GALNET - Target the Titans – Guardian Nanite Torpedoes Released - 26 FEB 3310

There's obviously at least another part to this puzzle, or the AXI would have gone through all of the Titans, so far.
The attacks on the Titans are having an effect - especially at Taranis - that's visible in the Journal progress indicator for the Titan's system. It's just going to take a fair bit longer for it to accumulate to visible levels.

From what little data we have it looks like there might be some benefit to removing a Titan's other systems too, in terms of making that easier, but it'll need more data to see if it's significant or indeed real.
My own thought for now - sufficient damage to a Titan might(will?) reveal other weak points to target and do additional damage with. I dunno. But it kind of feels like taking a Titan down would be the kind of thing you’d make a multi-stage endeavor.

mothership will be forced to expose its inner regions to space
Well after today’s mini-maintenance, the UI indicators have disappeared entirely and the Titan system tab looks exactly like it did before U18. What gives, Frontier?

*Edit - seems like it’s just Elite doing Elite things and sometimes the indicator is there, other times it disappears and reverts to pre-U18 display.
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I looked at it more like a variant of our shield displays, so the outer layer gets mashed, and that's it. (The "circle" progress bar is a common widget in the game)
At first I thought it would work like our shield indicators, with rings fading out from outward in. But the screenshot implies that each ring is a progress bar for each "phase" of Titan-bashing--the active "phase" ring goes bright and starts to shorten clockwise, when it goes to 0 the next ring inward goes bright and starts to shorten. Peeling an onion🙃
another thought: It might be possible the attack cycle changes once the Titan's defences are down? Maybe it's a staged process. Anyway, it's unlikely to discover it all within the first 12 hours.

I guess for those disappointed the spectacle factor is not higher, I imagine Tanner's talk about superpower ships could include flotillas of capital ships jumping in with the heavy artillery, once a Titan has been weakened enough, and its sinuses are thoroughly clogged, to deliver the coup de grace... (and then leaving right away, before they rust through :p)
Battle is joined.

Short description: Skin dancing helps (B5 reference)
shoot yellow heat ports with torps, have to be a little close to target them but no big deal, you are already skin dancing anyway.

Torps smack it, it hollers. Enough times and a corn cob pops out. Shoot corn cob. Corn cob goes away, repeat process.

You'll have plenty of munitions with the size 3 as each has 128 torps. All you have to do is tank the turret fire or, you know, you can I guess shoot the turrets. Missiles, too, but you have caustic sinks to handle that to get here in the first place.
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