Fleet Carriers coming Dec 2019 [Accidental Trailer Leak]

Does the Fleet Carrier look like a Megaship, or a Kraken? It looks like a Megaship, which have been in game since before the Kraken was invented trailed.

Does the Kraken exist yet?


All I know is I’ll want my own. Space hermit and almost see no one on xbox live to even form a consistent wing. Bad enough storing modules in ships by the hundreds around founders, hopefully this thing comes with a couple thousand storage space.
Sounds like someone needs to have a fire sale and get rid of massive junk piles in stores.
How else do you expect to store so many of every type of power play module for future ship builds? Can't be allied to all at once anyways. Prismatics are the worst, I'll come back to them and probably finish with Asling when I can get 50 T9's and 50 clippers for 100 of each T7 and T8 shield. For now I use sidewinders. vipers and vultures for everything else.
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And that's about where the resemblance ends? ;)

I dunno, it's hard to tell its full form from the vid, but the only similarity I can see is that it's got a 'big flat top deck' affair with a narrow nose. The deck is pretty much a carrier naval trope though.

That's pretty much all I was saying, there was nothing more to read into it.
I’m pretty sure that top one is concept art for
The millennium falcon! I’m very happy they redesigned it!

It is, its an early Ralph Mcquarrie if I remember right that was used later for the Blockade Runner. From my rough sketches the carriers will be much broader than regular megaships which are more like log shapes (i.e. uniform all along).
Carriers, carriers, yay, great. But is anyone else even slightly concerned about Arx? Did we all just skim over that part? Premium Currency?
I don't know about anyone else, but my experiences with this Premium Currency business... it makes my hackles rise. I can think of far too many times where I've wanted to buy that One Something Neat, and it's 100 Premium Currency, but Premium Currency is only sold in bundles of 1000, leaving me with a bunch of useless Premium Currency, spending far more than that One Something Neat is really worth.

Now maybe Frontier will do things differently, gods know they do most things very differently, so time will tell here.

On the plus side, I was glad to read the bit about items previously sold only in bundles being available as single items... no more 7 other ugly paint jobs to have that one that I actually want.
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