Escort missions / as hired escort or hiring an escort for yourself

Scenario 1: You are hired as an escort for various types of npcs (traders, miners, military, people transporters. etc)

Missions available to accept if you are equipped with a ship that has adequate jump range for the route the escort is taking.
Upon accepting the mission, you must meet your escort at a given position at a certain time (usually within 5-10 min) .
Once contact is made a series of high jumps and super cruise sequences will occur. You will have to maintain a certain distance and timing to jumps to succeed.
At any point during these sequences the escort may be attacked by npcs (or other human players).
Failure to defend your escort results in failure. Failure to maintain timing and distance to the escort results in failure.
Exiting the game results in failure.

Success results in opportunities for higher pay and more risky escorts.

Missions can only be taken individually (you can't be in a wing). Nav plots are loaded into your ships computer reaching initial rendezvous point. Only one escort mission can be active at a single time.
Escort missions can only be taken if you are allied with the faction giving them.
Missions will have an estimated total time (assuming no attacks) and include the destination and origin but not the path.

These missions are dynamically created for every user. Two different players will not get the same escort mission. The npc escort(s) are spawned by the player who took the mission and are tied to their client. Due to the nature of how this game does networking, this means combat logging could steal kills from another player - however the client will spawn a wing of hostile npcs if a human player is suddenly disconnected from the player's instance (or the escorter player blocks the other cmdr(s)). If a escorter disconnects from the fdev server (returns to main menu or etc) then they fail the mission.

You will get a bonus for every hostile ship you destroy that has attacked the ship you are escorting or any of it's escorts.

Scenario 2: You are hiring a varying number of npcs to escort you for a given time

Options for different lengths of time and jump distance limits will be available to hire similar to crew members but are temporary for the contracted time.
You can hire up to 3 escorts to be active at a given time. you will be limited to the jump distance of your escorts while they are active.
You cannot be in a wing while having hired escorts.
They will maintain in a defensive stance around your ship as you jump and supercrise and fly in normal space for the contracted time.

Your escorts will not fire upon ships you attack first - and they will disband if you do. Hired escorts are for defense only. They will respond to your ship being attacked or any of your other escorts.
Stations will not attack escorts if escorts are triggered to respond while in a nfz. NFZ rules still apply to human players.
Hiring defensive escorts is non-refundable. you pay up front. Your escort will not disband or abandon you unless you breach the contract. They will fight to the death if necessary and be far more skilled than your npc crew tend to be.

Different systems and stations will offer different varieties of loadouts of available hirable escorts. Your reputation as an escort yourself also plays into the quality of the escorts available for you to hire.

Hiring escorts would be helpful for community goal travels or mining in busy areas or simply trucking good thru populated systems in a ship that is otherwise not very great at defending itself. They will cost a certain base amount of credits, and any hostilities will incur a hazard fee that is determined by the quantity of enemies that open fire on the wing and combat ranking of them. Hazard fees can stack.
I'll thumbs up on principle, especially scenario 1. Don't expect scenario 2 to protect you from players, of course! Though if they have FSD disruption they could stop the pursuer from re-entering supercruise. If they were competent interdictors they could outride for you and waylay potential assailants ahead of you too.

I'd add a "scenario 3" of system security outriders that perform the same task in systems with a current high player kill stat for free. They sidle into your path when you enter the system and sweep through to your destination interdicting high bounty/notorious players.
More mission variety can only be a good thing.
Not really. They need to split the mission boards up into categories a-la the segregated passenger mission board before they should introduce more mission types. That, or make states/ gov/eco introduce harder delimitation of the types of mission available
Not really. They need to split the mission boards up into categories a-la the segregated passenger mission board before they should introduce more mission types. That, or make states/ gov/eco introduce harder delimitation of the types of mission available
I don't think I've ever seen someone argue for less content in a game, especially optional content like missions. Is this more that you prefer they prioritize organization first, you don't like this particular idea, or that you are content with the current mission types?
Not really. They need to split the mission boards up into categories a-la the segregated passenger mission board before they should introduce more mission types. That, or make states/ gov/eco introduce harder delimitation of the types of mission available

Its a valid concern. I've often thought they need to turn the mission generation on its head and rather than having a board of missions instead you go to the contact and they say "What are you looking for?" and you say "I'm looking to haul some goods" or "I'm looking for some planetary work" etc. Then, based on system state, etc, you get offered a mission.

As for escort missions, yeah, its something i've felt lacking from the archetype missions on offer. You generally have go deliver, go fetch (just go deliver in reverse), go see (go deliver without a delivery), go kill (go deliver pain), some others i'm probably missing. But we don't have go escort (which is go deliver but what you are delivering is external to you).
I don't think I've ever seen someone argue for less content in a game, especially optional content like missions. Is this more that you prefer they prioritize organization first, you don't like this particular idea, or that you are content with the current mission types?
Fundamentally, the mission boards as currently implemented are, as far as I'm concerned, at their technical limits (I'd argue beyond their technical limits and overdue for a rework).

