Gamescom Confirmations

I just played 30 minutes today.
I can confirm:
  • Endruns for Waterslides, not only into a pool.
  • Volumentric water in terrain
  • 3 different depth of pools
  • Setting height of paths with only pressing shift and moving up and downwards
  • Priority line going directly into the station
  • Assign staff to rides
  • Vending machines
  • Multiple sizes or waterpumps/towers and electricitY
Hyped! Can you clarify what you mean by volumetric water in terrain? Am I being stupid or does this mean more fluid water is possible, like flowing rivers?!
I actually very happy about everything I've read in this post regarding what things have been confirmed just from the limited demo. I'm even less apprehensive about the utilities aspect, specifically the power needs, if I can have the underground power lines that are out of view of guests and the transformer presumably connected to the outside the park power grid in a nice secluded place. I still personally like the water concept specifically to water rides and needing the water cleaned for a way mechanics can upkeep water slides. Do I want to run water pipes to and from every placed food service place and restroom and fountain?... no. So, water management good.. to a limited degree. Here is hoping it's not super excessive. :p I too am also still unclear about one of the mentioned things.. the volumetric water. Anyone that can provide some more clarity about this would be nice. I appreciate all this additional information, making me even more excited for the fall to get here and let me be able to dive on into the amazing new edition they've created.:)
I actually very happy about everything I've read in this post regarding what things have been confirmed just from the limited demo. I'm even less apprehensive about the utilities aspect, specifically the power needs, if I can have the underground power lines that are out of view of guests and the transformer presumably connected to the outside the park power grid in a nice secluded place. I still personally like the water concept specifically to water rides and needing the water cleaned for a way mechanics can upkeep water slides. Do I want to run water pipes to and from every placed food service place and restroom and fountain?... no. So, water management good.. to a limited degree. Here is hoping it's not super excessive. :p I too am also still unclear about one of the mentioned things.. the volumetric water. Anyone that can provide some more clarity about this would be nice. I appreciate all this additional information, making me even more excited for the fall to get here and let me be able to dive on into the amazing new edition they've created.:)
Volumetric water is what’s in PZ - the water fills a 3d space rather than being a 2d sheet as in PC1. It does not = water physics / flow


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I went to gamescom yesterday and was lucky enough to enjoy my 15 minutes of Planco 2!

Mostly everything has been turned inside out and back again by the amazing Planet Coaster community so don't expect any big news from my 15 minute experience.
That being said, because so much is already known I tried to take a look at the more minor things that might not be huge confirmations, but just little details.

Ground Textures :
As confirmed before, you can now have a lot more ground textures in 1 biome. I didn't count them but according to other people it were either 16 or 17. I can confirm this sounds like a plausible number. The good : More options!! The bad : Too many textures are similar. I had hoped to see Ice, desert, etc as I like my park to have different sections. Hopefully they will add even more or make it possible to mix and match the textures you want like in Planet Coaster 1. Right now it was multiple variations of mud, grass, gras and mud, etc.

Staff (Janitors) :
We already saw that staff members like janitors and mechanics (and maybe more kinds) are no longer all the same model. In Planet Coaster every janitor was the older guy with the big mustache. In Planet Coaster 2 they seem to be randomly generated in either, male or female, skin color, etc. I think all in all I placed about 10 janitor's and all looked different. You have no controll over which one will be spawned but you can customise their clothing in 4 different color channels.

Ride Price :
When you opened the price tab in Planet coaster you were able to set the price for a certain ride or coaster. I noticed we have 3 options in Planet Coaster 2 which were (if memory serves me right) Budget / Expensive / Custom. When selecting Custom you can set your own price but you can also set a minimum and maximum price. I didn't have time to investigate how this all works but clearly this works different from before!

Food Extras :
In Planet Coaster 1 you were able to select how much mustard, cheese, ketchup etc you want to put on your burger. More extra's ment higher costs but more satisfying food.
This system has been reworked in Planet Coaster 2. The system is now based on allergie's. When you add a certain something to your product, the item is no longer gluten free for example.
Again I didn't have time to fully figure out how this system works but if memory serves me right I saw gluten, suger, diary as little logo's that will show up. My guess is that adding those extra's to your food/drinks might make them more satisfying for some, but un-eatable for others. Maybe guests will complain when there is nothing right for them to eat but this is just my speculation. Hope to find out more on this!

