GALNET - Achilles Aerospace releases full selection of Supercruise Overcharge modules - 09 MAY 3310



Achilles Aerospace releases full selection of Supercruise Overcharge modules​

09 MAY 3310

A suite of new Supercruise Overcharge Frame Shift Drives entered the market earlier this week alongside several other upgrades to the new modules.

To celebrate the company’s recent success, Dr. Namin Tirel, Achilles Aerospace’s Head of Research and Development, offered a rare interview to Vox Galactica:

“It boggles the mind, truly. We were working in secret on what would eventually become our Supercruise Overcharge technology for over a year now. We had mountains of data and plenty of theories still to test, but we were struggling to make headway on anything that had real practical application. When we got hold of some of the actual parts of the Thargoids’ drive-like technology, all that time, energy, and financial investment finally paid off. We were able to make huge strides in a short time frame, as you’re now seeing.”

“We purposefully made these drives difficult to modify as they’re still using very new technology, but, with how well the drives are holding up, we saw fit to relax this restriction.”

“Our latest firmware update also removes the prototype safety limiter on jump range which goes hand-in-hand with some brilliant fine-tuning we achieved during development. Not only are our drives capable of Supercruise Overcharge but we saw a few optimisations we could make over Sirius’ aging technology. If you want to go both faster and further, switch to an Achilles drive.”

“Finally, we have our work with Faulcon DeLacy on their Python Mk II. This is something that both companies are immensely happy with, and we want to offer this same collaborative approach to other manufacturers too.”

“Supercruise Overcharge has been a highlight of my career, and being a part of its continued development is a privilege. Thank you to my team helping to create the next phase of space travel, and a special thank you to the independent pilots who brought us the key pieces of technology that made all of this possible.”
Uh, but you only just you got the titan drive components a month ago.
Maybe they started working on it after learning how titans travelled to the bubble, but they lacked the final component to put it all together.
That's how I interpreted it. Titans come in whizzing through systems faster than anything we've seen before, Achilles engineers get curious and start tinkering with FSD-s to make them go faster. But are unable to make a breakthrough without having access to Titan drives and seeing what makes them tick.
Sirius responds with a carbon copy drive that has effective braking...

That would be lovely, and indeed could be a small step away from getting a Supercruise reverse. I understand that Supercruise without Flight assist once was possible; reintroducing a form of that could be interesting also!
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