Going Exploring

Day 6 - So big

Well that was disappointing- turned up at Cemiess only to find that the goal had already ended. Last exploration goal, I was able to get to Sag A and back, with days to spare, but this one is over in barely more than 5 days?

sad place..
So, I reloaded and headed straight back out, to try and get myself away from the bubble. I aim sdtraight for VY Canis Majoris, as a nearby point of interest I've never been to.

Until now:


The light from the star in this shot is already an hour and a half old..

Location: YV Canis Majoris
Total Systems visited (Life) 5604
Total Systems visited (Trip) 555
Distance from Lembava*: 1828.47 Ly
Relative Distance today: 1669.74 Ly
Systems seen (today): 75
ELW count (trip): 0
ELW count (today): 0
Honks (today) 70
Honks (trip) 466
Days 7+8 -Rim wards

Didn't get round to posting before bed last night,but since I didn't do much, it's worth combining the two days together.

I've got a new target - The Rosette Nebula - still 1,400 light years away, but should be able to make it in the morning.

I also just discovered the new feature for screenshots in EDDiscovery - automatic conversion to chosen format, plus renaming the shots after the system they were taken in is wonderful.

First off, a selection of nice planets I picked up tonight:

Flyua Eork XP-V d3-3 (20150904-225825).jpgHighResScreenShot_2015-09-04_18-58-04.jpgHighResScreenShot_2015-09-04_19-52-01.jpgHighResScreenShot_2015-09-04_20-22-55.jpg

I also don't remeber having seen an Ammonia world before:

Flyua Eork HI-Q d6-13 (20150904-214548).jpgFlyua Eork HI-Q d6-13 (20150904-214614).jpg

Location: Flyua Eork FJ-M B13-0
Total Systems visited (Life) 5698
Total Systems visited (Trip) 649
Distance from Lembava*: 3847.35 Ly
Relative Distance today: 2,453.24 Ly
Systems seen (today): 94
ELW count (trip): 0
ELW count (today): 0
Honks (today) 87
Honks (trip) 553

Still looking for an ELW...
Day 9 - Into Rosette

Another travel day, although I did spend the last 300 light years on econimical jumping to get more sights.

Started the dsay with a bit of a scare - jumped in between these two beauties, and soon had the HMS Scott overheating. I was able to get through the middle with minimal problems, but still - a worry for anyone apssing through Flyua Eork MX-A d1-3

Flyua Eork MX-A d1-3 (20150905-102442).jpg

I then found the biggest icecube ever - 19,000 kilometres across!

Pyurks WS-F b58-0 (20150905-105843).jpgPyurks WS-F b58-0 (20150905-105928).jpg

Also got a couple of interesting trinaries, and some more waterworlds:

NGC 2244 Sector NW-U c3-12 (20150905-213720).jpgNGC 2244 Sector RP-U c17-8 (20150905-121708).jpg

Finally made it to the Rossette, and will be spending a bit looking around.

Rosette Sector JI-J b9-3 (20150905-234107).jpg

Location: Flyua Eork FJ-M B13-0
Total Systems visited (Life) 5789
Total Systems visited (Trip) 740
Distance from Lembava*: 5,24428 Ly
Relative Distance today: 1,446.68 Ly*
Systems seen (today): 91
ELW count (trip): 0
ELW count (today): 0
Honks (today) 72
Honks (trip) 625

* this is approxmate - couldn't find start system for today, so this is the additinal difference from VY Canris on top of last night's update
Da 10 Earthlike

Started the day with some detailed surveying in the Rosette Nebula, but again most stuff was already explored, so I eventually decided that I was going to start off to the rim - I've always wanted to see what the view is from the edge of reachable space. So I fired up the route planner, set it to Fastest route, found somewhere a light millennia away to aim for, and then did the first jump to Rosette Sector CQ-Y d90

Rosette Sector CQ-Y d90 (20150906-172524).jpg

This jumped out at me - yeah sure it was already discovered, but that's clouds..

Rosette Sector CQ-Y d90 (20150906-171935).jpg

That's an Earth Like - definately the first one on this trip, possibly my first fully recorded one!

Nice enough place - a bit thin on the oxygen, and gravity is quite low, but probably the same as the teraformed Mars, so not that bad. Also wasn't recorded in the Earthlike thread, so I poped it in there, giving all due credit to Commander Meuh of course.

After that, I started on my way, picking up a few interesting places along the way - mostly HMCs, a couple of water worlds and gas giants with life attached. Then, as I was closing in on the endo f my night, I found this wonderful system, whicvh most importantly had never been seen by human eyes:

censored overall.jpg

Yes, that is 5 worlds which look tyo have some water around them on the zoom out - turns out to be 2 High Metal Content, 2 water (one on the a arm), and a unexplored earth like.

censored WWA.jpgcensored WWB.jpgname censor.jpgcensored ELW.jpg

This looks like a wonderful system for explotation, slightly marred by being near 7k from Sol. I've censored out the system name so I can hopefully cash in the first discovered on this beauty, but once I'm home & sold up I'll be back to crow about it.

