Fleshing it out - Piracy

Hi, CMDRs !

Ideas for Improving Piracy

Currently piracy is a tough and relatively unprofitable profession in Elite, so it would be a good idea to give piracy a bit of a buff in my opinion.

This thread relates heavily to the bounty hunting thread I posted previously – ideas included there are also used here as a base (such as bounty data and tracking).

Update: Piracy seems to have great potential now, with very little obstructing it's success. To that end, we need an easier method of extracting and collecting cargo - hopefully new canister sizes, or boarding, or whatever else. It doesn't matter all that much, as long as it happens.

There are plenty of things that could be added to piracy to increase it's depth, but with this aforementioned addition/adjustment, piracy will be profitable, fun, technical and in-depth, but not petrifying to the new commanders.

Bounties could be increased for assault and murder, we could have a "declare piracy" button, we could have piratical allies and our own pilot's federation, etc, but after that last change, all of these would be welcome additions rather than necessary fixes.

It seems Frontier have listened to our suggestions over the past couple of years. I've seen many changes mentioned by myself and others implemented almost exactly as described. I'd like to give a personal thank you to FDev, and hope you can continue these improvements.

CMDR Hagglebeard

NPC Tweaks
Pirating or being pirated by NPC's is quite unsatisfying right now, mostly due to how vague the encounter is. It is also vastly different from a player encounter due to interaction limitations. Here are some ideas to improve those encounters;
  • NPC Com upgrades to allow player pirates the chance to negotiate cargo drops from NPC’s rather than just shooting out the cargo hatch every time.
  • Pirate NPC's should scan your cargo hold and demand specific cargo based on what you have, rather than say vague stuff like "Give me more!" repeatedly. Fixed in 2.3
  • NPC traders don't carry enough cargo relative to the size of their ships! T7's and T9's for example should have more than 30 tonnes. This was seemingly fixed in 1.4 and unfixed in 1.5. Re-fixed in 2.1
  • More NPC traders should travel trade routes and have cargo that makes sense for that trade route (they seem to have random cargo at the moment).Cmdr Hagglebeard: Fixed as of 1.3, broke in 1.4, re-fixed in 2.3

A 'Declare Piracy' function

View attachment 109445

Piracy encounters can be quite awkward at the moment, both against other players and NPC's. After successfully interdicting a player you have to engage them in some kind of text-chat shenanigans to make them understand what is going on. Even if you have text-macros setup it can still cost you quite a bit of time faffing around with the coms panel and by the time you are ready they have boosted 2km away from you. We need some kind've functionality that makes it clear we are pirates and not murderers to the victim.
This would also be quite useful for scoring a piracy interdiction and adding to our pirate rank based on the outcome of the encounter. The amount of rank-up points awarded would be determined on the following criteria:
  • The goods attained are marked as 'stolen' (discouraging legal drops)
  • The total value of goods stolen during the encounter
  • The victim is not killed
  • The target is a new victim or has not been pirated by you recently
This would also be helpful for player encounters with NPC pirates, because it would be clear they are pirates and not psycho NPC's.

See this thread for more detail/ideas on how the 'Declare Piracy' mechanic could work.

Pirate Notoriety


A lot of pirates are in it for the infamy, there should be a system that provides this to some level:
  • Galnet should include the Galaxy’s and/or Faction's 'Most Wanted Commanders', for aspiring criminals who want some notoriety. This is based on a combination of:
    • Their total galaxy-wide bounty in all jurisdictions
    • The amount & type of crimes they have committed since they were last destroyed (a viewable rap-sheet for wanted commanders was talked about in the DDF and never implemented)
    • Their pirate rank (see below)
    • The value of goods they have stolen since they were last destroyed
      • This combination of difference criteria would prevent players from exploiting their way on to the list by committing non-piracy crimes (like deliberately getting caught by authority ships smuggling high-value items).
  • System top 5 bounties would remain but players would be able to see a more detailed local bounties list by buying bounty data (see my bounty hunting ideas thread).
  • Known cheaters should be removed from these lists in open play as they seem to remain on the top 5 bounties list at the moment despite being shadow-banned.
  • Cmdr Hagglebeard: List of most wanted NPCs: would be persistent in a region of the galaxy.
  • Snarfbuckle: Bounty reset: Committing a crime while having a bounty (regardless if it is a fine OR bounty) will reset the bounty timer countdown (Being wanted is a mark of pride for a pirate and should be kept up to date).

