Thanks for all the congratulations guys! I've got back and sold my data now so I'll post up the proof later this evening, haha!
I was about 3,500 light years from the Bubble when I stumbled across it on a journey towards Temple. In the end, I headed straight back after finding it just to make sure I'd logged it so I never made it to Temple. It's likely that I'll head back there as soon as Odyssey hits though, and I'm thinking of heading to SagA* from there, and possibly going from there to Colonia. Interestingly, after finding this system, I found a system with two earth likes orbiting one another later about 2,500 lyrs from the Bubble. It had been discovered, but think I was firt mapped. I also found an incredible system with 4 terraformable WWs and four terraformable HMCs as well; all previously fully tagged and mapped, but a pretty system and a nice payout nonetheless. Really enjoy exploring in this game and can't wait for all the new planetary vistas Odyssey will bring.