Fusion 360 in Thememaker's Toolkit

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to use Fusion 360 in the Thememaker's Toolkit since Fusion is able to export .fbx files. I have already tried to upload a file to the Toolkit using a Fusion file, but I keep on receiving the following error:
  • Build process failed. [ugcBuilderFailed]"Conversion process returned a non zero exit code: -9"
However, I am unsure if this is due to an incompatibility between Fusion 360 and Thememaker's Toolkit, or if there is some other error with the file. Any help would be appreciated!
I'm not a Fusion 360 user myself, but here is some potentially useful info:

  • Since you got up to the ugcBuilderFailed error, TMTK seems to generally understand your FBX file. Otherwise some prechecks (like object dimensions) would have already failed directly after upload.
  • The error hints at some uncommon error that TMTK doesn't explicitly catch and report to the user.
  • However, .fbx is a proprietary format with various features, some of which TMTK might not understand.
  • Since Fusion 360 is an Autodesk product like Maya and Max, you could check and see if any of the exporting hints for those are applicable to Fusion as well: https://thememakers-toolkit.planetcoaster.com/user-guide/exporting
  • If that is not the case, you could, just as a sanity check, install Blender, import the FBX created from your Fusion 360 into that and export it to FBX again. While Autodesk products (probably) all use their proprietary FBX-SDK (FBX being a format owned by Autodesk), Blender uses a custom fbx im-/exporter and thus might or might not remove features unsupported by TMTK automatically when im-/exporting.

If you want us to have have a look at the fbx file exported from Fusion, you could also upload it here (if you are uncomfortable with sharing your actual project, export a dummy-object like a cube or something).
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