Here is a thread showing how a Galnet bounty-board could look.

Pirate Rank System

View attachment 74379

  • Introduce a ‘Pirates Association’ ranking system;
    • The higher the rank of the pirate, the better the prices they get from black markets.
    • Pirate rank increases with amount of cargo taken from other ships and the progression rate varies based on profit (illegal salvage does not count - it has to be stolen). It’s also boosted by killing bounty hunters (see next full bullet for specifics on who qualifies as a bounty hunter).
    • Piracy rank progression is faster when stealing from higher level traders (based on the victims’ trading rank).
    • Piracy rank progression is 25% faster when stealing from players (this stacks with the victims’ trading rank progression bonus).
    • Bounties build up faster on higher ranked pirates, so they will become known throughout the galaxy, which let’s face it - is what most of them want.
  • If a wanted player kills an actively-tracking bounty hunter (see my bounty hunting ideas thread) or a player who has performed a kill-warrant scan on them, this is acknowledged in their stats as a bounty hunter kill (pirate receives a bonus to pirate rank progression rate).
  • A semi-decent pirate rank deters NPC pirates from attacking the player pirate; instead they may even help you out if you are getting attacked by clean players or the authorities.
  • Pirate players with high pirate ranks will get offered very lucrative NPC heist missions on the bulletin boards. These would only be available to pirates (not just high combat rated players).
  • Cmdr Hagglebeard: suggested pirate rank names:
    • Swashbuckler
    • Scourge
    • Privateer
    • Buccaneer
    • Freebooter
    • Marauder
    • Corsair
    • Brigand
    • Crook
    • Desperado
    • Highwayman
    • Outlaw
    • Villain
    • Terrorist (Lateralus: Not sure about this one, it's not very piratey)
    • Felon
  • Lateralus: I'll add to those, in no particular order:
    • Bandit
    • Raider
    • Pirate Lord
    • Dread Pirate
  • Olivia Vespera: Centralised ranks could be used to create wanted posters made by governments.
  • Cmdr Hagglebeard: suggested rank requirements:
    • Rank 1 - 0 ships plundered
    • Rank 2 - 10 ships plundered
    • Rank 3 - 50 ships plundered - Tech level 1 pirate systems unlocked
    • Rank 4 - 150 ships plundered
    • Rank 5 - 250 ships plundered - Tech level 2 pirate systems unlocked
    • Rank 6 - 400 ships plundered
    • Rank 7 - 600 ships plundered - Tech level 3 pirate system(s) unlocked
    • Rank 8 - 800 ships plundered
    • Rank 9 - 1,000 ships plundered - Tech level 4 pirate system unlocked
    • Lateralus: I think there should be slightly more to it than just numbers. Perhaps it could also depend on the quality of cargo stolen and the trade/combat rank of those plundered.
  • Suggested names for the pirates rank sysem:
    • Cmdr Hagglebeard: Outlaw’s Confederacy
    • Lateralus: Outlaw’s Brethren
  • Lateralus: Pirate rank reveal: Other players would only be able to see a player or NPCs' pirate rank if the target ship is wanted in that system, or if they perform a kill-warrant scan - Like this:
    View attachment 55226

    - or, with Powerplay improvements:

  • Defacto: Hidden pirate outposts: only become available/visible when you are of high-enough pirate rank/reputation.

