Getting mail-slot pinned in my T9

It's one of these days again... You know, when you head slowly with your fully laden T9 through the mailslot, and an NPC ship just bumps into your side, pushing you into the fence... And your T9 doesn't move just one more meter.

Anyone else having this issue? I lost two ships including cargo by this during my recent sessions. The NPC are really reckless (and they never get a fine, I bet). When the T9 keeps stuck, it's seems to be stuck until the station burns it from its walls. Tried thrusters, reversers, turning, crying, praying. Nothing seems to help. Also I kept stuck in the inside of a burning starport, when a little piece of debris hit my side and blew my T9 across the station into the walls. Tried until I had no more heat sinks. Got a fine for pad loitering as well.

And, on top of losing ship and cargo, I now got deported into detention for blocking the mail slot. Seems to me like an invitation to griefers.
I've seen a lot of recommendations for lowering/raising your landing gear if you get stuck in the slot or on station furniture.

Ah. The one thing I did not try. And it's pretty obvious as well. Gonna try the next time my 1000t ship is pushed around like an abandoned shopping cart on black Friday.
Yeah, I had an NPC orca try to come into the slot when I was heading out in my Type-10. As I was approaching the slot the NPC was sitting outside the station, so I thought it was going to wait for me to come out. About halfway through the slot the orca decides it's gonna come on in and firmly wedges itself between me and the side of the slot... ending up getting my spoiler caught in the toaster rack. I got loose but the pucker factor was off the charts.
Always go thru the slot with gear up. Entering speed should be just under 100m/s. Deploy landing gear as soon as you clear the slot. Any contact with NPCs will result in them getting their shields stripped and a mild warning from station control.

Exiting the slot is even more fun in the T9/10. Gear up, and boost as soon as your nose breaks the interior plane. As you get good at this you can boost earlier and earlier.
Always go thru the slot with gear up. Entering speed should be just under 100m/s. Deploy landing gear as soon as you clear the slot. Any contact with NPCs will result in them getting their shields stripped and a mild warning from station control.

Exiting the slot is even more fun in the T9/10. Gear up, and boost as soon as your nose breaks the interior plane. As you get good at this you can boost earlier and earlier.
Ever since the new C & P system, boosting around stations in a large ship is a no-no, even though the speed limit is super boring. The last thing I want is a crispy T-10 and 12 million rebuy + murder tax because I clipped some Eagle and crushed it like a beer can.

I'm not careful flying my Cobra 3 in/out of stations, though; I'll zip in and out because I don't think I could actually do enough damage to anything to kill it no matter how fast I was going. Maybe I'm wrong about that, though, and I'll get a rude awakening some time.. :p
Ever since the new C & P system, boosting around stations in a large ship is a no-no, even though the speed limit is super boring. The last thing I want is a crispy T-10 and 12 million rebuy + murder tax because I clipped some Eagle and crushed it like a beer can.

That's never happened to me. The few times I've clipped somebody they lost shields. I spose if they're flying around shield-less this could be a problem for my technique.
That's never happened to me. The few times I've clipped somebody they lost shields. I spose if they're flying around shield-less this could be a problem for my technique.
Yesterday in a combat zone I rammed a FDS with my T-10 and took its shields all the way off and dropped it to 54% hull. I wouldn't want to see what could happen to a soccer mom's unshielded Sidewinder who is just coming back from Sol on a milk & eggs run...
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Always go thru the slot with gear up. Entering speed should be just under 100m/s. Deploy landing gear as soon as you clear the slot. Any contact with NPCs will result in them getting their shields stripped and a mild warning from station control.

Exiting the slot is even more fun in the T9/10. Gear up, and boost as soon as your nose breaks the interior plane. As you get good at this you can boost earlier and earlier.

I jokingly made a comment here a few days ago about a Type-9 being able to boost twice before leaving the station, then decided to see if it could. With A thrusts G5DD, if I start on a back pad, I can hit the 2nd boost right at the interior plane of the slot.

My only murder bounty ever came from boosting into an entering shieldless trade. Now I sometimes check the radar first.
Don't use maneuvering thrusters to try and extricate yourself from the mail-slot. Throw those engines into reverse and punch-it (set throttle to 100%) while "stirring" the joystick/controller to free the ship. Often, especially in larger ships, maneuvering thrust is not enough to wrench a ship out of the slot, actual engine power is needed. o7
If you get stuck in the slot or the toast rack, immediately log out and back in, you will be placed either outside the station or back on the pad you left. No need to lose a ship for such stupidity.

As far as piloting a large ship, I generally wait until all the traffic passes through the slot before taking my T9 or Cutter through the slot (exiting).
You'd think that some space station designer would think that with having larger ships, it might be a good idea to have a larger mail-slot!? Seems like the obvious solution. Guess there's no one in the ED in-game universe that thinks like that! :rolleyes:

I don't see landing ships as the enjoyable part of the game. Tend to skip it when I can. And frankly don't see why it has to be such a headache with bigger ships, especially as a 200Cr+ fine will be placed on you as soon as your ship gets stuck and can't move forwards or back. I have to log out and back in so as to avoid my ship getting shot down for blocking the entrance. [blah] Totally kills any immersion in the game having to do that.
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My first Type-9 is named "Corky" because of its propensity for plugging up the mail slot.

But I know all about, and have complained about, NPC ships that do ridiculous things, like passing you as your heading out the slot, often wedging themselves and you in the slot. Simply logging out and back in will remedy the issue - no need to get blown up. But it's a workaround, not a resolution to the simple issue:

NPC's have no idea what they're doing. They fly with blindfolds on, in and out of stations. They don't need docking computers because they ARE docking computers. Docking Computers running Windows 95, or worse, Linux.
My first Type-9 is named "Corky" because of its propensity for plugging up the mail slot.

But I know all about, and have complained about, NPC ships that do ridiculous things, like passing you as your heading out the slot, often wedging themselves and you in the slot. Simply logging out and back in will remedy the issue - no need to get blown up. But it's a workaround, not a resolution to the simple issue:

NPC's have no idea what they're doing. They fly with blindfolds on, in and out of stations. They don't need docking computers because they ARE docking computers. Docking Computers running Windows 95, or worse, Linux.

To be fair, NPCs behaviour around the mailslot is not much different to a lot of players...
And they're probably using Vista.:eek:
The slot has a poor design in that it's allowed to trap ships - if you get caught you can just kill your network connection. When you log back on you end up 10K or so away from the station.
The slot has a poor design in that it's allowed to trap ships - if you get caught you can just kill your network connection. When you log back on you end up 10K or so away from the station.

Not necessary to "Undocking Log" in such a manner. A simple Menu Logout is sufficient, as long as you don't wait until the last 14 seconds to try a 15-second log-off.
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