Release [Explorer's Application] Captain's Log

CL2 v2.2.2 is now available for download and use!

Download from here:

If you wish to report bugs/issues, please use #full_release_bug_reports in the Captain's Log Discord. Do give that channel a quick scan upwards to see if the issue you have found has been discussed previously, before reporting, that and #known-issues.

2.2.2 Changelog

- [FIX] Add an informative message window when CL can't detect the existence of a My Pictures system folder on Windows. CL will exit cleanly, and will keep displaying this message on startup until the user has sorted out the missing My Pictures problem.

- [FIX] A bug was added to CL2 when a previous fix to check for and add a couple of missing Supergiant star types was added, resulting in brand new users ending up with a new and blank GALAXY database which only had the two supergiant star classes in its startypes table. This resulted in a crash in the DB Interface when it couldn't find any of the other star types when adding scans.

- [FIX] There was a bug in the JournalParser which couldn't handle Journal entries with Screenshot Events which had a blank FileName, which caused JournalParser to crash.

- [FIX] Ensure that the list of Player Journal files is sorted before handing it to the rest of the Journal Importer code. This ensures that the Jumps/Scans etc. data is processed in the proper order, and thus displayed in the proper order in the Jump Table.

- [MISC] updated copyright dates in the Splash and About dialogs.

- [FIX] EDSM Nightly Dump Import : Apparently, shiboken can't cope with converting a Python long integer over a certain value, which meant the code to download the EDSM nightly dump started crashing as soon as it reached a certain amount of GB in size. So work around that by passing a float version of the size instead of an integer in the custom Qt dlProgress Signal. That seems to work juuuust fine.

- Version updated to 2.2.2

Enjoy! o7
It's been a while, but CL2 v2.3.0 is now available for download and use, with new things and bugfixes!

Download from here:

Full changelogs published on that download page (and whilst using the installer).

Uninstall the previous version before installing this new one.
Backup your DB files before running the new version.

If you wish to report bugs/issues, please use #full_release_bug_reports in the Captain's Log Discord. Do give that channel a quick scan upwards to see if the issue you have found has been discussed previously, before reporting. That and #known-issues.

Regards o7

Version 2.4.0 is a feature release.

Introducing the new BioTracker; keep track of what you're sampling and how far you are from the 1st and 2nd samples.

Full changelogs and downloads available on the CL website:
Bug reports/issues go to the CL Discord.

Enjoy! o7


p.s. I streamed it in action; about 25 minutes into the stream...
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Captain's Log v2.5.2 Released: Another Speedup And More Tweaks And Fixes.

Due to the large amount of changes in the 2.5.x releases, a number of bugs cropped up, as well as database session exhaustion which was the cause of a lot of problems.

This 2.5.2 release fixes the DB session exhaustion, some other fixes, and also has a speedup in the Planet Table...

Download from here.

Regards o7


v2.5.2 Changelogs:

[SPEEDUP] - On every planet scan, instead of clearing and redrawing everything in the Planet Table, just insert a new row in the correct order instead. Not only does this make the Planet Table update faster, it makes the Overlay planet data display faster too.

[FIX] - CL was suffering from database session "exhaustion", causing weird function crashes and side-effects like the Planet Table not updating, amongst other things. Fixed by supplying each DB function in the DBInterface class its own session.

[FIX] - similarly to above, supply lots of CL main loop functions with their own DB session. Also make them use the Parser DBInterface, ensuring they're getting freshly updated data from the database.

[FIX] - in DBInterface(): isnavbeacondata(), use the intended one_or_none() instead of one() in database query, which prevents a failure due to NoResultFound.

[MISC] - renamed a DBInterface function for clarity of code.

[MISC] - When testing for events, test for SAAScanComplete, FSSBodySignals, and SAASignalsFound before looking for Scan (race condition prevention).

[MISC] - Remove an unneeded argument when creating a Jump db session.

[MISC] - remove unused variable from some function calls.

[MISC] - format jump distance to two decimal points with zeroes in Jump Table. Also align to the right for neatness.

