I'm sorry to hear that you are not able to play.
I bought horizons and then saw the specs but have no intention of getting a refund. Figured I will hang on to it until I can afford an upgrade. Then I accidentally hit the Horizons button instead of the ED1.5 and it all loaded up without error and I was able to land on planets etc. All a bit slow when on planet and I'm sure if there were any other CMDRs around or any battle action it would probably slow right down but still happy that it runs on my laptop.
I bought horizons and then saw the specs but have no intention of getting a refund. Figured I will hang on to it until I can afford an upgrade. Then I accidentally hit the Horizons button instead of the ED1.5 and it all loaded up without error and I was able to land on planets etc. All a bit slow when on planet and I'm sure if there were any other CMDRs around or any battle action it would probably slow right down but still happy that it runs on my laptop.