Elite / Frontier Finance option

One main server that everyone that played could log into well we get that, how about smaller servers that have leased honnor system I.E clans could register for honnor server and lease honnor from Frontier dev. the smaller servers would be lets say "paralell universes" and certian prized object fitted to ships would only work in the universe/honnor type that it was found in, an uber shield or weapon found in the main server would work everywhere but the same object found on a leased/unregistered server would fail to operate on a higher ranking server, and money held in one universe would not exist in another, combat ratings however would increase if earned on a leased server's.
using this system Frontier Dev could keep track of who's playing their product and also generate revinue, with a bit of flexability from the dev's clans could produce approved mods for their universe and improve their own uniqueness in the multi-universe.
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