Here is what I would personally like to build apps for. I will break it down into categories and give you an example of how I would use the data. These are just rough at this point since I'm at work but more detail can be provided upon request. The field names are just comma delimited to save space.
Market Data
Trade route finders: We have all seen them. I even
wrote something to speed up the entry into one. The basics of this tool are simple. Type in two station names and it will show you the commodity with the highest profit margin. You can also use it to find a specific commodity at a station near you. This is useful for those missions where you need to bring 2 slaves back and you have no idea where to find slaves.
Direct Required Data: Commodity Name, Buy price, Sell Price, Demand, Supply, System, Station
Secondary required data: System x,y,z positions
"Nice-to-have" data: Station LS distance from the star, Station factions and their influence, station type (outpost, orbital, etc), Economy, System population
Trading activity/Economic Boom heat map: The current galaxy map can show some basic trading lines, but the data only reflects NPCs and doesn't scale based on activity. I want to create a galaxy map that will show where systems are experiencing economic booms due to large amounts of player trading. No lines showing routes, just overlaid color blobs on the stars. The larger the blob the bigger the economic boom this system is experiencing. Color coding to indicate what type of trading is driving this boom would be nice, e.g. Metals, Technology, Drugs, etc.
Why is this useful? It will make a nice circle of space life. Trader finds good route, does lots of trades, tell friends, more people trade. System experiences economic boom. Pirates get wind, start looting traders. Bounty hunters get wind, start hunting pirates. Traders get tired of pirates and combat, move to new system, circle starts again. This will force people to expand and explore rather than get cushy in the core systems. You will get a nice rotation of activity across the galaxy.
Direct Required Data: Faction name, System name, Commodity type, Economic boom status (preferably a numeric scale 0.1 to 1.0 or something. 1.0 being a system that is in the highest level of economic boom.)
"Nice-to-have" data: System government
Player Stats
1. Killboard: A web based tool to view player combat record aggregates. System kill leaders. Region leaders, Faction leaders, Ship type leaders, Big game hunter (kills of ships that outweigh you), Murder leaders, Bounty collection leaders, System Authority kill leader, etc
Direct Required Data: Player name, system where kill occurred, region where kill occurred, faction of system where and when kill occurred, ship used during kill, ship type killed, was killed ship wanted
2. Traderboard: Web based tool to view aggregate player trade stats. Best system Trader, Region trader, Faction trader, ship type trader, rare trader, best smuggler, etc
Direct Required Data: self explanatory
3. Explorerboard: Blah blah. web tool.,. you get it. Most explored systems, Most black holes found, Most neutron stars, Farthest total distance travel
Direct Required Data: self explanatory
4. Darwin Awards: Most times running out of fuel, Most deaths inside a station, most deaths from ship to ship collision ,Most deaths from overheating near a star, Asteroid collisions, Deaths from cockpit breach aka space popsicle.
Faction Stats
1. Another web site to show certain faction based information such as: How many systems currently owned by the federation, alliance, empire. How many combats zones per faction, Count of stations gained or lost over a time frame,commodities produced per faction e.g Federation controlled stations produce 5.5 billion tons of Palladium a day while Empire produces 3.9 billion. We could have some nice fancy graphs and all.
Direct Required Data: TBD