Emperor's Grace - Your Imperial Home

Add CMDR Worminator I'll jump on TS this weekend. I'm sort of new and still in my sidewinder but I have 600k or so to upgrade I'd like to find a new home before I buy a new ship. Where do you guys hang out? I'm not in Imperial space at the moment however I have made Liaedin my home as it is the only Imperial system out where I am at.

Currently LTT 9810 is our home. Talk to you this weekend.


Updated the main post to reflect the TeamSpeak 3 theme we have created. Thank you all for your input. I intend to start working on a voice pack soon.
Based out of Nambal (used to be trading the Cordenet/Amphisatsu circuit, but it got kinda crowded after the slave revolts at Sorbago etc., and trading profits dropped rather). Friendly with a bunch of Empire factions and Allied with one. Would definitely be interested in joining you guys, and willing to share info on trading, outfitting, black marketeering etc. opportunities in my corner of the Empire.

CMDR Turnip in-game.

!!Bask in His Greatness!!
We've been recognized by FD in the most recent newsletter!

Come join one of ED's fastest growing Empire communities!
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Hail to the Emperor baby!!

All Hail the great Emperor and fear his Glory and Power! All shall fall before the collective might of his Fleets!
These guys are fun to be around. Been with them for a few days. Lots of knowledgeable people about the game.

started Saturday. And with the help and info from them, basically more info I am now in a viper.

No dram I have seen yet. Only RP guild vs guild. mainly the other guild crying about getting their butts kicked.

Good place to start.


Who was crying about getting their butts kicked?

By most accounts there is a bit of E-drama kicking off between the Achenar Syndicate (which is one of the groups that make up the Emperor's Grace) and whatever could be considered the Elite equivalent of Goonswarm. There's a massive thread about this on the forums somewhere else entitled "Who are the Emperor's Grace?"
Although I know about them, it was not them. Peace has been made with GS. We play with others, and some people cry about losing. That's just how kid get.

Ex: just because u got an ASP. don't mean you are super. This kid fitting was bad, and unbalanced.

Just saying, I have a good time with these guys.
Hi, I'm Tolstoy, brand new to the game, and my friend and I are looking to make our way out to the Empire to join up and fight the Federation scum. I'm currently at Nerthus, but not really sure where to go from there to get involved with anything. Any tips for a noob on what to do?


How many groups make up the coalition now? VOLCSPAC is planning a prolonged sortie into Durius over this weekend, so you're all more than welcome to join us for a little combined ops fun :)
Hi, I'm Tolstoy, brand new to the game, and my friend and I are looking to make our way out to the Empire to join up and fight the Federation scum. I'm currently at Nerthus, but not really sure where to go from there to get involved with anything. Any tips for a noob on what to do?

If you're intested, click on my signature pic. It will take you to the EG website, where, once registered in our network, you can access our teamspeak and talk to us in person. We'd be more than happy to help you and your friend out.

How many groups make up the coalition now? VOLCSPAC is planning a prolonged sortie into Durius over this weekend, so you're all more than welcome to join us for a little combined ops fun :)

Currently EG is made up of Achenar Syndicate, and the Imperial Security Service. A third group, dedicated to trade, is in the works. EG is always open to more groups that are focused on the Empire to join our ranks. We offer private forum space on our website, private rooms for your group in our Teamspeak server, and a large support network through friendly collaboration with the groups and independent members within EG.
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