Powerplay Faction: Aisling Duval Galactic Standings for the Week Starting 24th of December, 3301 - Cycle 30

Happy Holidays everyone!

Our fortification efforts went well this week and we remain out of turmoil.
Additionally, we were successful in prepping the desired systems of HIP 109203, 23 Delta Piscis Austrini and Mula Wendes this turn. Unfortunately, we also ended up prepping the bad system Lumastya.

We remain in 5th place.

Aisling Duval's team Slack is becoming increasingly popular, you can join here:

This week's standings (and CC balances) follow:

1. Edmund Mahon (439 CC)
2. Zachary Hudson (-841 CC, Turmoil)
3. Felicia Winters (365 CC)
4. A Lavigny-Duval (-291 CC, Turmoil)
5. Aisling Duval (292 CC)
6. Zemina Torval (115 CC)
7. Li Yong-Rui (-205 CC, Turmoil)
8. Pranav Antal (619 CC)
9. Denton Patreus (257 CC)
10. Archon Delaine (11 CC)
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