FA off strange issue with speed

Added the video with key overlay and with external view.
Nice video. May I ask what you used to generate the key overlay?
So i'm not wrong, it's a bug and i can go to issue tracker with that?
As far as I'm concerned, hell yes it's a bug, but good luck getting anywhere with the issue tracker. Even if replies above hadn't indicated it was a long-standing bug, I'd have given you realllllly long odds on it ever getting attention, all supposing that you got the confirmations to get it as far as the voting stage... (I'd happily help with that, for the record.)
You can see it by jet cones on my top maneuver engines that are pulling me down while i press W.
Oh dear, that's truly freaky :oops: One might even say buggy...
Also when i boosted with pressed W i immediately recieved strong impulse to the ground.
Wellll, if you review the video carefully you'll see that you were already descending pretty darn fast before you boosted (altitude was decaying somewhat unevenly but generally at an increasing rate, and the VSI was strongly negative). However yeah, it does appear that the downward speed increased a LOT when you re-engaged FA and then even more with the boost. If you try again (at higher altitude!! :)) you might use the 3rd-person view again to see if the boost also blasted the downward thrusters...
This is often termed 'speedlock'. It happens when you're FAoff and you're going faster than the lock point for the ship/build you're in, and you're in descent. It's not a bug, but just a quirk of the flight model.
Freaky stuff again - do you know if there's a table to indicate those lock-point speeds for each ship?
And I'm gonna say that just because it's an exploited bug which creates some great fun doesn't mean it isn't a bug - simply thinking about what physics should predict for a craft would imply it's a bug. A "quirk of the flight model" is not in my view a good description for something which prevents forward thrusters from increasing momentum in the forward direction when you're going in reverse.
This is a fine moment to mention/confess that I have to laugh every time I hear the name "Newton's Gambit" wrt FA-off flying, because the ED flight model is perhaps the least Newtonian physics I've ever come across in any sim, whether you have FA on or off. [edit: my bad, seems it's actually not as bad as I thought at being Newtonian!]
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Freaky stuff again - do you know if there's a table to indicate those lock-point speeds for each ship?

It should be equal to your maximum forward boost in a gravity free environment, which varies from configuration to configuration, and even with fuel/cargo load in the same config.

This is a fine moment to mention/confess that I have to laugh every time I hear the name "Newton's Gambit" wrt FA-off flying, because the ED flight model is perhaps the least Newtonian physics I've ever come across in any sim, whether you have FA on or off.

It's fully Newtonian, during FA off, as long as one is below that arbitrary speed cap. The speed caps are pretty low, so it's certainly easy to hit a wall where things stop behaving as expected, but if you're careful to stay under that limit, behavior is as the laws of motion dictate.
It's fully Newtonian, during FA off, as long as one is below that arbitrary speed cap. The speed caps are pretty low, so it's certainly easy to hit a wall where things stop behaving as expected, but if you're careful to stay under that limit, behavior is as the laws of motion dictate.
Well I guess I was mainly thinking about the caps (edit: and boosts! :)) but still my bad, as I had also thought that the acceleration had a speed dependence in FA-off even away from the limits.
Wellll, if yoIf you try again (at higher altitude!! :)) you might use the 3rd-person view again to see if the boost also blasted the downward thrusters...
Ok, I just came back to this point where i crashed :D and cheked it.
so when i rotate 180 to my current horizontal vector and boost - there is a visual jet cone from both main engines and the vertical thrusters. But my speed was not descending. All the "boosted" speed went into vertical part of the vector and i started to fall down extremely quick. Turning on FA stopped me above 3km from surface. So...do not try this at home:)
At least now i see and understand that in this flying model i really have to care about vertical speed on VSI that has to be POSITIVE to have an ability to stop my ship by rotating 180 and giving reverse thrust. Non-logical but...i accept it.
Thanks cmdrs!
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