GALNET - 25 MAR 3307 - ACT Requests Help to Locate Missing Agent

This is Fdev we are talking about, and I wouldn't say nuance isn't their specialty....
When they've put nuance in stories before, so many people have missed it entirely, taken the story at face value, and said "well, that was a boring story about nothing" that I wouldn't blame them for being fairly unsubtle about it nowadays.

For a relevant current case, there were some pretty big hints in the League of Reparation storyline that Alliance Inspector Mara Klatt - who has now returned as part of ACT - is rather more than she seems ... and that the League of Reparation may not have been as deranged as they looked.

(For a less relevant one, the Andromedaries article? I don't think that's particularly subtle either but equally most people seemed to take it at face value at the time...)
Pointing out that while we might want nuance in this story, don't be surprised if we don't end up with any.
Sure, though I don't think that changes my position at all here. I suppose you're saying the plot arc I'm suggesting might be the case of nuanced; I'd disagree... it's a pretty generic trope; create twins, one is evil but you don't know which... so do you punish both or leave both alone. Pretty tired old arc, but nonetheless, it works.

A nuanced storyline would be the surprise that neither NMLA nor Marlinists are the bad guys, and it's actually the feds propping up NMLA to a point, in support of Aisling and her anti slavery stance, in order to seed more chaos within the Empire. Sure she's a Duval, but that's the challenge feds face in reigning in the NMLA.
Sure, though I don't think that changes my position at all here. I suppose you're saying the plot arc I'm suggesting might be the case of nuanced; I'd disagree... it's a pretty generic trope; create twins, one is evil but you don't know which... so do you punish both or leave both alone. Pretty tired old arc, but nonetheless, it works.

A nuanced storyline would be the surprise that neither NMLA nor Marlinists are the bad guys, and it's actually the feds propping up NMLA to a point, in support of Aisling and her anti slavery stance, in order to seed more chaos within the Empire. Sure she's a Duval, but that's the challenge feds face in reigning in the NMLA.
Laughs in Kumo.
Yeh, but at least we've got something.
Now twist it FDev, twist it!
Still, though it's FDev to push the storyline, it is not right to jump gun on Marlinists when nothing is proven yet.
NMLA has been hot for how long? And just because ACT is formed, the Empire suddenly makes a break through by reading traffic logs?
Truth or manipulated information, I suggest until there's enough evidence, don't go trigger-happy just yet.
Hey, give Captain Niamh Seutonia some credit: Not only did she manage to find where those 9 bombs came from by just looking through the nine bombed stations arrival sheets, she also found where the entire Theta group was hiding in the process!
So she followed the trail of breadcrumbs straight into a trap. Presumably killed or captured in her first week on the job. Sounds like the NMLA are playing the Empire just like a violin. Everything pointed to an already broadly sympathetic system, just waiting for Denton to rush in like a bull in a china shop.
Definitely more than a few visitors to the crash site have ended up dead today :)
lol I haven't found it yet and daren't read the last 2 pages. I hope the next GalNet doesnt spoiler it completely, please just give me a week Frontier, pretend its a CG and wait til next Thursday.
So did anyone try this, yet?:
So did anyone try following ships of Order of Mundhrid jumping out of Steel City? Maybe they try the same trap they did on Valkyrie and if a player actually wins that fight we might learn something new...?
wake scanner right?
on other news this anaconda site is really good for raw mat farm, even better then my previous at koli discii

the "steel majasty" megaship mentioned in the logs is stil in mudhrid system btw
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Some questions:
1) Do destroyed ships always end up on a planet?
2) What method did you use to find it?
Making assumptions, but answering 2 by answering 1... these days anything (static) of interest, whether it's a shipwreck in space or a ship wrecked on a planet shows up as a POI on the FSS.
  • space ones are usually down near the "signal source" end of the spectrum, but slightly higher
  • surface ones[1] will show up as human sources when you inspect a planet (or otherwise, if non human)

[1] note, zooming in to a planet registers signals for anything on the surface and in orbit. So if there was two megaships in orbit and a human shipwreck on the surface, you'd get three signals detected on the relevant planet.
Making assumptions, but answering 2 by answering 1... these days anything (static) of interest, whether it's a shipwreck in space or a ship wrecked on a planet shows up as a POI on the FSS.
  • space ones are usually down near the "signal source" end of the spectrum, but slightly higher
  • surface ones[1] will show up as human sources when you inspect a planet (or otherwise, if non human)

[1] note, zooming in to a planet registers signals for anything on the surface and in orbit. So if there was two megaships in orbit and a human shipwreck on the surface, you'd get three signals detected on the relevant planet.
When you say "zooming in", is this the zoom in that a CMDR does when using the FSS? Also, does the POI show up in the navigation panel after the FSS scan or do I need to scan the Nav beacon?
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