I don't really have a problem with the new slots, but I do admit they make have some side effects that may be undesirable.
The military slots dont really make military vessel more military they actually make them more multi role.
I'm not sure it's a problem for some of the ships that have them, but this is definitely true.
This Corvette holds 128 tons of cargo, an A7 SCB, a dual bay fighter hangar, a dual SRV bay, discovery+surface scanners, a dozen first class passengers, a fairly sizable fuel scoop, and still has a class 5 MRP and ~2400 hull integrity:
My ship can do essentially everything other than interdict people and can still survive against a PvP wing long enough to virtually always escape (I've been attacked by much more threatening groups, but this is the video I had on hand). Maybe this was the intent, maybe not.
On the upside, I don't really need to switch to full PvP kit very often. On the potential downside, my Corvette, is broadly multi-purpose most of the time, which muddies it's 'role' a bit.
I think that if the shield nerf had gone through, then the extra military slots might have been necessary for cells or armor. But as things stand now, maybe they aren't fulfilling the intended role.
This could be part of it.
Needed for Module Reinforcement Packages.
On some setups...but I built this ship to survive when MRPs didn't exist. All the critical modules have 300-400 integrity and when outfitted for pure combat hull resistances (which apply to internal modules) are immense. An MRP is just icing on the cake...two D5s with fail completely before any critical subsystem was likely to be at real risk.
The only ones it does that for are the Conda and the Cutter, and they were already Multi-role. The other ships that get Military Slots have way too many downsides and are still subpar in any non-military setting.
Don't really agree here.
The downside of my Corvette relative to the other Big Three is jump range.
17+ly is still plenty and I can get anywhere in the bubble in ~30 minutes.
With all that you're seriously wasting the corvettes potential as a fighter.
He is.
Just set your heatsinks to fire with your SCBs.
This will compromise flexibility enough that I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a seriously limited control setup.
In short, HRM + biweave makes SCB pretty much redundant.
Only if you know you won't be encountering hostile CMDRs.
70-80% of the time I'm attacked by CMDRs, I'm not looking for trouble (though I'm always prepared for it) and am in a general purpose setup doing mostly PvE things.
That A7 SCB generally goes unused until a few CMDRs try to bring down my Corvette, but then I'm almost always glad I have it.