[MISC] - remove calculation of total stars value from planet table widget class.

[MISC] - remove calculation of total planets value from planet table widget.

[MISC] - redraw the system data when coming out of the galaxy browser.

[MISC] - rewired update of total system value to suit the new method of adding a scanned planet to the planet table.

I've been away from the game for several months and had just decided to start ED up again.
So I was updating the several tools I am using and also Captain's Log.

My old version was 2.2.2 and the current version was 2.5.1.
I uninstalled the 2.2.2 version and reinstalled the 2.5.1 version.

The program starts and works OK up until the overlay is activated?
Then there is an fatal error in a script and the program then terminates.

I have also tried version 2.5.2 but that has the same problem for me?

I've edited the captainslog2.ini file and changed enable_main_overlay to False
Now the program just terminates without the any error message

Please advise to what can be done to make the program work?
I really want to be able to work with the latest additions for biologicals
Thanks for your reply.

I've been away from the game for several months and had just decided to start ED up again.
So I was updating the several tools I am using and also Captain's Log.

My old version was 2.2.2 and the current version was 2.5.1.
I uninstalled the 2.2.2 version and reinstalled the 2.5.1 version.

The program starts and works OK up until the overlay is activated?
Then there is an fatal error in a script and the program then terminates.
View attachment 315980
I have also tried version 2.5.2 but that has the same problem for me?

I've edited the captainslog2.ini file and changed enable_main_overlay to False
Now the program just terminates without the any error message

Please advise to what can be done to make the program work?
I really want to be able to work with the latest additions for biologicals
Thanks for your reply.


1) Support is on the Discord server, not here.
2) Actually, that does seem like a new bug report - I'd fixed a bug in that function for 2.5.2 but this seems like a different one. I'll have a look at the code and try to figure out what's happening, and fix it.

But yes, do join the Discord server for support.

Regards o7

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I've been away from the game for several months and had just decided to start ED up again.
So I was updating the several tools I am using and also Captain's Log.

My old version was 2.2.2 and the current version was 2.5.1.
I uninstalled the 2.2.2 version and reinstalled the 2.5.1 version.

The program starts and works OK up until the overlay is activated?
Then there is an fatal error in a script and the program then terminates.
View attachment 315980
I have also tried version 2.5.2 but that has the same problem for me?

I've edited the captainslog2.ini file and changed enable_main_overlay to False
Now the program just terminates without the any error message

Please advise to what can be done to make the program work?
I really want to be able to work with the latest additions for biologicals
Thanks for your reply.

Hi there, just looked into this and it's possible the error was triggered by Captain's Log not knowing where it is in the ED galaxy - this could be because of starting CL with a blank Trip database and the game not running at the time.

There were a lot of changes between 2.4.x and 2.5.x, and this is one of those edge cases, for which the changes I'd made did not take into account.

I've corrected this in the code, for an upcoming version 2.5.3

A workaround might be to edit the CL INI configuration file;
1) Browse to %localappdata%\CaptainsLog2
2) edit captainslog2.ini
3) change "overlay_mode = 1" to "overlay_mode = 0"
4) start CL 2.5.2, without selecting overlay mode
5) launch the game and start into your game mode of choice

CL should then pick up where your CMDR is in the game and you should be able to go into overlay mode.

Do however join the Discord server for further support.

Regards o7

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Hi, I've got an issue with the scaling of the application. A lot of text labels on buttons overlaps and becomes cropped. Edit: unfortunately this also affects the overlay, which has similar incorrect scaling.



I believe it's due to my Windows System Display Scale option which is set to 175%, necessary for my 4k TV / Monitor. This issue may be overcome by offering a "High DPI" setting, which would increase the size of the interface by 100%, but leaving the size of the text and graphics as they are.

Windows Scaling Options.png
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Hi, I've got an issue with the scaling of the application. A lot of text labels on buttons overlaps and becomes cropped. Edit: unfortunately this also affects the overlay, which has similar incorrect scaling.

