News From orbit down to Europa

Too much! I need to sleep until Monday, and then never again! I need to stop this fluid/eye thing...

Thankyou to all at Frontier for this wonderful journey!! <3
Awesome video David, although you do know you'll have the flight sim nuts frothing at the mouth with the word "GLIDE" on the HUD on an airless moon ;-)

Mark Allen

Programmer- Elite: Dangerous
So, that "Glide Complete" was at ~7.5km altitude, but also ~50km from the outpost. Which one triggered it? i.e. could you have glided at 2500 m/s for longer if you'd stayed higher? Or is it that 50km from target instead, meaning no way to extend the glide (and in fact you'll want to be lower when you hit that boundary) ?

The glide currently disengages at ~7km above (an approximate) floor height, 11km short of face-firsting into the landscape, or when you come in too steep (60 degrees plus). If you don't want to take in the views you can dive bomb in a fair bit faster ;) - I've certainly managed orbit to landed on a small world within a minute, given an inappropriate disregard for safety.
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Barrel rolls in the SRV, ha.
I'm wondering what the purpose of the 'glide' part of the flight is?
*Edit* ..aaand I type too slow.
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I really hope the texture popping in will be gone one day, it is not big deal currently, but when its gone, the planets will look even better.
Looks great. And nice transition to the surface. What is "Glide"? Do you lose control of the ship during this?

I think the surface around the buildings needs track marks and bits of dirt - signs of habitation.

And a suggestion: the planet schematic on the left side of the dashboard is a bit pointless. How about wrapping the planet map around it so you can see settlements and points of interest on it?
Thanks for the sneak peek!

Negative: the SC dropout is just like the old one. I was really hoping for an improved obscuring of the transition there. The glide phase would be perfect for that!
Also, landing pads look and work exactly the same... kind of a bummer because more variety would do the game good.

Positive: new SC engine sound mix, glide phase, base skimmers, everything else!
Thanks for the peak.. Hyped for Monday. I've asked this elsewhere so sorry if I am repeating myself. I've noticed during many of these vids that the ground looks super low resolution and its particuarly evident in the latest vid when cruising and gliding to the station.. Is this something you guys are working on?

I love the green beams btw.. :)
The transition from space to planet looks awesome!

However, I'm a little concerned about the terrain that the planetary bases are built on. It always looks like a giant "stamp from space" made a circular flat area. It looks artificial, not like a crater or something that could occur naturally. I'd expect the bases be built around the terrain, not the other way round.
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David Braben

CEO & Founder
So, that "Glide Complete" was at ~7.5km altitude, but also ~50km from the outpost. Which one triggered it? i.e. could you have glided at 2500 m/s for longer if you'd stayed higher? Or is it that 50km from target instead, meaning no way to extend the glide (and in fact you'll want to be lower when you hit that boundary) ?

You can come out much closer if you prefer.
The glide currently disengages at ~7km above (an approximate) floor height, 11km short of face-firsting into the landscape, or when you come in too steep (60 degrees plus). If you don't want to take in the views you can dive bomb in a fair bit faster ;) - I've certainly managed orbit to landed on a small world within a minute, given an inappropriate disregard for safety.

Why isn't the glide mode being used to mask the instance change instead of first stalling the movement (shaky cockpit) when dropping out of orbital cruise and then starting to glide?

We are moving at 2,500 m/s in glide mode so direct interaction with other ships seems unlikely so why not use this phase to mask the instance change?
The transition from space to planet looks awesome!

However, I'm a little concerned about the terrain that the planetary bases are built on. It always looks like a giant "stencil from space" made a circular flat area. It looks artificial, not like a crater or something that could occur naturally. I'd expect the bases be built around the terrain, not the other way round.

Yeah. With reference to the transition the problem is the stall - its a very noticable freeze because the ship stops moving. Surely there must be a way to make this less obvious and at least give the impression we are still moving or zoning in?
It has that nasty vibration during "glide". Could that please be optional or at least toned down a lot (cut out the high frequencies, reduce movement, anything)? That effect is giving me a headache every time I leave a station, and it really isn't "realistic" in any way seeing how the visual system of a functioning human would filter it out :(

(edit) I can't even watch the video without feeling a bit dizzy. Having the cockpit structures shake a bit would be fine, but not the entire screen.
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Wow, i must say... Unless you get really close to that Icy surface, the textures don't look good at all... Hope that's gonna get better before horizons launches... Even from 100 meters above the planet, the icy ridges and hills just looked like random blobs of white...

Also is the gravity in this clip modified in any way? Europa is supposed to have roundabouts 0.13G and based on the hang-times of the SRV it seems higher. It could be just a feeling though.
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Can't wait to test it, and can't wait for First person also in maybe 1 or 2 years from now.

Edit: more like 2 or 3 years from now i guess :p
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