Futuremark VRMARK

I spent a fair bit of time last weekend trying to get the perfect settings for my 1080 Oculus setup. See here for full details ..


.. but basically SS 0.75, HMD quality 1.75, Bloom/Blur/Anti-aliasing off, Shadows medium, everything else High/Ultra.

With those settings I now get a very nice looking rock solid 90fps everywhere (n.b. you need to turn ASW off by pressing Ctrl + NumPad 1).

Interesting. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I tried your exact settings and sitting in a station hanger I am getting 45fps with about -25% headroom according to oculus debug tool. Something is not quite right!
Interesting. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I tried your exact settings and sitting in a station hanger I am getting 45fps with about -25% headroom according to oculus debug tool. Something is not quite right!

45fps suggests ASW to me - are you sure you've hit Ctrl+Numpad 1 to turn off ASW (I think I read that Numlock has to be on too).
Score = 10 296

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti(2x) @ 1,178 MHz (Core Clock)
Intel Core i7-5930K OC@4.4Ghz
Memory 32GB DDR4 @ 2.1Ghz
Looks like my MB (Asus Sabertooth Mk1) or my DDR3 16GB might be my bottleneck.

Having said that, I'm using the same settings as Alec and very happy with how everything looks in my Vive so I'm not too concerned :)
Orange Room : 10 337 Average frame rate 225.34 FPS Target frame rate 109.00 FPS

i7 4770K @4.4 Ghz
1080 GTX msi gaming x
GPU @ 2113 - 2075 & Memory @ 5500
16gb ram 2400mhz
The more I see these high scoring benchmarks the more I suspect that VRMark is perhaps more CPU dependent than it ought to be (or perhaps that just accurately reflects the needs of modern VR games). I seem to remember reading this comment elsewhere too. Basically it seems that, even with a 1080, it's hard to get a score much beyond 9000 unless you have an i7. Conversely, if you do have an i7 you can probably get a 9000+ score with anything from a 980Ti upwards.
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45fps suggests ASW to me - are you sure you've hit Ctrl+Numpad 1 to turn off ASW (I think I read that Numlock has to be on too).

You're right (of course!). I went back to your exact settings and With ASW on in the hanger I have 45fps with about -20 headroom but with ASW off I now have 90fps with about 0 to -4 headroom (right on the edge). thanks again, I will now fly around and see how it goes.
The more I see these high scoring benchmarks the more I suspect that VRMark is perhaps more CPU dependent than it ought to be (or perhaps that just accurately reflects the needs of modern VR games). I seem to remember reading this comment elsewhere too. Basically it seems that, even with a 1080, it's hard to get a score much beyond 7000 unless you have an i7. Conversely, if you do have an i7 you can probably get a 9000+ score with anything from a 980Ti upwards.

I did do some CPU scaling testing... but don't have the detail results on me right now. Will be tomorrow evening at the earliest before I can get the data. Faster CPUs do seem to help (at 980Ti, 1070 GPU level) but at the top end we're looking at relatively small % differences from throwing ever more CPU at it. Maybe useful if you're into competitive benching but otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.

I think it useful to have a CPU element in it, since wasn't that a criticism of the SteamVR benchmark when that came out?
Orange Room score: 8424
Average frame rate: 183.64

i7 5930K, default clocks (3.5GHz)
2x GTX980 (1448MHz)
Windows 10

Overclocked my CPU to 4.0GHz, it didn't affect much:

Scrore: 8637
Average frame rate: 188.29

I need to try this overclocking test again after I've upgraded my GPU.
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Maybe useful if you're into competitive benching but otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.

Totally agree, it's easy to become obsessed with benchmarks but bascially if it's running Elite to your satisfaction then it's all good, the rest is just numbers (and not worth overclocking to the point of hardware unreliability, or worse, damage).
Now that's weird - I just run the same Benchmark = and got 9937!

- - - Updated - - -

The third time I got a score of 10028!!
Just benchmarked my PC. Thought I'd join the party. I'm pretty happy considering it's an older CPU and how little RAM my system has. I've never seen it use more than 6.5GB so I'm loathed to buy any more.

Intel i5 4670K @ 4.2 (stock cooler but runs fine)
8Gb Corsair Vegence DDR3 @ 1600
EVGA GTX 1080 ftw
Samsung 840 Evo 120GB
SanDisk Ultra II 240GB
NVidia driver version 375.95
Windows 10

VRMark Orange room:
Score: 8840
Average FPS: 192.72

VRMark Blue room:
Score: 2931
Averagre FPS: 52.43
Quick benchmark with game stable overclocks.

10,478 Orange room
Average FPS 228.42

Nvidia Titan XP (on water)
5930K @ 4.4Ghz (on water)

If I get time later i'll give it a run with some proper overclocks.
VRMark Orange Room - 11,882
Avg FPS - 259.02

GPU - Titan X P @ 2126 Mhz
CPU - 6700k @ 4.5 Ghz
Memory - 16gb GSkill DDR4 @ 3200 Mhz
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