Discussion Get Pitch and Roll

Hey Guys,

first, I hope this is the right forum...

Second: I'm currently building a chair with two servos so that it can be tilted and rotated.
So I hoped there was a way to get the Roll and Pitch info from Elite:Dangerous to move the chair accordingly,
I thought it would be nice if the chair followed the movement of the little ship hologram (you know on the right of the radar) this would be perfect because it does not really move that much (180° or more... that would be kinda strange in a seat I guess) and it also rotates back.

Thanks for your answers and I hope you can help me ^^.

Thanks in advance,
If you only intend to use it with FA-on and are using a Joystick you could just read the input values sent out from your joystick.
Can't remember where I saw it, but one guy has a working pitch/yaw/roll chair setup that works. Search the forum or google.
I can correct myself: Even with FA-off it would be possible to read your joystick input values. You'd just have to handle them differently.
Well, thx for your replies,
I feel quite stupid now, never thought of reading the joystick value, that would be the easiest part... also it would work for other games as well!
Thanks @Fett_Li !
If I ever get it working I will post my result ^^
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