Fleet carrier cost now too high, or are we expecting a general source of income to be pre-nerf painite level?

One thing that always surprises me not just in ED but any game is how someone found this exploit. Why would you ever fly 25km away and back to the roid you just mined or shut down your drives, SLF drives in the manner you describe? It's always baffled me.

Some other exploits are way more obvious like a single station offering a specific type of mission at 10x normal payout but to find the egg exploit....how?
It's not that difficult. It's known that instance change can reset stuff in ED. The immediate test is relog, if that works you then find ways of resetting that are faster. That starts with flying away and back, then doing it with an SLF. As inevitable as killer dinosaurs in a dino park movie.
Flying wing trade and wing mining missions, I earned 5B on one account over 4 weekends, flying an average of 6 hr/weekend. Since I was flying wing missions, the other accounts increased by about 4B each.

I started by getting all three accounts allied with the major faction and all minor factions in the mission-giver station, and all 3 accounts already had a Cutter. Additionally, I started by putting as many factions in Boom or close to Boom. Refreshing the board for 3 accounts every 15 min meant that I could accumulate 30-40 high-paying wing mining missions (7d expiration) during the week and fly them on the weekend. By high paying, I mean 30M for 20T tritium, 8-10M for 200T gold or palladium, 8-10M for 300-400T silver. While flying, the factions in Boom would offer wing trade missions at 25-50M for higher quantities of tritium, gold, palladium and silver. The factions offered so many missions that I couldn't take them all. And they were all WING missions so that the payout was 3X! As I keep saying, it is too easy to earn all the credits you could want.

To prove my point about these missions likely getting more profitable, after the rebalance patch this week, I repeated the effort and earned about 350-400M per account for 3-4 hr work this weekend. That totaled 1.0 to 1.2B for the 3 accounts after subtracting the operating cost of the missions. In general, I found that the wing mission payouts are now MORE profitable for gold, palladium, and silver, and LESS profitable for tritium, although the tritium missions are still worth the effort.
to add: during boom only wing mining missions are for not mining only materials, and the non mining fetch missions are only worth it if shared with at least one other player.

but yes - i earned 180 mio on friday doing bgs work, that's an up of 150 mio compared to last week...
A few remarks on my experience with FCs:

I always complained they were too expensive to buy. I still do. I still believe their purchasing cost was intended to be group effort but ended as a single player content, as a money sink for dedicated miners, or many exploiters of some of FDev's design flaws.

Finally, I decided to spend the earnings of my 6 years of game time, I even liquidated some of my assets, to buy one. Yes, I dont like mining too much.
I never regretted it. FCs, with all their shortcomings, are indeed game changers.

Mobility and ability to play with with your ship of liking where and when you want.
Tremendous money making opportunities. Commodities trading between stations now has a meaning, and its a hundred times less tedious and more profitable.
Chasing mysteries, CGs, or discoveries back and forth, is now just a click away, and you can bring your friends with you.
Upkeep is nothing. Its just 1-2 missions, or a 300-500t trade haul a week.

That being said though, I dont think that making FCs less expensive to buy is a solution. Just as every other ship in the game never got cheaper (apart of the occasional discounts now and then). That could make legit players, who worked their butt of for years, feel robbed of their time and effort.
What FD is finally trying to do though, is the right choice in my opinion. That is, balancing the game activities and thus making it viable for cmdrs of all walks of life, to achieve end game content.
Also remember there are different types of skill - it’s not all twitch-based. No amount of combat twitch reflexes will save you if you charge headfirst into every battle. A bit of tactical sense will make a big difference, as will the ability put together a capable gunboat.

:D S
Yeah...that's the experience part I mentioned, knowing what to engage, how to engage and when is a big part of it. That's one of reasons combat needs a buff, that experience comes with hours invested which i'd imagine will form part of the 'time' & 'skill' elements in their balancing equation.
A few remarks on my experience with FCs:

I always complained they were too expensive to buy. I still do. I still believe their purchasing cost was intended to be group effort but ended as a single player content, as a money sink for dedicated miners, or many exploiters of some of FDev's design flaws.

Finally, I decided to spend the earnings of my 6 years of game time, I even liquidated some of my assets, to buy one. Yes, I dont like mining too much.
I never regretted it. FCs, with all their shortcomings, are indeed game changers.

