Frontier really drop the ball on planet zoo


Senior Community Manager
It can often be interesting releasing a brand new ambitious game into the wild. You can never 100% be sure how it will react to its new surroundings as one computer's setup may not be the same as another's and it can be tricky balancing the different ecosystems. We always carefully test and review development on the game on our side but we can never completely predict how it will work for everyone when exposed to lots of players.

The good news is our team are continuing to work incredibly hard to make sure any issues affecting the game can be investigated and dealt with as soon as possible. Whilst we can't always shout about what's being done until it's ready, we're always going through your feedback, checking your reports and tinkering away at improvements and fixes. We know it can be frustrating if you are encountering an issue but the best thing you can do is to report it right away on our Issue Tracker so our developers can check it out. We'll have more news soon!
@Paul_Crowther I think it would help if the issue tracker showed us if a ticket has been looked at because at times a lot of us feel like its not even looked at at all, we never get response on tickets so a simple way to see if its looked at and worked on would be extremely helpfull
It can often be interesting releasing a brand new ambitious game into the wild. You can never 100% be sure how it will react to its new surroundings as one computer's setup may not be the same as another's and it can be tricky balancing the different ecosystems. We always carefully test and review development on the game on our side but we can never completely predict how it will work for everyone when exposed to lots of players.

The good news is our team are continuing to work incredibly hard to make sure any issues affecting the game can be investigated and dealt with as soon as possible. Whilst we can't always shout about what's being done until it's ready, we're always going through your feedback, checking your reports and tinkering away at improvements and fixes. We know it can be frustrating if you are encountering an issue but the best thing you can do is to report it right away on our Issue Tracker so our developers can check it out. We'll have more news soon!

I think most of us who played the game in beta saw this coming. Frontier knew then what they were in for and had a choice to release on time and deal with it or delay release and finish the game properly. I think you guys made the wrong decision but, that said, I think the view of your dealing with it is ok, I guess. ;)
PZ still has "Very Positive" reviews on Steam...

Reviews are a poor way of determining if a game is good or not. Sure, some of them are sincere. But reviews are just a manipulation tactic to get people to buy their game. It's not uncommon for people to leave a good review in exchange for whatever from the game's company. YouTube people are notorious for doing this.

Planet Zoo is not the best nor is it the worst game I have ever played. It has a lot of issues. I can see this game was launched too soon and needed at least another year of development time. You cannot say, "Well this and this is a problem with the game, but aside from that I love it." If there is an issue, its an issue period. Furthermore, its not uncommon for a company to launch a game unfinished. Then later on release a DLC claiming its "new" content when in fact its just content the developers cut from the game, to sell it in DLC format to the player.

And why don't I leave a review?

Why would I? Chances my review might get deleted if it's too critical. Or get lost in the sea of blind reviewers some of whom were paid under the table to leave a good review. There is simply no point.

Reviews are just a company's trap. People should take them with a grain of salt. Make your own choice not one that has been paid and/or spoken for you.
I am going to agree that this game has some MAJOR issues. For me the worst was the lack of social interaction. BUT we are getting improvements. Would I have prefered the game be delayed say another 3 months and released in a more polished state? YES! That didn't happen, probably with little to no input from the devs actually working on the game. Obviously someone decided the game had to get out before the holidays, regardless of it's state. And now the devs are actually listening to us and making changes and adding in parts of the game that should have been there from the start. I have sympathy for them, I am sure they don't enjoy hearing how they still need to do a, b, c, d, e, f and how u happy we are with those things not being done. I'll continue to bring up issues I think need to be worked on but I we are plugging away towards the game we were promised and the devs deserve some credit for not disengaging and hiding at home with a ton of chocolate.

I'll probably never buy a Frontier game at launch again but I do believe they will make PZ a great game and I will continue to buy new games from them...just after they've been out for a bit 😉
I have a lightning "bug" too. When I placed down a education monitor in my zoo, the game becomes suddenly very dark (darker then game night time). The brightness comes back to normal a few seconds later - but you can't see anything while the darkness occures. For me it just happens with the education boards and nothing else.
This got me ... "We're pleased to announce that free Update 1.1 is coming to Planet Zoo on 17 December 2019!" I guess I should be grateful that I don't have to pay for bug fixes. I know they threw in some extras, but pointing out that this is free kinda stings. I have no problem with paid DLC after the bugs are worked out and the game is working properly but we aren't there yet.
This got me ... "We're pleased to announce that free Update 1.1 is coming to Planet Zoo on 17 December 2019!" I guess I should be grateful that I don't have to pay for bug fixes. I know they threw in some extras, but pointing out that this is free kinda stings. I have no problem with paid DLC after the bugs are worked out and the game is working properly but we aren't there yet.
That's only a matter of interpretation. I read the 'free' only as a way to provide clarity, so no one had to ask whether they had to pay for it or not - nothing negative about it imho. Plus this update will have a lot of features that people have been asking for, in addition to loads of bug fixes. From what I can see, the team is working really hard to fix bugs as fast as possible, in addition to listening to their community to improve the game where they can.


Senior Community Manager
This got me ... "We're pleased to announce that free Update 1.1 is coming to Planet Zoo on 17 December 2019!" I guess I should be grateful that I don't have to pay for bug fixes. I know they threw in some extras, but pointing out that this is free kinda stings. I have no problem with paid DLC after the bugs are worked out and the game is working properly but we aren't there yet.

