Elite Dangerous - Your Powerplay 2.0 Questions

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PP2 sounds like a most complex system, where you need need help developing and balancing properly. Why is Frontier missing a revenue making opportunity and not creating a PP2 Pay for early access Beta ? So the seasoned CMDR's can help you make this right on (Commander), first time and make a bit of money.
During PP v1, powers could be made unreasonably vulnerable to deep and damaging turmoils by detrimental fortification patterns during turmoil that would either be carried out intentionally by bad actors, or emerge from erstwhile idle pledges suddenly fortifying strongly in an uncontrolled or coincidentally perfectly detrimental way. This affected some powers more than others, for no fault of their own. If there is to be no territorial "reset", then is there some other way to redress the imbalances that have emerged, once PP2.0 is introduced?
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On FU you said that the decision at the time is you did not know if it would be PP2 Open only or not. Once you make this decision, can you please explain in detail your reasoning that drived you to your design conclusion ?
Is PP2 going to make Systems owned by powers actually "Dangerous". Not just from other CMDR's, but from NPC's as well ?
Are you going to squeeze any Quality of Life or other fixes into the PP2 Build, which will actually benefit all CMDR's?
Is a lone CMDR going actualy be able to make a noticable/measureable difference in a PP2 Star System ? Or is it all about group/mass gameplay ?
One of the complaints about PP1.0 was that players knew for a long time about issues that impaired the system, but were not able to effect positive change through feedback. Will FDev carefully canvass feedback from the communities that emerge around PP2.0 and the community at large to iteratively improve the system, close loopholes, foil exploits, etc., for long enough to secure the system's future?
I've done well in PP2 for my power faction, but now i want to explore, trade, AXI, something else for a while. How does this effect my PP2 experience assuming my tier rank does not decay? Should I leave my power now ?
Can I Pledge/Unpledge at any time ? In Any Star System or do you need to be a particular Powers location ?
I am in a Powers Controlled system and there are Powers Capital Ships and Carrier Assets. What is a pledged CMDR going to be able see/access/do ? What is a other alligned power CMDR going ot be able to see/access/do ? What is a Non Power Play Pledged CMDR going to be able to see/access/do ?
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