engineers reputation

How do you gain reputation with the engineers. Do you pick mods off them. Eg long range then upgrade it. Then do same again
Yes, the most direct way is simply to use them to mod things - bear in mind that to increase your reputation with them you must do the mods at the actual engineer, using the remote workshop with a pinned blueprint does not increase your reputation with an engineer.

Cartographic data works for some, bounties or combat bonds for others. Basically, anything you are able to hand in and sell at a specific engineers base will increase your reputation with that engineer.
Yes, the most direct way is simply to use them to mod things - bear in mind that to increase your reputation with them you must do the mods at the actual engineer, using the remote workshop with a pinned blueprint does not increase your reputation with an engineer.

Cartographic data works for some, bounties or combat bonds for others. Basically, anything you are able to hand in and sell at a specific engineers base will increase your reputation with that engineer.
Where does it show you what rep you are on. Got access grade 5
Getting a module to grade 4 will almost always max out an engineer. Try to pick a mod that uses more common resources.

An engineer at G5 can generally do g1-2 in 1 attempt so it's well worth maxing them all out asap and getting some good pinned blueprints
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