Final DLC meta-wishlist

Exhibit animals

King Cobra
Small Birds- Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Blue Jays, Doves, Canary, hummingbirds
Tropical Birds - Scarlet Macaws, Toucans, Parrot
Vampire Bat
Three-toed Sloth
Praying Mantis
Coral Snake
flying squirrel
sugar glider
I think it would be better if you specify species for exhibit animals so that it would be less issue for me to update the wishlist.
  1. Red Legged Seriema
  2. Mountain Tapir
  3. Maribu stork
  4. Walrus
  5. Mule Deer
  6. Goodfellow's tree kangaroo
  7. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
  8. Indri
  9. Gerenuk
  10. Greater rhea
  11. African Forest Elephant
  12. Great white pelican
  13. Konik Horse
  14. Sumatran Rhino
  15. Ankole Watsui
  16. Hawaiian Goose
  17. Numbat
  18. Chinese Giant Salamander
  19. Magpie Goose
  20. Musk Ox
  21. Marine Iguana
  22. Alligator Snapping Turtle
  23. Fuegian steamer duck
  24. Quoll (any species
  25. Bighorn Sheep
  26. Yellow-Footed Rock-Wallaby
  27. Kakapo
  28. Weka
  29. Scarlet Ibis
  30. African Spoonbill

Free update:

  • Kelp
  • egg laying
  • Better Herding
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Collector's Pack
1. Secretary Bird
2. Pacific Walrus
3. Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
4. Musk Ox
5. Golden Pheasant
6. Short Beaked Echidna
7. Spider Monkey
8. Patagonian Mara
9. Roosevelt Elk
10. American Black Bear
11. King Cobra [E]
12. Chameleon [E]

Statue's, Bone, Zoology, Signs and Facts
More animal variants
Caribbean pack
1. caribbean manatee
2. Common squirrel monkey
3. Grivet / Green monkey
4. Huttia
5. Eastern Brown Pelican
6. pink spoonbill
7. American crocodile
8. Ocelot
9. indian mongoose
10. opossum
11. cuban iguana [E]
12. Brown anole [E]

Typical Carribean pieces and buildings/architecture
Collector's Pack
1. Secretary Bird
2. Pacific Walrus
3. Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
4. Musk Ox
5. Golden Pheasant
6. Short Beaked Echidna
7. Spider Monkey
8. Patagonian Mara
9. Roosevelt Elk
10. American Black Bear
11. King Cobra [E]
12. Chameleon [E]

Statue's, Bone, Zoology, Signs and Facts
More animal variants
Add a sea otter and I'd buy this pack so fast!
  1. Red Legged Seriema
  2. Mountain Tapir
  3. Maribu stork
  4. Walrus
  5. Mule Deer
  6. Goodfellow's tree kangaroo
  7. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
  8. Indri
  9. Gerenuk
  10. Greater rhea
  11. African Forest Elephant
  12. Great white pelican
  13. Konik Horse
  14. Sumatran Rhino
  15. Ankole Watsui
  16. Hawaiian Goose
  17. Numbat
  18. Chinese Giant Salamander
  19. Magpie Goose
  20. Musk Ox
  21. Marine Iguana
  22. Alligator Snapping Turtle
  23. Fuegian steamer duck
  24. Quoll (any species
  25. Bighorn Sheep
  26. Yellow-Footed Rock-Wallaby
  27. Kakapo
  28. Weka
  29. Scarlet Ibis
  30. African Spoonbill

Free update:

  • Kelp
  • egg laying
  • Better Herding
Updated my list. 19-30 were added
North American Animals (though I am wondering if we could use this as a Bambi Pack)
  1. White-Tailed Deer
  2. Cottontail Rabbit
  3. American Black Bear
  4. North American River Otter
  5. North American Porcupine
  6. Greater Roadrunner
  7. Black-Footed Ferret
  8. Big Brown Bat (WE)
  9. Mountain Goat
  10. Bighorn Sheep
  11. Elk/Wapiti
  12. Walrus
  13. Muskox
  14. Snowshoe Hare
  15. Black-Tailed Jackrabbit
  16. Grey Squirrel
  17. North American Marten
  18. Fisher
  19. American Pika
  20. Virginia Opossum
  21. Coyote
  22. Groundhog/Woodchuck
  23. Sea Otter
  24. Osprey (?)
  25. Great Blue Heron
  26. Great Horned Owl (WE)
  27. Great Grey Owl (WE)
  28. Peregrine Falcon (?)
  29. Californian Condor (?)
  30. Bluejay (WE)
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Worldwide/Domestic Animals
  1. Majestic Treehound
  2. Bloodhound
  3. Great Dane
  4. English Bulldog
  5. Basset Hound
  6. Doberman Pinscher
  7. Dalmatian
  8. Bullmastiff
  9. Border Collie
  10. German Shepherd
  11. Siamese Cat
  12. Sphynx Cat
  13. British Shorthair
  14. Russian Blue
  15. American Wirehair
  16. Cornish Rex
  17. Toyger Cat
  18. American Shorthair
  19. Abyssinian
  20. Ocicat
  21. Arabian Horse
  22. Mustang
  23. Friesian Horse
  24. American Quarter Horse
  25. Lipizzan Horse
  26. Holstein Friesian
  27. Hereford Cattle
  28. Jersey
  29. White Park Cattle
  30. Texas Longhorn
  31. Danish Landrace Pig
  32. Large Yorkshire Pig
  33. British Saddleback Pig
  34. Meishan Pig
  35. Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig
  36. Merino Sheep
  37. Cheviot Sheep
  38. Shropshire Sheep
  39. Racka Sheep
  40. Jacob Sheep
  41. Boer Goat
  42. American Pygmy Goat
  43. Bagot Goat
  44. American Lamancha Goat
  45. Cameroon Dwarf Goat
  46. Provence Donkey
  47. Mule
  48. Road Island Red Chicken
  49. New Hampshire Red Chicken
  50. Australorp Chicken
  51. Orpington Chicken
  52. African Goose
  53. Brecon Buff Goose
  54. Danish landrace Goose
  55. Indian Runner Duck
  56. American Pekin Duck
  57. Shetland Goose
  58. Saxony Duck
  59. Rock Pigeon (WE)
You have wrote Dog and Cat breeds, but these animals are not allowed. They are pets, not Zoo animals!
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1. Eurasian Brown Bear
2. Muskox
3. Gelada
4. Asiatic Lion
5. Sumatran Tiger
6. Masai Giraffe
7. Grévy’s Zebra
8. Iberian Wolf
9. American Flamingo
10. Roseate Spoonbill
11. Scarlet Ibis
12. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
13. South American Coati
14. Golden Lion Tamarin
15. Barbary Macaque
I managed to edit it. I put in the question mark in brackets for some of the aviary birds since I wouldn't know if they be Walkthrough exhibit, exhibit only, or habitat.
Sorry, but you added so many animals. You make it difficult to update the list. I added the maximum allowed number of animals, just 30.
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