Horizons Game is terribly unfriendly to new players - umplayeble!!!

Game is terribly unfriendly to new players

Could speak of NPCs, but everyone knows that we are having problems with aggression, level of NPCs and their 'magical weapons' (they are too DPS). But I will stick now, the system of penalties.

If you accidentally hit a ship 'friend' - and my rank in a system is 'ally', the security forces will kill you. Worse, there's even a chance for you to pay a fine without being docked at a station, only you will orrer attempting dock in a station by the same security forces that are your 'friends'.

This does not make any sense. One thing is to achieve with a simple shot a ship whatsoever, nothing to produce this ship, quite another you shoot down a friend or neutral name.

The game balancing is TERRIBLE. I do not know what happens if the team developers hate new players - and I believe so or are completely wrong about 'gameplay' and fun.

ED became a headache. But because we are playing anyway? Because pay for expensive game and the expansion. Because we like the original game idea and not this 'thing' terrible that has been transforming the ED.

(google translate)
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It's more about what kind of players the "new" players are. Helping newbies since release. The change in demographics is ... huge.
Game is terribly unfriendly to new players
ED expects you to figure it out. It'll give you the basics, but the rest is up to you.
Hopefully ED will teach people how to rationalise, how to think for themselves, how to step away from the mundane gaming world of "Press C to couch."


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Could speak of NPCs, but everyone knows that we are having problems with aggression, level of NPCs and their 'magical weapons' (they are too DPS). But I will stick now, the system of penalties.
Should have been fixed, if you are still encountering issues, please report it as a bug on the Bug Forum.

If you accidentally hit a ship 'friend' - and my rank in a system is 'ally', the security forces will kill you. Worse, there's even a chance for you to pay a fine without being docked at a station, only you will orrer attempting dock in a station by the same security forces that are your 'friends'.
This does not make any sense. One thing is to achieve with a simple shot a ship whatsoever, nothing to produce this ship, quite another you shoot down a friend or neutral name.
The crime and punishment system needs work, this much is obvious; but your rank is irrelevant; if you commit a serious enough crime, the punishment is death.

The game balancing is TERRIBLE. I do not know what happens if the team developers hate new players - and I believe so or are completely wrong about 'gameplay' and fun.
I'm having fun, and I can hold my own against a variety of different NPC's. It took a lot of practice.

ED became a headache. But because we are playing anyway? Because pay for expensive game and the expansion. Because we like the original game idea and not this 'thing' terrible that has been transforming the ED.
I don't even know what this is referring to. If it's referring to balance, regarding NPC's.. then the original we were playing, was an unintended, watered-down version of the NPC AI. It's now where it needs to be, barring a few tweaks here and there.
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Basic in ED? die all time...or in interdictor...or in combat. Sider ship against other ship AFTER update? impossible, u go death!

Game have problems and terrible problems to players. And im not 'new' in game.

System penalties? Its a joke, non sense. Im Ally from a Corp...if u hit ONE shoot in a ship, u go death. no have tolerance.
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Basic in ED? die all time...or in interdictor...or in combat. Sider ship against other ship AFTER update? impossible, u go death!
Practice makes perfect. Yes, you'll die, but hopefully with each death you'll have learned something new. Eventually, you'll learn how to fly without dying. Why is death such a bad thing? Death in this game warns you to take it seriously, or risk starting from scratch. This is called a learning curve.

Game have problems and terrible problems to players. And im not 'new' in game.
Yes, the game has issues - but are they terrible problems to players? Not really.

System penalties? Its a joke, non sense. Im Ally from a Corp...if u hit ONE shoot in a ship, u go death. no have tolerance.
Unprovoked assault on an unscanned ship is considered a Major Crime, the punishment for this is death.
Zero tolerance is a good policy.
Again, your rank has no bearing on anything.
"Practice makes perfect."

Problem not is 'pratice' is mechanic. I not die in dictor, but dictor all time? Please!!! game have problems and new update try solve ONE this problem, (but NOT solved yet). NPCs have 'magical weapons'. And about punish system, no make any sense.

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"Unprovoked assault on an unscanned ship is considered a Major Crime, the punishment for this is death.
Zero tolerance is a good policy."

For u, maybe. For many players, its a joke, a bad mechanic from a terrible idea. U disagree? This is your problem.
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"Practice makes perfect."

