Chase Admits Kingfisher Mission ‘A Mistake’



06 DEC 3308
Congressman Dalton Chase has made a public statement regretting his involvement with the Thargoid Advocacy Project.
Chase became a member of Congress after an electoral campaign focusing on inter-species diplomatic relations. He was a key organiser and fundraiser for the Kingfisher megaship, which attempted to open communications with the Taranis entity but was subsequently destroyed with no survivors.
In a press statement delivered from Olympus Village on Mars, Congressman Chase announced:
“The tragic fate that befell the Kingfisher has affected me deeply. I now recognise that sourcing the means for those activists to intercept Taranis was, however well intentioned, a mistake. Such an endeavour should not have been attempted by inexperienced citizens, no matter their courage and tenacity.”
“In honour of those brave people, I pledge to focus on proposals to introduce xeno-diplomacy as Federal policy. Rather than civilians needing to risk their lives, we should be bringing such operations to the Federal Navy at a congressional level.”
Secretary of State Lana Berkovich has petitioned Congress to launch an investigation into Chase’s involvement with the xeno-peace movement. She described his role in the loss of over 3,000 lives as “beyond reckless”.
Although the Thargoid Advocacy Project has faltered following the Kingfisher incident, some of its core members were recently involved in organising anti-authoritarian rallies. According to former spokesperson Timothy Culver:
“The superpowers’ involvement in the massacre at HIP 22460, when they supported Salvation’s attempted xenocide, makes them responsible for the Thargoids launching this counterstrike. We need to bring our leaders to account.”
Mistakes were made by Salvation and those who slavishly followed him (including the superpowers).

It is still not beyond hope that there's several factions in Thargoid society (aka Oresians and Klaxians) and that diplomacy with the right party might be the only way. Personally I do not trust ANY of the superpowers to be open to anything but war.
Mistakes were made by Salvation and those who slavishly followed him (including the superpowers).

It is still not beyond hope that there's several factions in Thargoid society (aka Oresians and Klaxians) and that diplomacy with the right party might be the only way. Personally I do not trust ANY of the superpowers to be open to anything but war.
Sadly due to the widespread nature of salvation's weapon, I would'nt think either faction would be too happy with us humans at this point.
And war maybe our only option for now
However, I'm beginning to think along the lines of 'Salvation's weapon worked.... briefly......' so if we could free it from having to use a thargoid surface site, then the bugs would not have a chance to backfire it.


Oh and someone make an anti-thargoid torpedo that homes in on a heart and blows it apart.
I'm sure some secret files will emerge, showing that Chase's middle name is Sherlock, and a new galactic wide expression will be born (based an older one)

No biowaste, Sherlock, no biowaste.
However, I'm beginning to think along the lines of 'Salvation's weapon worked.... briefly......' so if we could free it from having to use a thargoid surface site, then the bugs would not have a chance to backfire it.
He had a more portable and lower-power version as used in some other systems before HIP 22460 that didn't require tying into a Thargoid site.

The problem is practicality - even the small version takes so long to assemble that (now they know what to look for) all it's really good for is forcing the Thargoids to temporarily withdraw from a system. That's still something which could be really useful, but for the effort required to collect and transport the substantial quantities of Guardian materials that even a small one requires, it's not certain that bringing in more conventional military supplies wouldn't be a better use of time.
The attempt at diplomacy had to be made. Though standing in front of the invasion fleet coming in at full tilt was a predictably bad idea. Standing with a carrier bag of groceries in front of a column of tanks might have worked at Tiananmen but it isn't really viable as a strategy.
Politics: Where killing 3000 people is a tragic mistake you can just apologize for.
Chase's problem is that he's thinking too small - he contributed to the circumstances leading to the deaths of 3,000 (though quite a lot of other people share responsibility as well) ... Salvation actively ordered the deaths of tens of times as many, and when Maelstrom #4 arrives the body count indirectly caused by his actions will reach several billion.

That's why Chase is to be the subject of an investigation and Azimuth isn't: an investigation into Azimuth would implicate far too many other powerful people in what's happened and about to happen.
The attempt at diplomacy had to be made. Though standing in front of the invasion fleet coming in at full tilt was a predictably bad idea. Standing with a carrier bag of groceries in front of a column of tanks might have worked at Tiananmen but it isn't really viable as a strategy.
Didn't really work there either.
Ok then, so the way it is being presented is that Kingfisher "mission" was just civilians?

It always seemed that TAP had specialists from several xeno-related fields, not just "common people supporting peace", but also research specialists, maybe some former navy that were disgruntled from seeing so many soldiers dead due to stupid orders from higher up. Because of that, it always felt like a formal project, not some "civilian gathering".

So I guessed it wrong then. There were no people with experience on dealing with Thargoids (peacefully or not) who decided to flip from the superpowers, there were no people specialized on non-aggressive defense systems that defended from Thargoid technology such as the Shutdown Field Neutralizer, there were no pilots or captains with prior experience. It was just researchers and common people.
TAP is now being written off as the butt end of a joke to implement the more complex and complete mechanics for Thargoid invasions (unironic good job on that, FDev).

Just peachy.

Was figuring the xeno-relations side of xeno activities was coming together with the new war, but that was asking too much. Now I'mma gonna enter cryo-sleep for another year until xeno-relations gets back on the table. Not like it matters, the sales already ended anyway. At least I hopped we would get the hot drop module for our ships (the ones that Frontline Solutions doesn't commercialize to us, but pirates and other pilots seem to get their grabby hands on anyway).

Now at least we understand that the Chase line had nothing to do with xeno relations setup, and what it was actually all about: he gets investigated, investigations results are sketchy and non-trustworthy, some Salvation dirt gets pushed onto Chase, some split in senate occurs as war supporters will use him as divergence tactics from Salvations backfire of triggering the largest Thargoid invasion in recent years, Chase either gets recognition or jail (probably both), then some CG decides whether he's killed or kept alive.
I'm a tad disappointed that there was no mention of these hanging out in the Kingfisher's cargo bays:


I'd be interested to see what that investigation turns up in that regard.
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