On the subject of that, I've got a schedule worked out. I'm only going to be able to get on Wed/thurs this week, so I'm going to use that time to try and get as far out as possible, and look to turn back at that point. I'm away over the weekend, so will then spend the week nights trying to make the bubble before I'm away for a week.

Location: Cyoide VP-Z C16-2
Total Systems visited (Life) 5868
Total Systems visited (Trip) 819
Distance from Lembava*: 7,110.05 Ly
Relative Distance today: 1,982.02 Ly*
Systems seen (today): 79
ELW count (trip): 2
ELW count (today): 2
Honks (today) 61
Honks (trip) 686
Day 11+12 - The Rim

I got maybe 500 ly in yesterday, so iIve tied it in to this update. I'm now close to the -9000 line, and navigation is getting difficult, even for my 33ly Asp. Refuling isn't a problem - most stars still seem scoopable, but it's the actual jumps that are getting out of range.
Hypoae Aec NS-U c2-0 (20150909-231224).jpg
I'm going to try tomorrow night to push a bit further, but I suspect that I'm going to be starting back. IO've got a couple of waypoints to pick up - I'm not far from the Crab Pulsar which has been an important landmark for my rimwards triliterations, and I;'m also going to tie in M Velorum -I've been using MM Velorum for location a lot, buyt because Windows 10 seems to be taking out a lot of double leters i keep searching for MM and getting M...

On my trip i picked up a few more water worlds, including this one I got a tad too close to thanks to some untimely lag:

Dryafai YB-S d5-6 (20150909-215754).jpg

and a couple more:

Dryafai WZ-X c17-4 (20150909-213128).jpgDryafai OA-L d9-17 (20150909-212756).jpgDryafai OA-L d9-17 (20150909-212729).jpg

Location: Hypoae Aec NS-U c2-0
Total Systems visited (Life) 5,952
Total Systems visited (Trip) 903
Distance from Lembava*: 7,110.05 Ly
Relative Distance today: 1,982.02 Ly*
Systems seen (today): 84
ELW count (trip): 2
ELW count (today): 2
Honks (today) 67
Honks (trip) 752
Day 13 - around the rim

I pretty quickly realised this was pretty much as far as I went to the rim, so took a couple of shots - outwards and inwards

Hypoae Aec NS-U c2-0 (20150910-185630).jpgHypoae Aec NS-U c2-0 (20150910-185554).jpg

From then on, it was mostly a jump fest to the crab Pulsar - picking up a few water worlds and single stars along the way, but mostly pushing on until I reached this beauty:

Crab Sector EB-W b2-0 (20150910-231101).jpgCrab Pulsar (20150910-231653).jpg

That tiny dot is the Neutron star at the middle of the nebula - there's a half dozen other stars here as well!

Location: Crab Pulsar
Total Systems visited (Life) 6,065
Total Systems visited (Trip) 1,016
Distance from Lembava*: 7,110.05 Ly
Relative Distance today: 1,982.02 Ly*
Systems seen (today): 113
ELW count (trip): 2
ELW count (today): 0
Honks (today) 98
Honks (trip) 850
Day 14 - heading back in

after a weekend off watching England collapse quicker than an Eagle that's lost it's shields, I've been back out in the black - first off a almost vertical climb from the depths of the Crab Pulsar to the solar plane, then a dive back through it at the edge of the big gap that is rimwards from the bubble.

Hypuae Ain SM-U c16-13 (20150914-223230).jpg

Also found a nice system, with three water worlds, including a tidally locked pair in close concert:
Hypuae Ain WW-E c11-4 (20150914-220244).jpg

Location: Hypuae Ain SM-U C 16-13
Total Systems visited (Life) 6,137
Total Systems visited (Trip) 1,088
Distance from Lembava: 5,451.46 Ly
Relative Distance today: 1,740.33 Ly
Systems seen (today): 72
ELW count (trip): 2
ELW count (today): 0
Honks (today) 60
Honks (trip) 910
Days 15-18 slowly but surely

Sorry for the lack of communications- I spent the first week getting small amounts in, and was away from my Computer for all of last week.

I'm still slowly working in towards M Velorum, starting to see first discovered tags in random systems, not just the big targets

Nothing much to show either - nothing's jumped out for my shutter to pick up...

Location: NGC 2264 Sector ON-S d4-3
Total Systems visited (Life) 6,269
Total Systems visited (Trip) 1,220
Distance from Lembava: 2115.71 Ly
Relative Distance today: N/A Ly
Systems seen (today): 132
ELW count (trip): 2
ELW count (today): 0
Honks (today) 109
Honks (trip) 1019
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