Mobility and ability to play with with your ship of liking where and when you want.
Tremendous money making opportunities. Commodities trading between stations now has a meaning, and its a hundred times less tedious and more profitable.
Chasing mysteries, CGs, or discoveries back and forth, is now just a click away, and you can bring your friends with you.
Upkeep is nothing. Its just 1-2 missions, or a 300-500t trade haul a week.

That being said though, I dont think that making FCs less expensive to buy is a solution. Just as every other ship in the game never got cheaper (apart of the occasional discounts now and then). That could make legit players, who worked their butt of for years, feel robbed of their time and effort.
What FD is finally trying to do though, is the right choice in my opinion. That is, balancing the game activities and thus making it viable for cmdrs of all walks of life, to achieve end game content.
Good post.

I'm weighing up whether to get an FC. I've got the credits to buy it and maintain it for a while but that's not the whole picture. I spent all my time in ED (since beta) accumulating those credits, not min maxing, not using exploits, not just core mining LTDs, VOs or strip mining Painite. I played the game, most main aspects of ED.

I'm a casual player these days and I also take long breaks from ED, last one was a year. So I feel like getting one now would be a bit of a waste and pouring credits into a single asset just to have it / maintain it.

When Odyssey drops I plan to invest a lot more time in ED, that's when I'll probably take the plunge.

I spent years building up those credits for this very reason, the day FD give us a credit sink and I'm pleased to hear it was worth it for you.
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Just to answer the thread title question, I'd say "no"; my usual source of income seems to have been already buffed x4.
You mine a bunch of painite, and instead of hauling it 150LY for a price of 900k you could sell it to a local FC for 650k. You lose income but you gain time and there's less chance of interdiction, so overall you make a profit / hour that's acceptable, and the FC also makes an acceptable profit. Everyone wins, and it feels like you're interacting with others more.
That’s not a loss that is just a less extreme profit.
Good post.

I'm weighing up whether to get an FC. I've got the credits to buy it and maintain it for a while but that's not the whole picture. I spent all my time in ED (since beta) accumulating those credits, not min maxing, not using exploits, not just core mining LTDs, VOs or strip mining Painite. I played the game, most main aspects of ED.

I'm a casual player these days and I also take long breaks from ED, last one was a year. So I feel like getting one now would be a bit of a waste and pouring credits into a single asset just to have it / maintain it.

When Odyssey drops I plan in invest a lot more time in ED, that's when I'll probably take the plunge.

I spent years building up those credits for this very reason, the day FD give us a credit sink and I'm pleased to hear it was worth it for you.
I can totally relate to you. That is how I play Elite, and Im really excited and looking forward to Odyssey. If you are thinking about purchasing a FC, go for it. Its totally worth it, and the upkeep is a non issue. One mission a week and your balance wont drain a bit.
They are too expensive, I think ... on the other hand, given the current commodity price spreads, bulk trading should peak at 200M/hour, missions are looking at least that good, mining is still going to pay 100M/hour at least, probably more if you do mapped Painite/Osmium/Platinum combination mining.

Now, sure, the ways to do that haven't yet been dissected, analysed, reduced to something simple enough for a famous youtuber, and then widely publicised in words of one syllable. So if you have no personal initiative then this probably isn't a good week to buy your own Fleet Carrier. Try again in a couple of weeks when the thinking has been done for you.

The lesson of Frontier "nerfs to earnings" is that, in general, earnings end up equal or higher after they've been done. This one is no exception.
Yer its looking that way, made ~900mil cr doing missions yesterday. And still had loads of missions left when I logged off.
Im not quite at 200M/hr but very close. We were mainly a wing of 2 you can increase the profit by x2 or x3 just by the wing being 4.
Having the FC pre stocked would also increase the profit a lot. Would not be surprised to see ore missions surpass 300M/hr and more.

Should be enough clues in that for someone on youtube to make a video :)
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Got my Carrier by about 5 Days of Painite Mining when it was still worth Something.
That being Said. Once the Pulse Wave Scanner Bug is Fixed. Assuming it ever will. Core Mining will be right back as a Big Money Source.