Problem not is 'pratice' is mechanic. I not die in dictor, but dictor all time? Please!!! game have problems and new update try solve ONE this problem, (but NOT solved yet). NPCs have 'magical weapons'. And about punish system, no make any sense.
Really? I practised, I got better. I got better at flying my ship. I got better at knowing which battles to pick. I got better at pip management. I got better at reading my surroundings in the heat of combat. I got better, because I practised.
No, NPC's do not have magical weapons. They DID have a bug which gave them interesting, but deadly weapon combo's (PA's that shoot like Bursts, woot!), but that got removed.
Punishment system is harsh, it's severe. It brooks no quarter with pilots who aren't careful and believe they can do whatever they want without consequence.
Don't like the system? Don't break the rules and watch that trigger figure (again, practice). It's not hard.

"Unprovoked assault on an unscanned ship is considered a Major Crime, the punishment for this is death.
Zero tolerance is a good policy."

For u, maybe. For many players, its a joke, a bad mechanic from a terrible idea. U disagree? This is your problem.
You mean players who can't be bothered to learn how to play? Players who can't adapt? Players who are so used to being shovelled piles upon piles of "GG U SO IMBA PLAYA!"
Yeah, I'm seeing more and more of that.
Gods, I'm so tired of the amount of whining from players who want to power-pew their way through the game without actually learning to play the game, who don't want to adapt, to experience the thrill of dogfighting, or the fear of losing your ship as you run away, or the sadness and anger when you ship is blown up because of a mistake YOU made.

Except in a few cases when bugs are prevalent, this is a learn to play issue; a bunch of people who are too lazy to learn from their mistakes and instead want EZ-MODE.
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"Gods, I'm so tired of the amount of whining from players who want to power-pew Their way through the game without Actually learning to play the game, who do not want to adapt, to experience the thrill of dogfighting, or the fear of losing your ship as you run away, or the sadness and anger When you ship is blown up because of a mistake yOU made."

You just confirms the fact that many, many players are not happy with the game.
"Gods, I'm so tired of the amount of whining from players who want to power-pew Their way through the game without Actually learning to play the game, who do not want to adapt, to experience the thrill of dogfighting, or the fear of losing your ship as you run away, or the sadness and anger When you ship is blown up because of a mistake yOU made."

You just confirms the fact that many, many players are not happy with the game.

Then they should pick another game, because ED obviously isn't for them. I will be so saddened if Frontier pander to a bunch of children.
Your first reaction is to come and cry on the forums. Why not seek advise on how to become better? Read a bit perhaps? E:D is a complicated game with a steep learning curve. It's not some arcady .
Also, here's a "new" player. Watch and learn.
I predict that No Man's Sky is going to sort all this out in the end. Those ED players who are presently unhappy with the changes in 2.1.02 will have another game to try that might likely prove to be a better fit for their preferred gameplay style.

How that ultimately effects Frontier's bottom line in the long term remains to be seen. However, if NMS is successful in skimming off a rather large segment of ED's current player base, I can't see how that would be anything but a disaster to the future of Elite Dangerous. Less active players means a lot less $$ coming in with the next chapter update.

Something those who refuse to walk in the shoes of these unhappy players need to consider, IF they hope to have an ED game that is still being supported 2-3 years from now. I think Frontier would be wise to seriously consider these player's opinions and not blow them off like so many of the short sighted members of this community love to do.
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The CMNDR is stating what others have said. The new learning curve is steeper than in previous versions. It is s safe assumption that the "veteran" players started when it was easy to make money and gain rank just grinding. Newbies don't have that chance and will turn away, anyone can read forums and reviews. If FD wants to sustain operations only on what all the "aces" want, then I hope they saved their sheckels from the initial crowd-sourcing to stay afloat or pare down and let the game wither away in time.

There are issues in play, NPC super powers, the instant death bug, which by the way has morphed, the serial interdictions and what not. Some have been addressed, others not.

The game killer is that you have to transport Engineer mats, worth less than 1K CR. You do missions, mine planets, asteroids, search USS, nav points, scoop material left by destroyed ships, to get mats. It isn't easy or intelligent to discard valuable/hard to find mats because they aren't needed for your current blueprints. Even working on your one current blue print, you are a target BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO COLLECT/CARRY CARGO.

The cargo transfer between ships is no help, the active ship will ALWAYS HAVE CARGO. Buy a small ship to avoid expensive buy backs? First you have TO GET RID OF ALL THAT CARGO you just spent hours collecting, BECAUSE YOU CAN"T STORE A SHIP WITH CARGO.

My Python is up to grade 3 mods and got an experimental results, emissive rounds in a MCT HICAP mag. It has 3 SB'S, the FSD and the PD modded. Got trough Deadly/elite interdictions, (ran on some, fought on the one's I thought I could win) not all in one piece. Use my F/A more, developed tactics to effectively bail out of interdictions, surfaced mined, asteroid mined, USS stops, forum search and questions to put it all together. All of that is well and good, I got time, I'm retired and an old SF buff from back in the 60's when possibly many forum participants didn't exist. Please don't tell me to put in the time to learn, I have put in a considerable amount of time.