New Piracy Focused Ships


I would like to see a 'piracy family' of ships as I don't think many of the multi-purpose ships have the right attributes for the role (Adder & Cobra mk3's guns aren't potent enough while the Cobra Mk4, FDS, FGS, Python & Anaconda's are too slow). The iClipper is currently the best pirate ship - but it's too flashy so doesn't feel quite right as a pirate ship. The piracy ship family could go something like this;

  • Caiman - Fighter (Tiny - <100k)
    • 2 x Fighter HP
    • Fighter loadout options
  • Krait - Entry Level (Small - 100k-250k)
    • 2 x Medium HP
    • 3 x Utility HP
  • Gecko - Budget (Small/Medium - 250k-1m)
    • 3 x Medium HP
    • 4 x Utility HP
  • Mamba - Intermediate (Medium - 10m-25m)
    • 2 x Small HP
    • 2 x Medium HP
    • 1 x Large HP
    • 5 x Utility HP
  • Moccasin - Premium (Medium/Large - 50m-100m)
    • 2 x Small HP
    • 2 x Large HP
    • 1 x Huge HP
    • 6 x Utility HP
  • Boa - Top of the Range (Large - 150m+) - enough firepower to worry a cutter..
    • 2 x Small HP
    • 2 x Large HP
    • 2 x Huge HP
    • 7 x Utility HP
    • Fighter Bay

They would have to be;
  • Fast (375-475 m/sec) so they can get away from trouble or keep up with runaways (Lateralus: Top speed edited down from 500m/s as that was OP)
  • Well armed
  • Decent amount of utility slots
  • They suffer no or very minor interdiction damage.
  • Average shields
  • Average jump range
  • Have lots of small/medium internal slots (plenty of room for collectors, hatch-breakers and cargo space)

The trade offs could be;
  • Weak armour (due to being lightweight)
  • Small power-plants so good power-management would be crucial
  • Run hotter than multi-purpose so aren't good for smuggling
  • Moderate agility (4-6 range) - they should not be able to out-fight combat ships of the same class on their own.
  • Low default fuel capacity (to save weight)
  • Would be illegal to operate in medium/high-security systems (placing a bounty upon you after being scanned by police)

