Fighting has become unbearable

It would be a dream to have something as complex as this, but I doubt we'd get anything close.

These mechanics are not something that would be hard to replicate. It is going to take time. But at the rate they are going, the mechanics of the game are being called into question because the way things work in the real world is a reality that needs to be a part of the game. throwing the game by only allowing what they think is ok, is not the reality of what nature or the way nature works.

You can't take on a game like this without realizing that things have to function a specific way. Maybe it is time for Frontier to work with what they know from making Zoo Tycoon. Nature is not something you can change.. and representing it the wrong way is going to give people the wrong facts about how animals actually work.. If you want to know what i mean, Look at wolves.. People here in the USA continue to think it is ok to breed Hybrids and own wolves as pets.. but these animals get put in bad situations because of the misrepresentation of exactly what a wolf needs..

So in conclusion, this is a serious and important thing.
Imagine the following:
  • Habitat has 5.000sqm and everything is pretty good designed.
  • You also have 2 Sibirian Tiger (male and female) in this habitat and 2 young siberian tigers.

The youngsters are in a complete different corner, than the parents. The youngsters grow up right now. The parents do not know about it, because they cant see it. But they start fighting against each other immediately because of social issues. How do the parents immediately know that there are 2 more big tigers in habitat now, without seeing them. Its not like this can happen sometimes, its allways! Did'nt Frontier promise a comprehensible simulation?!
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