Frog Story Expansion Pack Or George Boggs Pack?

This DLC is based on the Frog Story song by the Kungoskun (Short or Extended) with nine animals in total. But the George Boggs Pack has twelve animals in total.

Frog Story Animal Expansion Pack
  1. Secretary Bird (Requested)
  2. Walrus (Requested Again)
  3. Black Howler Monkey
  4. Ocelot
  5. Eurasian Eagle Owl (Habitat Owl)
  6. Great White Pelican (First water bird)
  7. Coyote
  8. Southern Ground Hornbill
Exhibit Animals
  1. Macaws (Scarlet Macaw, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, Hyacinth Macaw, Military Macaw, Red-and-green Macaw) (First walkthrough birds)


George Boggs Pack
  1. Secretary Bird (Requested)
  2. Walrus (Requested Again)
  3. Black Howler Monkey/Steller's Sea Eagle/Hamadryas Baboon (First Baboon)
  4. Ocelot
  5. Sea Otter
  6. American Black Bear
  7. Wild Yak
  8. Whooping Crane
Exhibit Animals
  1. Chinese Giant Salamander
  2. San Francisco Garter Snake
  3. Toco Toucan (First walkthrough bird)
  4. Macaws (Scarlet Macaw, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, Hyacinth Macaw, Military Macaw, Red-and-green Macaw) (Also walkthrough birds)

Which one shall you guys pick? George Boggs Pack or Frog Story Expansion?
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The George Boggs Pack resembles the picture as an animal expansion pack.

Characters resembling animals for Planet Zoo
Korrina resembles Secretary Bird
Kyururu resembles Sea Otter
Zazu resembles Black Howler Monkey
Pumbaa resembles Wild Yak
Valerie resembles Whooping Crane
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