The final straw is what happened when I went to plain RES to try my new wonder MCT; a wing of three NPC's immediately attacked me thermally, kinetically and with missiles, all at once. Why? Because of the "TASTY CARGO" I had that consisted of a few k's of mats that I HAVE TO CARRY AROUND. This happens constantly, because the NPC's are programmed that way.

Well, you say, it's your choice to CARRY THAT CARGO, why, you can just jettison and all is solved, right?. Well, I say, I needed most of that stuff for my next set of blues with Tod, Felicia and Dweller; so I should just start from scratch every time I try to obtain a mod?. Is that your solution, say I? Somewhere along the line, you will ACQUIRE CARGO.

It is nonsensical to get rid of stuff you worked within the game dynamics to earn. FD makes it tough to find things and gain power, prestige and money, along with those shiny ships. What is FD's reason to discount the efforts of the CMNDRS by creating such an artificial bottleneck?

I will continue to play, sneaking around in my FAS and Python, trying to fill out that shopping list consisting of 22 items to be obtained in multiple quantities at various locales to get ready for my next Engineer's visit hoping to improve my survival chances.

I also hope that a solution is readily applied to the cargo issue, in the very near future.

"The Martian Chronicles"
Ray Bradbury
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Something those who refuse to walk in the shoes of these unhappy players need to consider, IF they hope to have an ED game that is still being supported 2-3 years from now. I think Frontier would be wise to seriously consider these player's opinions and not blow them off like so many of the short sighted members of this community love to do.
This. There's clearly a large segment of the player base who are less than happy. And if FD want to continue selling units, they need to do something about that. The market for a tough, complex, challenging space sim is limited. I don't want to see the game dumbed down, but at the very least it would be wise to make it a little more accessible or to provide options to make it more viable for casual players. Telling people to practice or to find another game isn't the answer. None of us will have a game to play if people don't keep buying it.
Your first reaction is to come and cry on the forums. Why not seek advise on how to become better? Read a bit perhaps? E:D is a complicated game with a steep learning curve. It's not some arcady .
Also, here's a "new" player. Watch and learn.

Friend, I do not read nonsense of people in this forum are only to offend others, so do not lose your time with me. If you do not like something, argue now speak nonsense to offend me will not help you at all.
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Friend, I do not read nonsense of people in this forum are only to offend others, so do not lose your time with me. If you do not like something, argue now speak nonsense to offend me will not help you at all.

This response makes literally zero sense.

If you want advice on how to improve your game, we'll give it to you. To come on the forum and decry the game as unplayable is ridiculous and hyperbolic. Especially when you turn around
and tell somebody to stuff it when they're offering advice.

Go be miserable somewhere else.
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Really? I practised, I got better. I got better at flying my ship. I got better at knowing which battles to pick. I got better at pip management. I got better at reading my surroundings in the heat of combat. I got better, because I practised.
No, NPC's do not have magical weapons. They DID have a bug which gave them interesting, but deadly weapon combo's (PA's that shoot like Bursts, woot!), but that got removed.
Punishment system is harsh, it's severe. It brooks no quarter with pilots who aren't careful and believe they can do whatever they want without consequence.
Don't like the system? Don't break the rules and watch that trigger figure (again, practice). It's not hard.

You mean players who can't be bothered to learn how to play? Players who can't adapt? Players who are so used to being shovelled piles upon piles of "GG U SO IMBA PLAYA!"
Yeah, I'm seeing more and more of that.
Gods, I'm so tired of the amount of whining from players who want to power-pew their way through the game without actually learning to play the game, who don't want to adapt, to experience the thrill of dogfighting, or the fear of losing your ship as you run away, or the sadness and anger when you ship is blown up because of a mistake YOU made.

Except in a few cases when bugs are prevalent, this is a learn to play issue; a bunch of people who are too lazy to learn from their mistakes and instead want EZ-MODE.

It does not change the FACT that the game is terribly bad for new players, including interim.

This fact - FACT - is narrated by dozens of players. This does not change anything, say 'I think it's good.' AIs are extremely aggressive and extremely powerful weapons, including low rank.

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This response makes literally zero sense.

If you want advice on how to improve your game, we'll give it to you. To come on the forum and decry the game as unplayable is ridiculous and hyperbolic. Especially when you turn around
and tell somebody to stuff it when they're offering advice.

Go be miserable somewhere else.

It also will not help at all. The game is 'impossible' as is. I do not want advice and not need your permission to express what i think.

And "miserable" (?) ... I will not answer another offense!
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You type: "Go be miserable somewhere else."


Just a comment, the FACT no change - game is terrible to new players - if u ofend me...or another guy.
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