Fleet Carriers Update - Downtime

I too am getting no space traffic control messages as I arrive at docks; this is annoying as I kinda rely on their messages to prompt me to request landing permission. Also no stern warnings inside the dock so 'Obey Station Law!', until I descend into the hangar, then all of a sudden the accusing voices start up again.

However, there are stc messages at Fleet Carriers; like a droid voice.

It's all very weird and, if I may say so, too quiet. I liked the atmospheric radio chatter.
Has anyone else noticed all these odd little buzzing, beeping and almost servo-motor like sounds when the ship is flying along, or even just sitting in dock? They are REALLY ANNOYING and really hit my autistic spot badly. As far as I can see they are not notification messages or anything like that, they just make it sound like my dishwasher has just finished...

There's sounds like a dog yawning, sounds like a mosquito buzzing in my ears....what's that all about? Especially that high-pitched 'beep' that sounds like an Apollo radio beep. But it sounds just as if my dishwasher has finished.

It seems to be happening mainly in my Krait MkII; my Python seems unaffected.

Frontier, pelase take these noises out, they are ruining the game for me. Autistic trigger warning.
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HI All since Fleet-Carriers landed all i get is server disconnects at the most inconvenient times, and then the launcher wants me to install the game again what! dose the server not recognize the game anymore.
HI All since Fleet-Carriers landed all i get is server disconnects at the most inconvenient times, and then the launcher wants me to install the game again what! dose the server not recognize the game anymore.
Same issues here. Know what i got told.. Need to port forward the game on a router i do not have lol... So in that case, they changed something, since before the patch. No problemo with connections!
Has anyone else noticed all these odd little buzzing, beeping and almost servo-motor like sounds when the ship is flying along, or even just sitting in dock? They are REALLY ANNOYING and really hit my autistic spot badly. As far as I can see they are not notification messages or anything like that, they just make it sound like my dishwasher has just finished...

There's sounds like a dog yawning, sounds like a mosquito buzzing in my ears....what's that all about? Especially that high-pitched 'beep' that sounds like an Apollo radio beep. But it sounds just as if my dishwasher has finished.

It seems to be happening mainly in my Krait MkII; my Python seems unaffected.

Frontier, pelase take these noises out, they are ruining the game for me. Autistic trigger warning.
Yeh I've noticed it too, seems like they forgot to switch off the sounds from the outfitting once you left. Same thing is happening to me and it's the same, get all the noises on planets too now.
Yeh I've noticed it too, seems like they forgot to switch off the sounds from the outfitting once you left. Same thing is happening to me and it's the same, get all the noises on planets too now.

These are definitely a bug and they are loud, and annoying but .. if they were quieter and/or in princple .. they remind me pumps, generators going on and off, odd creaks, cargo shifting, bulkheads expanding / contracting, makes the ship seem quite alive. I wouldn't say no to a properly designed version.
Those sounds maybe the inner workings of the ship i.e the coffee machine brewing up LoL! anyway not the quiet cockpit the sells man sold us.
I still have troubles with getting into the game
server status is ok
my internet...well I think I have one of the best around
still it says can't connect check your internet
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