Newcomer / Intro Fighter Club, the fighting club for every skill level

Is there like a squadron or so for this? I might be available some Wednesdays at that time and might be fun to meet some and practice fighting!
Hi there A C Ender,
we do have a faction as well as a Squadron, you'll be welcome if you wish to join us. However to take part in our Wednesday rumbles, membership is not required. Just drop by either here, or on our Discord:

Fly safe, CMDR - and unsafe at times :cool:
Check out the first post of this thread...
There is:
Alliance Rapid-Reaction Corps [ARRC]

Dam ninjad! TWICE.
The links to both are in my signature Commander A C Ender.
We look forward to seeing you.

Hi there A C Ender,
we do have a faction as well as a Squadron, you'll be welcome if you wish to join us. However to take part in our Wednesday rumbles, membership is not required. Just drop by either here, or on our Discord:

Fly safe, CMDR - and unsafe at times :cool:
Thank you, I don't know how squadrons work in this game. Player factions are like the minor factions in certain systems?
Check out the first post of this thread...
I did, but it's also from 2016, with last update in 2018. This mention a private group, but no squadron. There is also no clear indication if that is still up to date, hence the question.
The links to both are in my signature Commander A C Ender.
We look forward to seeing you.

Thank you, I will check the signature now that I'm on PC. Phone doesn't show them.
Ok, short intro: factions - private groups - squadrons
(minor) Factions: show up in game and may own certain assets (like stations). There are some minor factions that have been created on player's requests, and others that have been adopted by players or groups of players, but apart form that, there are no visible effects. Those minor factions will keep on doing what they do, whether the players care for them or not. In the latter case, people also sometimes talk about orphaned factions.
Private Group(s): a game mode, like Open or Solo. Every player can create a PG and invite other players. As long as you're playing in that PG (and on the same platform), you will ony encounter players who belong to the same PG. A PG may be as small as one player, or have 40,000 members (like the Mobius PG).
Squadron: A rather more recent way to show your allegiance to an informal group. Unlike with a PG, you need to spend a little in-game money (10 MCr, equivalent to half a VO core asteroid) to create a squadron. For that, you get your own comms channel and squadron marker in the comms panel, and the chance to compete against other squadrons at various in-game challenges. But you can only be a member of one squadron at any given time.

For the Fighter Club, you should join the PG and the Discord channel. Anything else is optional.
Ok, short intro: factions - private groups - squadrons
(minor) Factions: show up in game and may own certain assets (like stations). There are some minor factions that have been created on player's requests, and others that have been adopted by players or groups of players, but apart form that, there are no visible effects. Those minor factions will keep on doing what they do, whether the players care for them or not. In the latter case, people also sometimes talk about orphaned factions.
Private Group(s): a game mode, like Open or Solo. Every player can create a PG and invite other players. As long as you're playing in that PG (and on the same platform), you will ony encounter players who belong to the same PG. A PG may be as small as one player, or have 40,000 members (like the Mobius PG).
Squadron: A rather more recent way to show your allegiance to an informal group. Unlike with a PG, you need to spend a little in-game money (10 MCr, equivalent to half a VO core asteroid) to create a squadron. For that, you get your own comms channel and squadron marker in the comms panel, and the chance to compete against other squadrons at various in-game challenges. But you can only be a member of one squadron at any given time.

For the Fighter Club, you should join the PG and the Discord channel. Anything else is optional.
Thank you for the explanation, it really helps!
Thanks for the reply Dharrch, sorry it reached me too late.
As for places, we had a pretty nice one at San Tu. There should be plenty of stations to buy some stock stuff there. Yet any other (best Anarchy) system with tight ice rings would do.

Currently at the CG, but after that it would be great fun.


Volunteer Moderator
If we want to patrol for BGS reasons or get Dharrch some XP, being in the beta won't be any good. Pretty sure we will all be trying out the beta outside of Fighter Club though :)
This week I want to see how having a fully Multi Crewed Cutter fares in a PvP situation.
Volunteers will need to get their controls set for MC fighter and gimbals.
A bit of practice will be useful too, but not essential.
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One of the new players said they wanted to know more about CQCC... so I suggested that for tonight. We could do that for a bit anyway... it's easy to dip in and out of the Arena
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