CQC Favorite Mode?

Favorite CQC mode?

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I've always been a TDM guy, even back in my Halo 2 days. When I'm not playing with friends, I'm pretty good with a silent supporting role for my teammates while still posting a positive K/D ratio. Looks like the same applies to CQC.

But CTF is a ton of fun. You don't need to be a skilled combat pilot to greatly contribute to your team.
CTF is fun, but takes some dedication to get into a game sometimes. TD depends on how good your team are and also requires a challenging opposing team. DM is raw fun. I prefer CTF overall, but maybe that's because it's a rare occurrence.
While I think the scoring system works better for TDM I prefer DM simply because I don't like the feeling that my performance relies on basically randomly selected teammates. Might be different if I had friends who played...
I have yet to actually find a CTF game. :(

Between DM and TDM, I much prefer TDM. It lasts longer, is more tactical, and less of a "barrel of angry crabs" than DM. Unfortunately it's less popular, especially with experienced pilots, so I don't ever get the "two teams of aces" experiences I wish I could have.
I have yet to actually find a CTF game. :(

Between DM and TDM, I much prefer TDM. It lasts longer, is more tactical, and less of a "barrel of angry crabs" than DM. Unfortunately it's less popular, especially with experienced pilots, so I don't ever get the "two teams of aces" experiences I wish I could have.

At my last level up, the matchmaker suddenly became accurate. A nice 4v4 with everyone over a 1.5 kill/death ratio. We had one ace on the board, who racked up the kills. The rest of us were nearly identical in kills - it was a great (but tough) experience. I spent more time evading than fighting, and when I fought, they evaded well.

It felt like a chess match at times. +1
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