General / Off-Topic First Contact The Movie

Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
<edit> your signature contains words I would not like young people asking me to explain what it means, or why you have that as a signature. hope that makes sense on a public forum such as this.

If you read (or watch) the series "Game of Thrones' you would know exactly why his signature is the way it is, and why it fits Commander Snow.

Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
I have watched the film now and have good (and critical) things to say.

I loved the fight! WOW.

I used to do storytelling - you know - stand up in front of an audience and tell a story. Captivate them and take them on a journey. As such I knew from the first scene that I would just have to suspend any expectations and just go along for the ride. (It was a pretty blatent and not so accurate way of getting info across).

The ride was great, the execution, pacing and dialogue will be better in your next effort, which is all that any of us can hope for in our endeavors. We do something and we learn. If it is an inspiration for ourselves, we take those lessons and apply them. I hope you do - I want to see more films from you, the visuals were stunning.
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