Horizons Game is terribly unfriendly to new players - umplayeble!!!

I don't know. I'm a newbie, as green as grass, and I've been playing for three days (couple of hours each day). Of course, I haven't removed the training wheels yet, meaning I'm still in solo mode (just until I get the hang of it, I promise!).

Since I was a backer, I got a free Eagle Mk II . . . which I found only after I'd done some exploration in my Sidewinder.

So far, I've been intercepted only once, by what I think was a Viper Mk III. My hull was down to 1% when the fight was over, but I did get the NPC, and I got a hefty bounty, too (20,900 Credits -- I was patting myself on the back for half an hour afterwards!).

Several hours later, this is still the only combat incident I've experienced.

This game is definitely not something for casual gamers who expect to be held by the hand, but man, it offers something if you take the time and try to learn something.

Incidentally, and hilariously enough, yesterday I bit the dust. I was a courier mission, had to do multiple jumps, and did not think to refuel or at least buy a fuel scoop. So, there I was all of a sudden, skosh fuel and the next inhabitated system totally out of reach . . . in my Eagle Mk II, no less. Well, I had insurance, so I just committed suicide. That's life.

Even though I haven't scratched the surface, I can tell this game will keep me amused for many, many, MANY hours.

I'd also like to thank the people here. This forum offers tons of helpful advice, and it is definitely one of the most newbie-friendly ones.


DDM_Reaper20 (mostly harmless/pennyless)
Ouch been there done that, have the keyring, t-shirt and many other momentos. That being said, there is something know as the fuel rats. They have a website, you can go there and ask for some fuel, and someone will come over and transfer fuel to you so you don't have to suicide. Friendly bunch much recommended.

No give you the rewards immediately game will ever give you the same feeling you get when you win a drag out knuckle fight with an NPC and you win. The feeling is amazing, my wive laughs at me all the time when I am yelling at the screen about how I kicked their ass. Witcher 3 with the follow the arrows never did that to me.

I am sure you will run into some frustration, everyone does, that is the nature of the beast, but once you solve the issue good feeling again. Let me know if you need some help or something I am more than willing to give some assistance if needed.
Your first reaction is to come and cry on the forums. Why not seek advise on how to become better? Read a bit perhaps? E:D is a complicated game with a steep learning curve. It's not some arcady .
Also, here's a "new" player. Watch and learn.

Isinona is not a new player, but THE faoff god.
Your first reaction is to come and cry on the forums. Why not seek advise on how to become better? Read a bit perhaps? E:D is a complicated game with a steep learning curve. It's not some arcady .
Also, here's a "new" player. Watch and learn.

Common Troll's...............give the rest of us a break. We paid as much as you did, and we don't like the changes. More of us than you by the way.
The best part of any spacesim is learning.
I remeber learning X² without using the internet or the manual and it made for a better game in the end.

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Common Troll's...............give the rest of us a break. We paid as much as you did, and we don't like the changes. More of us than you by the way.
No one is trolling. when we kickstarted the game we were promised an unforgiving hardcore space combat/exploration/trade sim , not a new ubisoft borefest
My 14 year old nice continues to play this game and insists on flying solo most of the time despite having her father, brother, and myself to call upon to wing if she needs. Not sure what that says about all the cry babies around here, but its not favourable, and I won't repeat here what she has already said about folks talking about quitting.
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