Frontier; it would have been nice to know...

that you were just going to let everyone keep the HIP 54530 temporary permit so I could have skipped the hours I spent participating in the CG instead of doing something else since the only reason I participated in the CG was to get the 54530 system permit. I sure did not need the credits I made in bounties since I already had over 6.4B CR's.
that you were just going to let everyone keep the HIP 54530 temporary permit so I could have skipped the hours I spent participating in the CG instead of doing something else since the only reason I participated in the CG was to get the 54530 system permit. I sure did not need the credits I made in bounties since I already had over 6.4B CR's.
You can have mine. I try to stay out of Fedneck space as much as possible and I don't need the permit.
You think that's bad, on Tuesday I stopped at a donut shop before work and bought an apple fritter, imagine my disgust with my boss when I got to work and found an entire box of apple fritters sitting next to the coffee machine. Free for anyone who wanted one! The nerve of that man.
that you were just going to let everyone keep the HIP 54530 temporary permit so I could have skipped the hours I spent participating in the CG instead of doing something else since the only reason I participated in the CG was to get the 54530 system permit. I sure did not need the credits I made in bounties since I already had over 6.4B CR's.
The permits were always going to be available from the winning faction afterwards anyway, It made that clear, so whats the big deal?
The permits were always going to be available from the winning faction afterwards anyway, It made that clear, so whats the big deal?
I don't think the problem is that permits were going to be available, I think it's that the presumed plan was that the HIP 54530 permit was temporary while the CG was on, and now the CG is over, it should be removed, but for whatever reason, Frontier seem to have messed that bit up. If they can't get such a simple thing right, in a CG that's part of a two year storyline they keep reminding us about .... what else will they mess up?
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