Faster than light travel, navagation computers dumber than user, really?

I have been exploring as much as I can and sometimes I wonder how in a fictional future time is is possible to have a way around the laws of physics, and yet a navigation computer that not only doesn't allow way-points, but also doesn't store navigation information, both past and planned routes. I can plot way-points and store data on my smartphone right now, and the fastest I can travel is the speed of traffic. I was disappointed with the new 1000 ly plotting . At first it looked kwel, then I found out that after a few hundred lys it didn't work. On top of that no way-points.

I know this is a suggestion section so I will suggest a way to make it better.
1: Make different types of navigation computers. One or three types, make the basic the one we have and other models provide things like way-points and saved navigational data.
2: Allow way-points, this would be good both for explorers and traders.
3: Saved data in navigational computers.

How to make it work in game,
make some navigational computers cost money in game and saved data computers as a micro transaction. I mean really people are buying paint jobs I am sure there will be people who will pay a few to have all navigational data saved, I know I would.

That's my two yen sorry I have no cents.
I was disappointed with the new 1000 ly plotting . At first it looked kwel, then I found out that after a few hundred lys it didn't work. On top of that no way-points.

The new route plotter was working fine for me since 1.1. I managed to plot a 970ish ly journey without problems and it was vary fast at plotting.
Maybe raise a ticket if the problem persists.

My suggestion is as follows.. really simple but would make fast travel over long distances a bit more streamlined imo.

Have this info... Screenshot_0003.jpg displayed on your HUD (near the targeting reticle) when you have a nearby system targeted. It could replace the existing eta. figure which is pretty much meaningless anyway in these circumstances.
This would allow players to see if the system they are jumping into is binary without having to go into the gal map.
Totally agree with this, the map in particular is very lacking in terms of usability at the moment. Maybe EVE's map could be a source of "inspiration" if Frontier Dev find it difficult to think of basic features a stellar map should have.

Also, please finally fix the issue that every time you exit a System Map to the Galaxy Map, you are reset back to the position where you currently are, rather than your last viewport before entering the System Map.
I tried to save an established trade route as soon as I found one that appeared profitable.... but it seems the galaxy map can't do that at the moment?

Or am I doing something wrong?
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