Music :
The game already had some music available but I didn't see an option for custom music. Hopefully this will be added later (I can't stress enough we really really need this! ;) )

Path Color :
I didn't have much time to play around with path's. I just wanted to check how extensive the color customisation is in the pathing. When I opened the tab my time was running out but in the few seconds that I had it seemed like this was VERY flexible as I was at least able to pick black, red, purple and every other color that I would have liked asphald.

Ride Modes :
I quickly plopped down a wooden rollercoaster, and noticed the following 3 modes were available : Block sectioned, lapped and standard. This is excactly the same to how it was before so no news at all. Altough you can also say, it's confirmed block sections and laps are still a thing :)
I went to gamescom yesterday and was lucky enough to enjoy my 15 minutes of Planco 2!

Mostly everything has been turned inside out and back again by the amazing Planet Coaster community so don't expect any big news from my 15 minute experience.
That being said, because so much is already known I tried to take a look at the more minor things that might not be huge confirmations, but just little details.

Ground Textures :
As confirmed before, you can now have a lot more ground textures in 1 biome. I didn't count them but according to other people it were either 16 or 17. I can confirm this sounds like a plausible number. The good : More options!! The bad : Too many textures are similar. I had hoped to see Ice, desert, etc as I like my park to have different sections. Hopefully they will add even more or make it possible to mix and match the textures you want like in Planet Coaster 1. Right now it was multiple variations of mud, grass, gras and mud, etc.

Staff (Janitors) :
We already saw that staff members like janitors and mechanics (and maybe more kinds) are no longer all the same model. In Planet Coaster every janitor was the older guy with the big mustache. In Planet Coaster 2 they seem to be randomly generated in either, male or female, skin color, etc. I think all in all I placed about 10 janitor's and all looked different. You have no controll over which one will be spawned but you can customise their clothing in 4 different color channels.

Ride Price :
When you opened the price tab in Planet coaster you were able to set the price for a certain ride or coaster. I noticed we have 3 options in Planet Coaster 2 which were (if memory serves me right) Budget / Expensive / Custom. When selecting Custom you can set your own price but you can also set a minimum and maximum price. I didn't have time to investigate how this all works but clearly this works different from before!

Food Extras :
In Planet Coaster 1 you were able to select how much mustard, cheese, ketchup etc you want to put on your burger. More extra's ment higher costs but more satisfying food.
This system has been reworked in Planet Coaster 2. The system is now based on allergie's. When you add a certain something to your product, the item is no longer gluten free for example.
Again I didn't have time to fully figure out how this system works but if memory serves me right I saw gluten, suger, diary as little logo's that will show up. My guess is that adding those extra's to your food/drinks might make them more satisfying for some, but un-eatable for others. Maybe guests will complain when there is nothing right for them to eat but this is just my speculation. Hope to find out more on this!

Music :
The game already had some music available but I didn't see an option for custom music. Hopefully this will be added later (I can't stress enough we really really need this! ;) )

Path Color :
I didn't have much time to play around with path's. I just wanted to check how extensive the color customisation is in the pathing. When I opened the tab my time was running out but in the few seconds that I had it seemed like this was VERY flexible as I was at least able to pick black, red, purple and every other color that I would have liked asphald.

Ride Modes :
I quickly plopped down a wooden rollercoaster, and noticed the following 3 modes were available : Block sectioned, lapped and standard. This is excactly the same to how it was before so no news at all. Altough you can also say, it's confirmed block sections and laps are still a thing :)
Thank you Vampiro! :) Nice overview!!
Dont forget about the object/scenery brush tool!

Also I think I read how you can place paths with lights/bins/benches on them, but has anyone seen it in action yet?
Dont forget about the object/scenery brush tool!

Also I think I read how you can place paths with lights/bins/benches on them, but has anyone seen it in action yet?
Rudi showed it off at gamescom in a stream he had to take down,because no streaming allowed. It placed 3 bins on each side in about 1.5m distance from each other on a 4m path.
First look at umbrellas!
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