When a new update includes some major changes and additions, such as those coming in 1.1.0, we are always asked whether the update will be free or paid as not everyone is aware of the difference between updates and DLC. We make it clear beforehand that updates like this are free to avoid any confusion :)
This got me ... "We're pleased to announce that free Update 1.1 is coming to Planet Zoo on 17 December 2019!" I guess I should be grateful that I don't have to pay for bug fixes. I know they threw in some extras, but pointing out that this is free kinda stings. I have no problem with paid DLC after the bugs are worked out and the game is working properly but we aren't there yet.

There will be a lot of bugfixes as well in the free update, as they stated. Additionally to bug fixes we get free content (building pieces, additional enrichment items) and features (slowing down aging). What on earth shall they do beside that? Pay their customers for playing the game? I really don't get why you feel like they made you feel greatful for bug fixes. I try to, because I remember you make great posts that I often agree with, but now I don't get the point. In all honesty, in my opinion a bit greatfulness for free content (NOT bugfixes) wouldn't harm anyone. And not every game company listes to feedback from their community as fast and as well as Frontier does. The game will be just a bit over a month old by the 17th of december and look how much additional features we got already, because of our feedback.
When a new update includes some major changes and additions, such as those coming in 1.1.0, we are always asked whether the update will be free or paid as not everyone is aware of the difference between updates and DLC. We make it clear beforehand that updates like this are free to avoid any confusion :)

Fair enough. It makes sense, I realize anyone would think we might have to pay for it but I guess it's best to cover your bases and not have to answer that question a bunch of times later. I'm reigning in my excitement this time because all this sounds amazing but I got excited after the last big update and it didn't turn out so great for me. I am sooooo glad to hear about that animal again slider though!
There will be a lot of bugfixes as well in the free update, as they stated. Additionally to bug fixes we get free content (building pieces, additional enrichment items) and features (slowing down aging). What on earth shall they do beside that? Pay their customers for playing the game? I really don't get why you feel like they made you feel greatful for bug fixes. I try to, because I remember you make great posts that I often agree with, but now I don't get the point. In all honesty, in my opinion a bit greatfulness for free content (NOT bugfixes) wouldn't harm anyone. And not every game company listes to feedback from their community as fast and as well as Frontier does. The game will be just a bit over a month old by the 17th of december and look how much additional features we got already, because of our feedback.

It's not a matter of gratitude, I'd just like to see all the bugs worked out before additional features are added. The list sounds amazing but so did the 1.0.3 list and that didn't work out too well for me at all so I'm holding back my excitement this time until I see how it all plays out. I have no problem paying for extra features and content above and beyond what was promised when I bought the game. I have money loaded in Steam already for that when the time comes. Giving us free extra content when the game has so many bugs isn't something to be grateful for. Get the game fixed first and then charge me for the extras.
It's not a matter of gratitude, I'd just like to see all the bugs worked out before additional features are added. The list sounds amazing but so did the 1.0.3 list and that didn't work out too well for me at all so I'm holding back my excitement this time until I see how it all plays out. I have no problem paying for extra features and content above and beyond what was promised when I bought the game. I have money loaded in Steam already for that when the time comes. Giving us free extra content when the game has so many bugs isn't something to be grateful for. Get the game fixed first and then charge me for the extras.
nothing to add, really.
However, it still amazes me how the software industry is able to sell "additional features" that only have been left out at the time of release (for whatever reason). I don't know any other industry, in which this works so well.
Hmm. I'm pretty sure there are other devs on bug fixes than there are on development for new content. I get that you are not buying anything before the game works for you, but I don't think free content or even paid dlc will slow down bugfixing.

You missed my point. I'm sure you're right that they have enough devs to do both bug fixes and content development. I don't expect them to offer paid DLC until the bugs are fixed because new content can introduce new bugs. They are not. I am fine with this.
I actually missed that point, yes. Thanks for making it clear. As I said previously, sometimes it might be hard to relate for me, because I have almost zero bugs thankfully , nor had my PZ playing friend. Guess I'm lucky in gaming and unlucky in love ;) Maybe that's why I'm not afraid. Simple luck...
I actually missed that point, yes. Thanks for making it clear. As I said previously, sometimes it might be hard to relate for me, because I have almost zero bugs thankfully , nor had my PZ playing friend. Guess I'm lucky in gaming and unlucky in love ;) Maybe that's why I'm not afraid. Simple luck...

I had almost no bugs before 1.0.3 - then all of a sudden I had many. I hope your luck holds out!
When a new update includes some major changes and additions, such as those coming in 1.1.0, we are always asked whether the update will be free or paid as not everyone is aware of the difference between updates and DLC. We make it clear beforehand that updates like this are free to avoid any confusion :)
The Arctic DLC makes me think the same about Frontier.
But who cares about your opinion about customers.. ill just not buy any PZ DLC, as long PZ is'nt running well. It's Frontier, who will lose money, not me. You might think "we dont care", but you lost a customer who pays a lot of money for DLC's (in past) and did'nt care as long the base game is fine and the DLC content is worth the money (4 Animals, 10€ - makes me laught).
The Arctic DLC makes me think the same about Frontier.
But who cares about your opinion about customers.. ill just not buy any PZ DLC, as long PZ is'nt running well. It's Frontier, who will lose money, not me. You might think "we dont care", but you lost a customer who pays a lot of money for DLC's (in past) and did'nt care as long the base game is fine and the DLC content is worth the money (4 Animals, 10€ - makes me laught).

It won't matter if some don't buy the first DLC.. There are those that will..
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