Essential aviary animals

1. King vulture
2. Scarlet macaw
3. Toco toucan
4. Blue and yellow macaw
5. Laughing kookaburra
6. Barn owl
7. Cockatiel
8. Budgie
9. Cockatoo
10. Channel-billed Toucan
11. Red-breasted Toucan
12. Plush-crested Jay
13. Hyacinth Macaw
14. Jandaya Parakeet
15. Monk Parakeet
16. Turquoise-fronted Parrot
17. Golden Parakeet
18. Red-tailed Parrot
19. Pileated Parrot
20. Lovebird (any)
21. Red-crested Cardinal
22. Bird of paradise
23. Bare-throated Bellbird
24. Harpy eagle
25. Mantled Hawk
26. Andean condor
27. Swallow-tailed Kite
28. Striped Owl
29. Tawny-browed Owl
30. Pigeon or dove (any)
1 - Shoebill Stork
2 - Secretary Bird
3 - Hyacinth Macaw
4 - Snowy Owl
5 - Roseate Spoonbill
6 - African Grey Parrot
7 - Birds of Paradise
8 - Pelicans
9 - Griffon Vulture
10 - Rainbow Lorikeet
11 - Bearded Vulture
12 - Toucan
13 - Flying Fox
14 - White-necked raven
15 - Harpy Eagle
  1. Mourning Dove
  2. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
  3. Many-colored Fruit Dove
  4. Jambu Fruit Dove
  5. Pink-headed Fruit Dove
  6. Nicobar Pigeon
  7. Bald Eagle
  8. Javan Sparrow
  9. Harpy Eagle
  10. Red-tailed Hawk
  11. Golden Eagle
  12. Southern Caracara
  13. Barred Owl
  14. Barn Owl
  15. Great-horned Owl
  16. Eurasian Eagle Owl
  17. White-faced Scoops Owl
  18. Peregrine Falcon
  19. California Condor
  20. Andean Condor
  21. Egyptian Vulture
  22. King Vulture
  23. Rodrigues Flying Fox
  24. Malayan Flying Fox
  25. Spectacled Flying Fox
  26. Ghost Bat
  27. Scarlet Macaw
  28. Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
  29. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
  30. Crowned Hornbill
  1. .
  2. Yellow Crested Cockatoo.
  3. .
  4. Eurasian Eagle Owl.
  5. Spix's Macaw.
  6. Shoebill.
  7. .
  8. Glaucous Macaw.
  9. .
  10. Goshawk.
  11. Snowy Owl.
  12. Quetzal.
  13. Scarlet Macaw.
  14. Indian Eagle Owl.
  15. .
  16. Blue Bird of Paradise.
  17. Andean Condor.
  18. Osprey.
  19. .
  20. Tawny Owl.
  21. .
  22. Hyacinth Macaw.
  23. Hooded Pitohui.
  24. Turkey Vulture.
  25. Peregrine Falcon.
  26. Striped Owl.
  27. Toco Toucan.
  28. Brehm's Tiger Parrot.
  29. Blue - Throated Macaw.
  30. Great Hornbill.
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Here's my list:

1. Eurasian eagle owl
2. Barn owl
3. secretary bird
4. Bearded vulture
5. Scarlet ibis
6. Scarlet macaw
7. Blue-and-yellow macaw
8. Budgie
9. Laughing kookaburra
10. Mandarin duck
11. Golden pheasant
12. Bald eagle
13. Stellar's sea eagle
14. Toco toucan
15. Pied avocet
1. Scarlet Macaw
2. Californian Condor
3. Toco Toucan
4. Bald Eagle
5. Scarlet Ibis
6. Eurasian Eagle-Owl
7. Peregrine Falcon
8. Sulpher-crested Cockatoo
9. Laughing Kookaburra
10. Birds of Paradise
11. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
12. King-Vulture
13. Village Weaver
14. Great-Blue Turaco
15. Rupicola
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