View attachment 320599
View attachment 320600

I believe it's due to my Windows System Display Scale option which is set to 175%, necessary for my 4k TV / Monitor. This issue may be overcome by offering a "High DPI" setting, which would increase the size of the interface by 100%, but leaving the size of the text and graphics as they are.

View attachment 320598
Luckily for you that's a Frequently Asked Question, which even more luckily for you I have answered in the Frequently Asked Question section of the Captain's Log web site from which you downloaded it! :)

Regards o7

Luckily for you that's a Frequently Asked Question, which even more luckily for you I have answered in the Frequently Asked Question section of the Captain's Log web site from which you downloaded it! :)

Regards o7

Thanks, I got an acceptable result with this setting, but of course it blurs everything with non-native upscaling by 175%, making everything look rather jarring when overlayed on top of Elite or anything else with native scaling. Such a shame, as the Captain's Log interface could look really sharp with native scaling; the font is already a decent size for legibility. That's unfortunate for people like myself, since it negates a lot of the point of having a 4k monitor in the first place. Still, I doubt integrating an enhanced DPI setting is a priority with your Captain's Log application, and the time is probably better spent developing cool other features.
Thanks, I got an acceptable result with this setting, but of course it blurs everything with non-native upscaling by 175%, making everything look rather jarring when overlayed on top of Elite or anything else with native scaling. Such a shame, as the Captain's Log interface could look really sharp with native scaling; the font is already a decent size for legibility. That's unfortunate for people like myself, since it negates a lot of the point of having a 4k monitor in the first place. Still, I doubt integrating an enhanced DPI setting is a priority with your Captain's Log application, and the time is probably better spent developing cool other features.

Unfortunately, I don't have any high definition monitors - only 1080p - and can't afford to buy them, so I don't have the means to try and do something about support for hi-dpi displays and test the results.
I'm getting this error when trying to run the new 2.6 version. I can uninstall it and put 2.5 back in and it runs fine. Any hints?

Also if I clean out the directory with the trips etc., then 2.6 runs. I guess I will just start fresh.

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I'm getting this error when trying to run the new 2.6 version. I can uninstall it and put 2.5 back in and it runs fine. Any hints?

Also if I clean out the directory with the trips etc., then 2.6 runs. I guess I will just start fresh.

View attachment 321054

This is caused by duplicate records in the galaxy table, in the galaxy.db main database. When loading a Trip, CL iterates through all Jumps in the Trip db, obtains the system_id which is the ID of the starsystem involved in said jump, then looks up the galaxy table; the system_id corresponds to the primary key.
As you can see from the error message, multiple results were found where one DB query result was expected.

The "cure" for this is to remove duplicate records from the Galaxy.db database.

If you join my Discord - the invite is on the first post of this thread - I have recently dealt with a similar situation to yours - noted in the #full-release-bug-reports channel - by de-duplicating someone's galaxy.db.

So that's >1 report of this now. After some sleep tonight I'll try to get a new release out tomorrow which will have a de-duplication fix in it - which will more than likely work by performing the de-duplication before starting to load the configured Trip. This should fix your galaxy.db and also any other user of CL who might encounter the same problem.

How the duplicate records happened I'll never know - quite possibly due to recent previous versions and the work I was doing to CL with regards to the database functions.
Captain's Log v2.6.2 released.

Adds some indexes to the DB for speedups and an adjustment in behaviour of CL for missing planets in the DB for which a probe mapping operation has been done.

Support and general chitchat etc. available on the CL Discord:

For anyone seeing incorrect font sizes on Hi-DPI displays, see the FAQ at

Download the new version from here :

Regards o7

Captain's Log v2.6.3 HotFix Released

v2.6.3 fixes a bug introduced in 2.6.2

[FIX] - the new DEFER_PROBE_MAP flag should be False on CL initialisation, not True. This fixes the crash when scanning new planets.

"Never program with a migraine" -- Genar_hofoen, 2022

Support and general chitchat etc. available on the CL Discord:

For anyone seeing incorrect font sizes on Hi-DPI displays, see the FAQ at

Download the new version from here :

Regards o7

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