Newcomer / Intro Fighter Club, the fighting club for every skill level

Should show up a an SS in the spectrum when you use the FSS. (aren't acronyms handy :D)

As much as I love these new tools, I know for a fact that I'll deliberately mispronounce FSS <grin>

I thought that game interdiction game last night was good fun I doubt if I would've reached the goal if it weren't for the connection issues that were continually us.


Volunteer Moderator
Don't run up your Rift. Oculus put out an update that kills it. Probably won't get fixed till Monday now :(
Don't run up your Rift. Oculus put out an update that kills it. Probably won't get fixed till Monday now :(

I'm assuming since you started with a DK2 that you use the Elite Launcher to launch the game. Has this update stopped your copy of Elite playing? I'll keep an eye on that thread Alec pointed out.

...and pull out the internet cable from my VR gaming rig <crumbs>


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Well I managed to map most of Tionisla but the commander that originally discovered it returned to map it and got there first.
On the bright side, I went back to my only Earth Like and mapped the whole system (7000lyr round trip).

We should meet up in Sidewinders around the Old Worlds and wing it I guess

And remember Elite's just been patched and needs updating
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My favourite part of tonight was the little joke my own brain played on me

"...and of course the unforgettable... erm..."


Volunteer Moderator
I managed to sort out my keybinds eventually (but only by re-entering them all :( ), but I decided to update my Voice Attack voice pack at the same time. This was a mistake. Most of my custom commands went across OK but a few of the built in ones stopped working. Got all but one of these working now, just the auto honk on the explorer jump still giving trouble. However, Verity went completely silent. Took a while to discover why. All the new sound files are .mp3. All the old ones were .wav. All the commands still call .wav files. I am in the process of trawling through all the sound commands changing ".wav" to ".mp3". This fixes it, but there are millions of them :(

I forgot to mention last night that I will be away for a week, so see you all next year. Have a happy Christmas :)
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MYV.HS and STITCH haven't attended the club for a long while. They had been formally challenged by me and Dayrth without response and so their names will be removed from the ladder.

If they want their names back on the top of the ladder then they can do it... with a successful challenge to Dayrth

And so the list is...

HAL- 9000
Tomorrow is fighter club. I don't know what we're doing but we'll meet up somewhere around the Old Worlds.

A couple of nice easy tasks to ease us into the New Year maybe

pirate bashing to build up A-R-C's finances
or SRV racing to check out Themadoll's internet connection
Tomorrow is fighter club. I don't know what we're doing but we'll meet up somewhere around the Old Worlds.

A couple of nice easy tasks to ease us into the New Year maybe

pirate bashing to build up A-R-C's finances
or SRV racing to check out Themadoll's internet connection

There's a few new installations that have come under ARRC control lately. One of which is a hospital in Orerve with some very nice features. Also there's Celestial Corporate Systems in Oguninksmii which I have yet to visit.


Volunteer Moderator
I will (at last) be able to set up member ranks for the squadron today. I will be granting admin rights to the usual suspects. Anyone got any ideas for what the ranks should be called?
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