Fleet Carrier start point

You think a fleet carrier and ten or twenty refuels for it is going to be easier than an hour of jumping in a normal ship?
I guess that depends on how many people want to meet the unlock requirement at once. Twenty people bringing a refill each - assuming you can either refuel carriers you don't own, or transfer the fuel to other players as cargo - might be able to do that pretty quickly.

It will be interesting to see if any of the "it takes too long to get to Colonia" crowd band together to make a ferry service, or whether they all wait for someone else to do it.
Come on Frontier do an interior so we can admire our multi billion credit purchases. You can do it there is still time!
I think frontier should allow players to rent fleet carriers at a monthly cost plus interest on earnings. At least then you wouldnt be effectively locking out 90 percent of players from enjoying the opportunity. I dont mean 1 million per month but perhaps 10 million so still a stretch but not impossible. If you fail to pay your ships are transferred to the nearest star port. Because i would imagine in the year 3000 you wouldnt be buying fleet carriers you would be leesing them out for use as its not exactly a fancy boat its like 500 times bigger that even a billionaire might struggle to afford.

The silver lining to this approach would encourage players to play the game more to make credits.

One might argue that how would you make credits if you are in the depths of space, well I think there could be new exciting ways of addressing that allowing players to teleprecence to do day to day trading in the bubble as the technology seems to exist already for that.
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They won't fit inside a station so when we buy one we'll might get the screen going dark and then we'll find ourselves aboard the Carrier or, perhaps,

i don't think you'll ever board the carrier. i expect them to be very similar to other capital vessels in the game.

i guess it will pop up in a cloud of hyperspace fibers somewhere in the system, delivered to you by amazon. where, that's a good question we can hardly guess now with that little info.
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