That being Said. I think the Economy in ED would need a Complete Rework anyways.
The Prices are mostly Absurd. Not in Terms of being Absurdly High. But in Terms of being Absurd in any Economical Sense.
A Fighter can Cost 30k or 5 Million. And Outfitting it can go from 100k to 50 Million.
An A Grade Module on a Bigger Ship can be so Expensive you could Buy an Entire Fleet of Decently Equipped Fighters for it.
Commodities have Cost per Ton which are pretty Ridiculous too. With some of the Rarest Materials being so Common that Trading anything else is really not worth it.
While Common stuff is pretty much never Traded at all and should be Super Expensive by now because its not worth being Mined or Traded lol

Progression Curve of the Game is basicly. Earn 20-30k in the First 2 Hours. Earn 500-1000k in the 3rd Hour. And then move on to Earn 10 Million in the 4th and 5th Hour before Reaching Endstage where you earn 30-80 (formerly 150) Million per Hour in the next 100-200 Hours after that assuming you Grind for a Carrier.
After you get the Carrier aside from not really needing too and thus not Caring. The Hourly Rate no longer Matters because you can effectively Earn Money by leaving the Carrier Open while not actually Playing.

So the Progression of Ship and Equipment Prices is completely Absurd because its following an Exponential Curve rather than a Liner one.
Yet the Progression of Income is so much Bigger that it makes even the most Expensive Ship ridiculously easy to Achieve.

Missions offer Ridiculous Rewards for completely Benign Missions and the Reward can Vary so massively for the same Mission that its not even Funny anymore.
Likewise Dangerous Jobs are Incredible Unrewarding. While Boring Jobs are Incredible Profitable etc.

The Economy of this Game is Completely messed up.

So no. We dont need to make FCs Cheaper.
We need to have a Complete Rework of the Economy.

Stations need to Start not just Consuming and Producing their Respective Materials. They need to actually Consume a set amount of Goods for each Good they Produce. So that if a Station is not Regularily Supplied with Required Base Materials. It will not actually Produce anything.
And 1 Ton of a Super Rare Material should be used to Create like 20 Tons of the Product its used for while also Consuming several Tons of other Materials that are much more Common.
For example. (just a theoretical example) 1 Ton of Painite and 5 Tons of Gold as well as 20 Tons of Aluminium should Produce like 100 Tons of Energy Grid Assemblies.
And if the Energy Assemblies are not Sold or if there is no Aluminium or Gold then nothing new will Produced and there will be no New Demand for Painite.
Meaning that if everyone only Mines Painite and not the Cheaper Stuff. Than the Painite will be worth Nothing because Nobody will Buy it as everyone already has it.
On each Server Tick the Stations should Check for other Stations in their Range. And if there is other Stations in Range. Including Fleet Carriers. That Pay a high Enough Price to Buy their Product. A Small amount of the Commodity should be Transferred there. But this amount should be Minimal. Maybe 1% of the Supply. Capped to the 10 Highest Bidders which means 1% of the Supply to each and max 10% of the Supply being moved on the Server Tick. To create a Base Economy Movement.
Everything else should be Player Only. Meaning that unless Players actually Start also moving Cheaper Cargo. Then there wont be any high Value Trades and Mining Available. Cause nobody will buy it.
Meaning that Players will actually be Forced to also Mine stuff like Water and Oxygen in Large Quantities cause otherwise there wont be any Stations Buying any Remotely useful amounts of high Value Stuff.

Bounties need to be worth the Risk. If you Risk a Rebuy of 20 Million then a Bounty on a Ship Equal to Yours should at least be around 1-2 Million. Otherwise who the Hell would ever Risk it in Reality ????

Likewise Prices need to Reflect more of the usefulness of the actual Asset. A Modulen 10% Better shouldnt Cost 1000% more lol.
Getting from Ship to Ship should actually be an Achievement again. But not because the Ship Suddenly Costs 1000% of the last Ship you had. But because there is an actual Distance Covered between them.

Mission Rewards should Reflect the Risk and Difficulty of the Job.
If killing 30 Pirates ends up with you Killing 10 Anacondas and gaining 1 Million in Bounties just from these 10 Kills. While the Reward for the Mission will just be like 300k Then something went wrong. Likewise a Mission offers you 4 Million for Killing 30 Pirates which can all be Sidewinders and Vipers. Then yeah guess what. Thats wrong.

Ok Rant over
go back to your business.
My personal gut feeling balance pass would have been to halve the earnings from mining, multiply combat earnings by three, multiply AX earnings by five and halve the cost of FC's.

I think I'll get my coat and run away from this thread now before the rotten fruit starts flying! :LOL:

Bounties from NPCs will see significant increases from approximately four times as much for the highest paying ones to ten times as much for the lower paying ones.


(in fact - they're increasing combat payouts way more than I expected)
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