Ships Free Imp Courier

Icourier is perfect oddyssey ship. Mine is fully min-maxed, combination of CG/legacy modules and got quite few of juicy lightweight legacy weps just for it.
I got only one courier, but its with me since many years... well, I buyed one in same day after those was added in game.

  • Warbird - CZs, Max shields for the weight, Beams balance the Distributor for infinite fire, just sprinkle 3-4 rounds of corrosive MC every 10 secs or so to soften hulls. Runs ice cold when firing - - 722m/s
Yes, this is almost same hard-o-point choice as mine. 706m/s on full tank. Mine is hulltank with 287mj biwave. 1,100+hull.
Interdictor 2D (LR g1 legacy/with -11%weight secondary roll) is only thing that is equiped all times. And dual EF TV beams.

Dual G5 efficent beams can do fire infinite with 4 wep pips or very long with 3. Courier is fast enough to stay in sweet range of beams, and those melts any moduels rather fast within drop-off range. TV allows to keep 0% heat if not using MC. MC can help a lot, not just buff AP for beams, it also works very fine as module killer on its own.

Only diffrence I got legacy 2.9T G5 OC MC with corrosive, with extra secondary roll with nearly maxed lightweight. Its kind like old G5 OC with added G1 lightweight on top. G5 OC dps boost rolled halfway to max though, its almost as first roll for G4 modern OC mod. Back when we had engineer casino, G5 from that era, its similar as if modern G4 in terms of dps boost. It also have bit smaller magazine size only 71 rounds, rather than modern 77 OC ones. If that dmg roll would be at near end, it would be almost perfect god-roll for its category, but still I consider it as very, very good.

But sometimes I like to swap out that MC to my legacy g1 highcap packhound(drag effect), also with nearly maxed lightweight secondary roll, but bit slightly heavier than OC MC, with 3.3T. Still, 19/189 at legacy g1 HighCap with Drag, weightin 3.3t wich is preety neat.

Modern G1 HC packhound with striped down, is only tops at 17/163 with 4.23T. Another special efect than SD means even heavier, 4.8T.
Modern LW even at g5, packhound is meh, only 12/120...

Lastly, 3nd wep is G5 LW size 1 ADV dumbfire rack, if needed some Air-to-Ground action, just for oddyssey stuff.

CG LW+HC seekers are nice too, but those are too easly countered by if there is just one PD on enemy ship.
I found many times that is worth to have bit slower speed to get much more better firepower, way above than any combination of lightweight weps could had.

If I dont PVP only with it, I remove most of HRP, then use SRV hangar, DSS, and corrosive-resist cargo rack (gift from old CG prof. palin issued), fuel scoop. Its gets slightly slower if runs this set, 692 m/s at full tank... still fast enough to have fun and even PVP with that all PVE modules. 39ly jump range with CG FSD.
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Just got myself one to do bounty Hunting low level instead of using my Corvette which I will use for Conflict Zones and assassination missions.

I noticed it ran a bit hot but I believe that chosing Thermal Spread as special effect for the Thrusters can help reducing that.

Other than that I engineer it pretty much like every combat ships I used previously bot no prismatic as opposed to the cCorvette:
1I Military Grade Composite.
3A Shield Generator.
2D Guardian Shield Reinforcement.
2 X 2A Shield Cell Bank.
1D Module Reinforcement Package.
3 X 0B Shield Booster.

For weaponry I chosed Overcharged 2D Beam Laser [Gimballed] which will be Thermal Vent and 2F Multi-cannon [Gimballed] with Autoloader.

Core internal is all top A.

I'll engineer all of this top.
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