FDev: Please revise the Beluga module restrictions!

Recognizing how much work it has gone to this beautiful ship and the awesome details and interior, as a new owner I'm asking you to please do not condemn me and other pilots to choose between a Class 4 Fuel Scope or a Fighter Bay option in the only available Class 6 module Figher Bays and Class 6 Fuel Scopes are enabled for purchase.This is a huge ship and deserves/needs the Figher Bay as well as a higher than C4 Scope if you expect pilots to fly to the Center and not to be totally insane or expire midway due to a completely unfathomable and unnecessary arbitrary restriction not found in any other ship i've ever seen or considered for purchase. I don't get the restrictions at all but if you must, for whatever reason my simple mind cannot comprehend, please allow at least a Class 5 FS to be installed to one of those modules. Also, both the hull as well as the standard shield strength--yes I do realize it's not a military or combat ship--is way undersized even with Military Hull upgrade and engineering mods, IMO. For safe passenger transport in a hostile Galaxy with all its known and unknown dangers and perils facing us please consider giving those values a boost, otherwise we may as well use T-series. If I were a tourist or passenger, I would rather pay extra to ride in an Imperial Cutter, Anaconda or Corvette as opposed to this beautiful eggshell of a ship, no matter how luxurious and elegant the interior turned out to be.Thank you!
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you can fit a class 3 fuel scoop

c6 shield

c6 fighter bay?

and still fit heaps of different configurations of passenger cabins

you have to choose between cargo and passengers.

yes sheilds are weak.
you can fit a class 3 fuel scoop

c6 shield

c6 fighter bay?

and still fit heaps of different configurations of passenger cabins

you have to choose between cargo and passengers.

yes sheilds are weak.

Are you out of your mind? A 4A fuel scoop will take almost 7 minutes to refuel a full tank. Even a 6A will take over 2 minutes.
I don't even want to know how long a 3A will need.... Probably over 10 minutes.

And FYI, the beluga basically makes you choose between shields or a 6A fuel scoop.
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My problem with Beluga is I can't put fighter bay in class 5 slot but must use class 6 for it. What's that all about??
I'd rather use that class 6 slot for something else like cargo or cabin, than a bay with two fighters or waste class 6 slot on one fighter bay to save mass.
My problem with Beluga is I can't put fighter bay in class 5 slot but must use class 6 for it. What's that all about??
I'd rather use that class 6 slot for something else like cargo or cabin, than a bay with two fighters or waste class 6 slot on one fighter bay to save mass.

I'm honestly convinced that is a bug or something because it doesnt make sense to me either
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