Flat ride theming + modifications?

So, you guys know how heavily themed some of the rides are? Main offenders are Psychola, Magic Twirl and Gears of Fear, other minor offenders are Rocktopus, Whirly Rig, Collider. I'd like to offer a solution to prevent obstructive theming - the ability to remove the theming altogether.
Say you liked Gears of Fear but the high-budget steampunk theming limits where you can put it. You can just hide the theming with scenery, sure, but Frontier could introduce an option to change the theme and make it a generic Waikiki Wave. Frontier could even introduce other themes for the rides to keep the Rides section tidy, like giving the ability to make the Magic Twirl's gondolas pulled by horses for a wild-west theme, making the arms generic instead of vines, and removing the witch in the centre. It could even extend to unthemed rides too, such as being able to theme Tri-Storm's gondolas to wagons or mini-spaceships.

Another thing I've been thinking of is giving the players the ability to modify flat rides. For example, with the collider, you could add suspended or outward-facing gondolas. And with Round the World, you could have cageless gondolas that face forwards.

Source: https://youtu.be/HqTBSUId-oY

Another thing with ride models is adding pre-existing theming to parts of the ride. For example, if you gave the Magic Twirl a generic theme, you could edit the ride and put, say, the Captain Lockjaw statue in the centre instead of the witch.

This is very far fetched and unlikely to be added to Planet Coaster right now, I know, so maybe it could be done if there's actually a Planet Coaster 2? There's bound to be an improved engine by then to allow stuff like this, and maybe even allow guests to recognise custom flat rides.
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