I'm pretty new, so maybe this has been posted previously. I don't know. If it has, I apologize. What I'm referring to in the title, for the record, is not forced interdiction- as in failing to evade an interdiction attempt, thereby taking damage and being burdened with an extended FSD cooldown. What I mean is that somehow I'm submitting to interdiction without actually reducing my speed to zero, or at all. I'm not fantastic at combat just yet, and I perhaps foolishly take well-paying "Elite" level jobs, so, despite my own rating of "Mostly Harmless," the pirates I encounter are almost always ranked "Master," "Dangerous," and "Deadly." They're also usually cruising around in Anacondas or better, so I'm severely outmatched in my unfinished Python. Due to these factors, I get blown apart in seconds if I willingly submit to interdiction, well before I can manage to shift to safety. My go-to tactic then is to evade during interdiction, which is, as I'm sure you all know, laughably easy. So I'm getting a little bit miffed that one out of every thirty or so of these I "submit" to interdiction when I've done no such thing. I tried to find if maybe enemies in the game have a way of forcing your speed to zero, thus causing you to "submit," but I've been unable to find anything of the sort. I'm getting weary of dishing out millions in insurance costs and fines from failed contracts. Can anyone explain what's going on?