EVO's newest upload about JWE2 and Frontier

He makes some good points, but still can't see that most of his own requests don't actually do much that improve the longevity of the game either. Adding more maps and building sets is still just a temporary boost, if we continue to ignore the core gameplay loop needing more depth and expansion we are doomed. The game isn't very engaging and struggles to retain player interests 1-2 months after a new release expansion or DLC. Fundamentally, you are still just doing the same thing as before, and that has to change.
To add to that, regardless of what I agree or disagree on your end, Tri-Claw Gaming knows absolutely nothing about game production and how and why it works. Which is why, as much as my heart goes to how he feels in an opinion standpoint, I don’t ever recommend his JWE2 content very much for information, like ever. Besides, as underwhelming as things may seem to him, it’s entirely possible that these DLCs and updates have already been planned long ahead of time before any layoffs happened to Frontier, because the scoping, planning, and production of such stuff takes much longer than one may think. Plus, layoffs aren’t an instant effect as anyone else may think.
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To add to that, regardless of what I agree or disagree on your end, Tri-Claw Gaming knows absolutely nothing about game production and how and why it works. Which is why, as much as my heart goes to how he feels in an opinion standpoint, don’t ever recommend his JWE2 content very much for information, like ever. Besides, as underwhelming as things may seem to him, it’s entirely possible that these DLCs and updates have already been planned long ahead of time before any layoffs happened to Frontier, because the scoping, planning, and production of such stuff takes much longer than one may think. Plus, layoffs aren’t an instant effect as anyone else may think.
Adding to this, many content creators have repeated over and over again that Planet Zoo would end. Well, here we are, years later, still getting DLC.
Content creators are very limited in their information. There are very few I'd actually trust in info, most notably Leaf Productions, Old Country, and SalamAnders. Those 3 are YouTubers who are big members on the official forums, so they're far more likely to get better info and feedback than the other content creators
Adding to this, many content creators have repeated over and over again that Planet Zoo would end. Well, here we are, years later, still getting DLC.
Content creators are very limited in their information. There are very few I'd actually trust in info, most notably Leaf Productions, Old Country, and SalamAnders. Those 3 are YouTubers who are big members on the official forums, so they're far more likely to get better info and feedback than the other content creators
Frontier have also expressed positivity about getting back on track in all RNS, Interim, and Annual reports this year you can find on their website, despite their failure to make money with non-CMS games and portfolios, like that Foundary publishing portfolio they ceased long time ago this year. And what the layoffs MAY effect, this isn’t a guarantee, are DLCs for any existing games and unreleased titles for 2024 and beyond because of how long ago those layoffs may have happened this year. What those effects will be, I can’t say for every respective DLC and game.
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  1. Guest Management
  2. Deeper Management Systems
    1. Revamped Paleomedical System
    2. Vehicular Repair System
  3. New Catastrophes
    1. Ensuring more than 1 Catastrophe per biome
  4. New Utility structures
    1. Storm Defense Stations (w/forecasts)
    2. Dinosaur lures
    3. Dinosaur Repellants
    4. etc.
  5. New Attractions
    1. River Cruise
    2. Combat Arena
    3. Treetop Gazers
    4. etc.
In other words, I need more game in my game. Stop locking new features behind DLC stagnating the base game, and stop locking them to specific game modes (Challenge, Campaign, Sandbox, etc). The game as a whole needs to improve the exact way they handled the Dinosaur Wrangling feature. The feature is included as part of a free update, but there is a paid DLC that utilizes it in a scripted scenario. This would let Frontier build upon their own work over time rather than trying to reinvent the wheel for every expansion/update. Right now the game stays relatively shallow because a lot of useful tools or potentially useful ones can't be improved because you need to own a previous DLC first which limits who is likely to purchase the new one.

For example, the insectivore feeder and lagoon platforms respectively require you buy a species pack to unlock. These features are then never going to get improved upon and expanded because its reliant on the player owning the packs first. First thing management is going to look at is how their customer base is split and therefore their profit margins slashed in half, so don't count on it. That is my fear that this is happening already and I wish they went back to putting the core feature into the base game. Might not make sense right now to give away the lagoon platform when only the DLC species can use it, but if a new DLC is added that has more species that use it, you are having part of your pack inaccessible to those purchased only the new DLC.
Source: https://youtu.be/uzJh5lEQ7UU?si=I1q7klGIrCPJ3Sb3

Some great ideas that are more realistic for updates going forward including,

Decorative kelp for the lagoons.
Adding the vending machine as a decoration.
Some more alternate skins for Triceratops 1993
T-rex 65 Mya
Velociraptor 1997

Lagoon spotlight as a land decoration.
Walking animation for the Quetzalcoatlus.

Food carts as decorations.
More signs featuring other animals in our parks as decorations.

The return of the big tree.

The return of the hybrids.

The return of the herbivore feeders.

Guest fencing.

Turn off dinosaur panicking.

Lifting the restriction for older consoles.

Optimizing game play.

Adding a river cruise attraction.
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If it is that, I can't wait to use the Sierra Nevada snow map for those species.

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