I go into much more detail in this thread:

Suffice to say, it's already incredibly difficult to find an activity you want to do because as currently implemented the boards generate too much variety which gives inherent unreliability to the mission board for players seeking an activity.

Adding more mission types just makes that worse... it's already too common an occurrence that you might hit up a corporate faction in a boom state in an Extraction economy, and you get a board full of delivery missions... or maybe you don't and just get a board full of salvage and wetwork missions instead.

I go more into this in the post above, but there's massive waste in the board generation... after you go through a simple start point like "i want to do trade missions for an Imperial faction", you're lucky if even 1% of missions generated are of interest to you... adding more types without breaking the boards down into categories like "trade", "combat" in the same vein as the passenger board contributes further to that waste.

Some beer coaster maths, but for any given state, economy and government combo, you have potentially over 20 different types of missions (without going into flavours) that can spawn for a faction which will offer around 10-15 missions. Given only 25% of those mission types will be of interest to you, your chances of getting an activity you want to do are very low. On top of that, mission generation is blobby (an board generation efficiency measure i suspect)... so as soon as you see one type, you see lots of it, so much so you only ever see around 4 or 5 types of mission offered by a faction for any given board. That means you may need to wait for several regenerations before you see, say, a mining mission (because I've got my mining vessel to hand, and feel like mining today).

Adding more mission types just makes that experience progressively worse

Note: this is what makes edge- cases like Robigo and sothis work... their location and surrounds create a bunch of redundant cases in the generation algorithm making the resulting boards more homogenous and predictable... making them popular because you can just come on and do what you wanted to straight away.
Fundamentally, the mission boards as currently implemented are, as far as I'm concerned, at their technical limits (I'd argue beyond their technical limits and overdue for a rework).

I go into much more detail in this thread:

Suffice to say, it's already incredibly difficult to find an activity you want to do because as currently implemented the boards generate too much variety which gives inherent unreliability to the mission board for players seeking an activity.

Adding more mission types just makes that worse... it's already too common an occurrence that you might hit up a corporate faction in a boom state in an Extraction economy, and you get a board full of delivery missions... or maybe you don't and just get a board full of salvage and wetwork missions instead.

I go more into this in the post above, but there's massive waste in the board generation... after you go through a simple start point like "i want to do trade missions for an Imperial faction", you're lucky if even 1% of missions generated are of interest to you... adding more types without breaking the boards down into categories like "trade", "combat" in the same vein as the passenger board contributes further to that waste.

Some beer coaster maths, but for any given state, economy and government combo, you have potentially over 20 different types of missions (without going into flavours) that can spawn for a faction which will offer around 10-15 missions. Given only 25% of those mission types will be of interest to you, your chances of getting an activity you want to do are very low. On top of that, mission generation is blobby (an board generation efficiency measure i suspect)... so as soon as you see one type, you see lots of it, so much so you only ever see around 4 or 5 types of mission offered by a faction for any given board. That means you may need to wait for several regenerations before you see, say, a mining mission (because I've got my mining vessel to hand, and feel like mining today).

Adding more mission types just makes that experience progressively worse

Note: this is what makes edge- cases like Robigo and sothis work... their location and surrounds create a bunch of redundant cases in the generation algorithm making the resulting boards more homogenous and predictable... making them popular because you can just come on and do what you wanted to straight away.
There are a raft of menu reorganisations needed in this and other areas - e.g. an expandable list of types with a "+" to click etc. Same for stored modules, engi materials, for instance. Anything where you need to click-scroll for longer than a second because everything is dumped together becomes painful. Even a simple filter set on these menus, similar to the navigation tab, might be an option.
The problem with Escort missions is that it is really tricky to program those... and calling the AI stupid is far to nice word to use....

The only escort mission I can see would be viable would be wing escort missions, where one player in the wing is the one that needs escorted and the rest in the wing is the ones protecting their friend. and the throw NPC against this player group.
An addition to the scenarios that seem to me quite easy to implement in the mechanics of the game. And which greatly diversify the process.
Option 1
The ability to hire NPC pilots not only for the escort fighter, but also for one or more of your previously purchased ships and the ability to include them in your wing to perform various missions in the game .. with some behavior priority settings. Like attack my enemy, attack all enemies. . to protect my ship. Etc .

Scenario 2 is the ability to recruit NPC pilots with different ships and pilot skill levels to carry out their missions with similar behavior settings. with the inclusion in the wing of the 3rd scenario option is to hire yourself into the wing of the NPC pilots to carry out their missions.
Addition. It would be nice to add something like the mechanic X4: Foundations to the game. Ability to build your own stations. Send your purchased ships with pilots hired by NPCs on automatic trade missions. On a mission to protect a system or station. On the mission of mining. On the mission of automatic exploration of systems.
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