Pirate Controlled 'Tortuga' Systems

  • Introduce a few pirate controlled ‘Tortuga’ systems around the galaxy where you must be of a certain pirate rank to gain a permit (the minimum rank required would be variable per system).
    • These would make excellent refuge systems from most bounty hunters.
    • These systems would also have particularly strong black markets.
    • Bounty hunters would be drawn to surrounding systems, encouraging PvP.
    • All ports in pirate systems would be unsanctioned outposts/stations, therefore they would not update wanted player locations in the bounty data.
    • Bounty hunters would not be able to purchase bounty data from pirate systems.
  • Cmdr Hagglebeard: Suggested pirate systems:
    • Zelada (Zelada Boys) - Tech Level 2
    • Morgor (Morgor Crimson Pirates) or LP 98-132 (Brotherhood of LP 98-132) - Tech Level 4
    • Iota Crucis (Iota Crucis Pirates) Ekonir - Tech level 1 Cmdr Hagglebeard: Please change Iota Crucis to Ekonir, because we need a starter area for pirates. Tech level 1. I don't know the pirate faction there, it just seems like the perfect system for starter pirates. Within reach of the standard Sidewinder hyperdrive, and not very important.
    • Quator (Quator Ring) - Tech level 3
    • Peraesii (Peraesii Jet Dragons) - Tech level 2
    • Sorbago (Sorbago Gold Clan) - Tech level 1
    • HIP 4005 (HIP 4005 Purple Partnership) - tech level 1
    • Sobek (Sobek Boys) - tech level 3
  • Cmdr Hagglebeard: Pirate system available technology:
    (Update 26.01.2016 - changed all fixed Pulse Lasers to Gimballed and changed cannons to Gimballed Multi-cannons, by request of Cmdr Hagglebeard)
    • Tech level 1 would always stock:
      • Hatch Breakers (Maximum class 1)
      • Collector Controllers (Maximum class 1)
      • Cargo Racks
      • Gimballed Pulse Lasers
      • Cobra MK III
      • Sidewinder
      • Adder
      • Krait (Added by Lateralus)
      • Gecko (Added by Lateralus)
      • Every D-rated Module and below
    • Tech level 2 would always stock:
      • Hatch Breakers (Maximum class 3)
      • Collector Controllers (Maximum class 3)
      • Cargo Racks
      • Gimballed Pulse Lasers/Gimballed Multi-cannons
      • Cobra MK III
      • Sidewinder
      • Adder
      • Krait (Added by Lateralus)
      • Gecko (Added by Lateralus)
      • ASP
      • Mamba (Added by Lateralus)
      • Every C-rated module and below
    • Tech level 3 would always stock:
      • Hatch Breakers (Maximum class 5)
      • Collector Controllers (Maximum class 5)
      • Cargo Racks
      • Gimballed Pulse Lasers/Gimballed Multi-cannons/Railguns
      • Cobra MK III
      • Sidewinder
      • Adder
      • Krait (Added by Lateralus)
      • Gecko (Added by Lateralus)
      • ASP
      • Mamba (Added by Lateralus)
      • Python
      • Moccasin (Added by Lateralus)
      • Every B-rated module and below
    • Tech level 4 (The last system to be unlocked) would always stock:
      • Hatch Breakers (Maximum class 7)
      • Collector Controllers (Maximum class 7)
      • Cargo Racks
      • Gimballed Pulse Lasers/Gimballed Multi-cannons/Railguns
      • Cobra MK III
      • Sidewinder
      • Adder
      • Krait (Added by Lateralus)
      • Gecko (Added by Lateralus)
      • ASP
      • Python
      • Moccasin (Added by Lateralus)
      • Boa (Added by Lateralus)
      • Anaconda
      • Every A-rated module and below
  • Cmdr Hagglebeard:Brown Dwarf Hidden Outposts
    • I think it would be great if more brown dwarf stars were scattered around civilized space, in-between current star systems, with outposts there. The coordinates would be locked to all those without the proper pirate rank. These can be really crap systems with no more facilities than any fringe outpost, but it's a nice touch IMO.
  • Snarfbuckle: Pirate station rules NOTE: These suggestions contradict the earlier suggestions by Defacto FD would need to choose which option suits the game best:
    • Anyone who is WANTED in any system can simply request docking on a pirate station
    • Not wanted people should use smuggling tactics to avoid being scanned
    • Scanned unwanted people are free-for-all targets for station and "security"

The Transmission Scrambler Module

  • The ‘Transmission Scrambler’ could be a new ship utility module that prevents the pirate victims’ crime report by a certain amount of time (dependent on grade/class).
    • This would delay the security forces from arriving by some time, allowing stolen cargo to be scooped without interference.
    • It would also stop tracking bounty hunters from getting an immediate update on the pirate players’ crimes, giving the pirate more time to escape their current system while they are being tracked.
    • Lateralus / Cmdr Hagglebeard: UPDATE: This module should only buy the user a small amount of time (20-60 extra seconds) as to not make the module overpowered. The amount of time it gives is dependant on class/rating of the modu and the security level of the system.

Cmdr Hagglebeard:
The FSD Inhibitor Module

  • A module which extends the target ship's cooldown by a minute and causes the user's ship to gain +1 mass-lock factor for one minute.
    • Stocked and fired like the shield cell bank, with heat generation on par with with it too.
    • Rating affects cooldown extension, class affects temporary mass-lock factor increase.

