone know's if they've been buffed before we sink the small amount of time we have into doing that for not much.
So no mats from any of my defended systems... sadd. Oh well, they'll work out the kinks I guess.Did anyone receive any mats for freeing Rajuarpai today? Or how does that work FDEV?
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Yeah, seems a bit wonky right now. Assisted in the defense of both Jawul and Ngolite around Rajin, got a grand total of zilch when both completed. Server hamsters seem to be on prolonged leave in some of the wheels.So no mats from any of my defended systems... sadd. Oh well, they'll work out the kinks I guess.
That's not the update I thought it was thenThe material "drops" per scan/pickup are not changed, as far as I know, just the quantities spawned for certain sites like Jameson's Cobra, or the HGEs.
Emphasis mine. To me this reads that all materials, including encoded, were being increased. Why else say "across the board"? I'm not one to complain about updates (as I'm sure you know Kira, I tend to be rainbows and unicorns) but this is kinda disappointing and not really an overhaul of the whole engineering system. Course, I'm feeling more bitter about it given I just used all my G4 and G5 encoded materials down and cross trading them for the CG so now I'm going to have a massive grind on my hands for getting those back to do engineering.Materials
We’re increasing the number of materials you’re getting across the board from various sources. We’ve increased material availability at Grade 4/5 farming locations by increasing the number of sources of materials and in some cases payout per source.
- https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/type-8-update-now-available
… I would not do that CG even if it was about manufactured mats (with all current buffs). Imo players should learn to gather materials on the go instead farming them … it’s much more fun from playing and one would think twice to participate on imo silly CG which asks players to throw mats out of window. I think failed once into this’trap’ long time ago and got my lesson. It’s very likely also a reason than amount of my stored encoded data is the lowest when compared with raw and manufactured.Course, I'm feeling more bitter about it given I just used all my G4 and G5 encoded materials down and cross trading them for the CG so now I'm going to have a massive grind on my hands
Emphasis mine. To me this reads that all materials, including encoded, were being increased. Why else say "across the board"?
Which is something I do indeed do. Part of why my encoded materials were maxed out. I am the type of person however that actually likes the grind. The issue currently is that I have far less time than I used to so not having to spend so much time on mats was a welcome change.… I would not do that CG even if it was about manufactured mats (with all current buffs). Imo players should learn to gather materials on the go instead farming them … it’s much more fun from playing and one would think twice to participate on imo silly CG which asks players to throw mats out of window. I think failed once into this’trap’ long time ago and got my lesson. It’s very likely also a reason than amount of my stored encoded data is the lowest when compared with raw and manufactured.
I've checked three places - Plucker Relay, a Distribution Centre (Famine system) for scanning wakes, and Jameson's crashed Cobra. Only the crash site has an increased amount. Plucker Relay still has the same number of thingies to scan that each give three mats (exact same as pre-patch) and scanning wakes also gives 3 mats (exact same as pre-patch).es encoded should have been increased, and indeed they were increased as far as I can tell from the site I have visited, but maybe double or triple not the huge increase we saw in HGE's. Still got a few sites to check, maybe some sites will give more than others