Elite Dangerous | Update 18.06 | Thargoid War overhaul |Tuesday 28 May 2024

Just an experience from last night about Thargoid difficulty. I was in on a Hydra kill with a lot of other CMDRs. I'm a rubbish AX pilot with a decent build. I hung off 4km away with my long-range thermal-vent beam laser turrets cooling me to 1% and doing continuous damage. The swarm never noticed me. Occasionally I crept closer to fire AXMCs at a heart, but very cautiously.

It was eventually a great victory just before Thargsday. The point is that if everyone fought like me, the Hydra would probably have shrugged it all off and gone away laughing. But in a group situation I was able to make a real contribution even with my lack of knowledge and non-meta build.
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I'm flying in the MI AXCZ right now, it's nothing. All the difference from the easy zone is a large number of scouts and for closing give 10 million. There is no point in such a zone.
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