Other Modules

  • Cmdr Hagglebeard: Upgrade the hatch-breaker: to extract more cargo from a victim per use (Lateralus: Maybe this should be dependent on class/grade?)
  • Snarfbuckle: Variable FSD Cool-down Time: Perhaps the cooldown for a frameshift drive after interdiction should be increased depending on the quality and grade of the interdiction module.
  • Hagglebeard: Data theft module: Steals exploration data from target. The user is required to fly within 500 m of the target and remain there for 15 seconds, unless shooting out drives is updated. Then, I'd double that time. This requires that fringe systems spawn explorer-archetype NPCs with advanced discovery scanners, detailed surface scanners and fuel scoops, preferably flying Adders, Cobras and ASPs, with the occasionally Anaconda.
  • Hagglebeard: 0% drive speed:[/S] Drives should be modified, so that destroying them would cause a ship to come to a full stop. Changes to 0% power-plant reaction in 1.4 meant this change was not needed. - Cmdr Hagglebeard Update: 2.2 NPC reboot changes have made made this a problem again, PvE piracy is a chore when the target ship keeps rebooting; there needs to be a way of disabling a trade ship for a longer amount of time.
  • Julio Montega: Dynamic Piracy Missions: See post here (same thread)

Piracy & the Background Sim
Cmdr Hagglebeard: We need to find some way of stopping the spread of liberty, civility and happiness. Please, help me in listing as many possible activities that pay in credits that will counterbalance the threat of the law.
  • Black market sales will increase the influence of the local anarchy faction(s) Implemented in 1.4 - Cmdr Hagglebeard
  • Causing NPCs to surrender cargo, or forcing 8 or more tonnes out will have the same effect as killing them (decreasing their faction's influence) Has been implemented - Cmdr Hagglebeard

What's everyone's thoughts on this?

EDIT: Updated original post to show all the suggestions & game updates up to 20-03-2017.
Why i don't read this before !? I love ideas here, a complete piracy/outlaw system ranking & more...

I hope one day, Piracy suggested by CMDR Lateralus becomes real. [yesnod]
FD should seriously consider to implement everything here as fast as possible, space opera without piracy is sad. The ships especially mamba and mocassin are what i'm waiting for.
While I did some research to see if my idea had already been posted before, I did not stumble upon this.

I think this utility could be a bit more interesting for both sides of the gun than the transmission scrambler module here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/388612-Security-Uplink-Suppression-Utility

Instead of coming in several grades and only blocking the uplink for a limited time, it only comes in one grade and has multiple points of failure to look out for (wind up, range, ECM, SYS distributor, malfunctions).
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Pirate Notoriety


A lot of pirates are in it for the infamy, there should be a system that provides this to some level:
  • Galnet should include the Galaxy’s and/or Faction's 'Most Wanted Commanders', for aspiring criminals who want some notoriety. This is based on a combination of:
    • Their total galaxy-wide bounty in all jurisdictions
    • The amount & type of crimes they have committed since they were last destroyed (a viewable rap-sheet for wanted commanders was talked about in the DDF and never implemented)
    • Their pirate rank (see below)
    • The value of goods they have stolen since they were last destroyed
      • This combination of difference criteria would prevent players from exploiting their way on to the list by committing non-piracy crimes (like deliberately getting caught by authority ships smuggling high-value items).
  • System top 5 bounties would remain but players would be able to see a more detailed local bounties list by buying bounty data (see my bounty hunting ideas thread).
  • Known cheaters should be removed from these lists in open play as they seem to remain on the top 5 bounties list at the moment despite being shadow-banned.
  • Cmdr Hagglebeard: List of most wanted NPCs: would be persistent in a region of the galaxy.
  • Snarfbuckle: Bounty reset: Committing a crime while having a bounty (regardless if it is a fine OR bounty) will reset the bounty timer countdown (Being wanted is a mark of pride for a pirate and should be kept up to date).

Here is a thread showing how a Galnet bounty-board could look.

OMG, Yes! this would be absolutely amazing in the game as it provides for both the bounty hunters and the pirates needs.
OMG, Yes! this would be absolutely amazing in the game as it provides for both the bounty hunters and the pirates needs.

Thanks, it's a no brainer in my opinion... should've had something like this in it from the start as it is exactly what people think of when they think of 'bounty hunting'.

But I don't think it quite fits in with Fdevs PC 'everyone's a winner' approach to the game... they're probably worried about something daft like naming and shaming (there could always be an opt out).
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